Friday, December 8, 2017

Thankful Thursday December 7, 2017, Christmas pasts #3

Praise be to the God and
 Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
 the Father of compassion and
 the God of all comfort,
1 Corinthians 1:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.

Kinda taking it easy again today
to make sure I continue to do well.
Had been well up until yesterday.
Pretty much gonna be doing some
cooking today......and that's about

So just gonna get on with my list.

Thankful my daughter was able to
come and visit last weekend.

Thankful we got to celebrate my
daughter-in-loves birthday while
my daughter was here.

Thankful for a sweet time with
my hubby, our daughter, son and
 granddaughter on Saturday for 
a late breakfast, visiting, wii
 and cardplaying.....we had so
much fun!

Thankful that Dee and I had some 
fun crafting together on Sat. night.
she helped me make gifts for our 
Sunday School class party, and
they came out really cute.  Will
show you soon..........

Thankful for the lovely Memorial
Service we went to on Sunday.
It was for a dear friend of mine's
Mother who was 96 yrs. old. It
was a great celebration for a life
well lived for the Lord.  It is also
a great reminder to us to leave
a legacy that people will want
to remember with joy.

Thankful I finished my decorating
on Tues. evening and got all the
stuff put away, so now just 
enjoying it all.................

Thankful for a Christmas card
and update from my cousin

Thankful I am feeling better
today.  Yesterday I awoke to
dizziness and whoozy head-
ness, and it  just felt so tired
and like it had to do with my
 ears.....and alsowondered if it 
was just being overly tired.
  So just rested all day yester-
day (Thurs.) and I feel much
 better today,  the dizziness
and whoozyness seems to be
all hoping it stays
that way as I get into the day.

Thankful hubby is able to
work home today as he had
to go into work all week, and
was pretty tired and the traffic
on his commute is awful.

Thankful for Pres. Trump
and his commitment to Israel 
and the Jewish people, who
are God's chosen people, and
that decision will put the U.S. 
in a position to be more blessed
 by God.

Thankful for Christmas Music.
Just love listening to it all 
season long...........

Thankful for an old recipe from
a friend I grew up with, it is called
Coca Cola Salad and it is a jello
type salad that is awesome.
Making it today to take to a
breakfast tomorrow at a long time
 friends house.  I am very excited
to see our friends as well as to
dig into this delightful salad.

Glad you came by......


Hope you have a Lovely weekend
with those you hold dear!

Hugs and Christmas Season


Sharing with:

The Craftberry Bush

Starfish Cottage

Oh My heartsie Girl

1 comment:

  1. How Great is our GOD! Isn't His comfort in us powerful!
    #1. Children are a blessing from GOD. And, you have wonderful adult "children!" As well as adult "children-in-law!"
    #2. It was a lovely celebration in love!
    #3. What a joy to have family so close by and not living on the other side of the U.S.!
    #4. It's always a joy to share in the fun with others! That's what I like about my kindergartners when I taught, I shared in the joy of the fun with them!
    #5. The LORD gives us such Love to know she is now with Him and we shall see her again!
    #6. You do such a beautiful job decorating! I see why some people leave their decorating up through New Year's! It is so joyful to be in Spirit of the LORD more than just a few days!
    #7. I always enjoy getting Grant and Tracey's card with the girls on it!
    #8. Praise the LORD, you feel better! When my ears get a lot of wax in them, I tend to feel a little like that. I also have to make sure I eat small "meals" throughout the day to keep my energy going, I don't get headaches, but slight dizziness if I've gone awhile without eating.
    #9. Good for him! I don't get out much just because of the traffic and crowds, especially this time of the year. I've often wondered when I am out, "Don't all these people have a job they should be at?"
    #10. Yes indeed! I have had this as my first prayer on my list for him and America!
    #11. I have one instrumental Christmas CD in my truck that I listen to all year long!
    #12. Yes it is delicious! I have always enjoyed it every time I have had it (at your house, ha!) I love the pistachio one you make too! Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: