Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Make your own Good Housekeeping adorable Snowmen

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you doing???
  Better than me I hope!!

The last 10 days have been crazy....
feeling good one
minute/ or hour or two, then the next feeling
 bad again! Every time I think I'm coming out
 of the woods with this stuff it just rears it's 
ugly head again!!  I have been feeling good
for 2 fun events and bad for 2 others, so
didn't get to attend those.  It's a bummer,
but honestly I felt so bad I didn't really

Remember I told you that my daughter
and I made a cute and easy craft while
she was here..........well, here are the
ones I kept.  I thought for sure that I
took a pic of all of them,  but can't find
them anywhere.  Already gave 6 of
them away..........but here are 2 of 
then I have left. We found this lil
hat in my stash.....my daughter was
gonna take these but then I found
some blue gingham ribbon and
we made 2 with that and she liked
them so well,  she decided to take
them and thought I should keep
these.............so I did.........

click here to see the video on how 
to make them, or type it in yourself.


When I saw the video I never
 saw the list of supplies somehow.
So sort of had to figure it out
 myself....but was pleased with the 
outcome.  the hardest thing was 
finding black twisty ties.
Some people call them candy bag
tie wraps.  Anyway, it was a really
cute, fun, inexpensive and easy craft
to do.............and one that would be
good to do with older children.

Here are 2 of the others.

They went home with lil darling
as she has been admiring them
on the kitchen table for the last
week or so...............

Here are the ones my daughter

decided to keep.

We used permanent black and orange
markers to do the faces,  and I would
recommend drawing the faces near a
sink,  so if you mess up you can just
quickly rinse it off and redry and do
it again.............

So have fun............

Started this post last night and am
feeling better today, so very thank-
ful for that!!

Christmas Blessings,

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  1. Very cute snowmen!!! I'm sure children would love making them too! I know as an adult I always loved doing the activities i had for my kindergartners when I taught! In the moment, I was just as much a "kid" as they were, ha! Love you, Susan

  2. Really clever....
    Hope you're feeling back to normal soon.
    So hard to be sick during The Season!

  3. Thanks Susan,
    we thought so.....and yes, I am sure older kids would have a lot of fun doing them.

    Love and blessngs,

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    Nice to hear from you, and hope this finds you enjoying the Christmas season.....

    I thought the snowmen were clever too, but can't take any credit for that, since it came
    from Good housekeeping ideas. but we sure had fun doing them.

    Am feeling a bit better but not quite there yet....I am so thankful for my hubby as he
    has done so much to take the pressure off me.......... as he knows I love doing all the
    Christmas things that I normally do........but he has done a phenomenal job of helping
    which has made it a bit easier to say the least.......

    Hope you and your family all have a Wonderful time celebrating Jesus' Birthday.
    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: