Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas Dinner Table 2017

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope your week is going well and you
are looking forward to the New Year!

Really can't believe it has almost been
a year that has passed......definitely lends
some credence to the old saying the older
you get the faster time fly's!!

Figured I would share our Christmas
dinner table with you today before
we get into the New year!

Since I was not feeling great my 
creativity was definitely not at an
 all time high!!  lol

But I did manage to come up with
 something using these handy glass 
cylinders, Christmas balls, faux
 pine, snow and candles.

Figured it out a few days earlier,
 then took a picture of it so I could
 reconstruct it on Christmas day since 
we needed to use the table for
 Christmas eve and Christmas morning
 brunch.  Those tables were done in
 gold white and silver and unfortunately 
I did not remember to take any pictures.
Oh well............

This was taken 
From one end of the table

to the other..............

You may or may not have
 noticed that I used 2 different
 salad plates and 2 different goblets,
 just to change it up a bit and to
 get a chance to use both
 of them. lol

Amazing how the light can change
the colors.  The top pic is the right

Decided just to fold up the dark green
and red plaid napkins and add a bow
to look like a gift.

Red plate and plaid bear for lil
darling......Just realized I forgot

an overview

This has become my fav belonged to
my hubbies cousin who passed
away when she was 26 yrs. old.
It belonged to my late mother-
in-law after that and then when
she passed my Sister-in-law
Susan passed it on to us....
So it is like a family heirloom
as well.........


Glad you could stop in today

and hope you have a lovely
New Years weekend.

Love and Blessings

for A Wonderful New Year!


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  1. Hi, Nellie!
    It's funny when you look back on time at how fast it has gone, yet when looking ahead for things we are anxious for, it seems it takes forever, ha! To think in heaven a 1000 years is as a day and a day as a thousand years!

    A beautiful table it was indeed! I'm so glad you are feeling better and are getting your strength back! I'm happy you are able to use the silverware. I never use but my everyday utensils since it is a placing for one! I/m sure LouRatha would be overjoyed to know it is a family heirloom!

    I will celebrate New Year's Eve with my pets, ha! I usually fall asleep and I'm awakened when I hear the fireworks go off! Love you all, Susan

  2. Thanks Susan,
    and Yes, I am thankful to be feeling better too, but I just can't seem to beat this cough
    for some reason.

    We had a quiet new years as well.............that is getting to be our norm....
    Jim has to go back to work tomorrow but he said it has been a restful vacation for him.
    Course, he will work at home the next 2 days which are his typical days to work from

    Have a good evening,
    Love, Nellie

  3. Happy New Year, Nellie!
    Like you, I enjoy looking forward to a fresh year - black slate, so to speak....

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    So nice to hear from you as always.
    Yes, there is just something exciting about a fresh start and as you say a blank slate.
    All new opportunities and new things to's like a do over!! lol

    Have a great year,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Your table looked so lovely Nellie.
    Thank you for linking up at Create, Bake, Grow & Gather this week and throughout 2017. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all your projects and hope you’ll continue to share your awesomeness with us in 2018.
    May your New Year be filled with lots of creative endeavours... and good health!!
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  6. Thanks Kerryanne,
    So nice to hear from you ........and thanks for hosting Create, Bake, Grow and Gather every week.
    You have such a fun and creative and enjoyable blog hon.
    Many blessings for a wonderful 2018 for you as well.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: