Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New year and the last of Christmas 2017...

Happy Happy Happy
New Year Sweet Friends,

Hope you are full of anticipation
and excitement for 2018.

Altho I am sad to leave behind
2017 as it has been a very good
year for us.....there is just some-
thing exciting about getting a
fresh new start.....which is what
New Years seems to be, for me
at least, and I think for most of
you too!

I am not big into making New
Years resolutions, cause most 
of the time,  they go out the
window pretty
but we do have a few things in
 mind that we feel needs some eating better,
and trying to cut out so much
sugar in our diet, and getting
back to being a bit more strict
with our heart healthy diet as
we have sort of let the wheels
fall off our wagon some.....
and trying to exercise more,
even if it is just 10 mins a
day....cause at our age if you
don't keep moving the results
are not good ones!!  lol

Also more time with the Lord
and more prayer!  Definitly
can't go wrong with that one.

Thought I would get most of
 the rest of our pictures in from
the family room for Christmas
 2017 as I love having a record
of them to look back on....and
Can be quite nice if I need a 
quick idea.........and of course,
hope you enjoy them too!!

I have had this pine greenery arrangement 
for years, it was a gift from a lady at our
church many moons ago......I keep the basic
 part of it, with the greenery and pine cones
 but I change it up every year now to give it
 a fresh look, by just adding poinsettias and
 candles of different colors and christmas
 balls or picks and different candle cups.

Then there is my Thomas Kincaide
Christmas book, a gift from my son
from many years back too.  I absolutely
loved Kincaides works of art, they
were fabulous!  Such a talented man.

Also love this terra cotta angel, she was
 handmade and one of a kind, and was
 a gift from my Aunt, many years ago as 
She has a lil place in the back where
 you can put oil so she puts off
 fragrance as well.

Hard to see but this lil crystal looking angels
we bought about 4 yrs. ago for our lil darling

and she loves them still I might add.
You can see them a bit better here lit up,
but this pic doesn't do them justice.....
they change colors, from red to green to
blue......and looks so pretty, but for some
reason that doesn't show up on camera.
  Lil darling can now turn them on for
 herself and really likes that...........

I did purchase a new sign I happened 
on this year.....
loved it, cause it is so true.......
"Christmas begins with Christ".

Isn't it so great to hear so many
people in the stores saying 
Merry Christmas again.
I just love it!!!

This was how our mantle
started out this year.....

a side view

This was how it wound up.....not the 
greatest pic but I took it at the last minute
and at night and with no light or candles
 burning and it really came out yellow,
 so I adjusted it as best I could.  lol

Our 40 year old nativity set....
First thing that goes up every year to
 kick off the Christmas season.  It is
on our sofa table behind the sofa  just
in case you are wondering!

Our tree this year that we tried to 
copy kat from Lucy's tree over at
 The Craftberry Bush.  Doesn't look
near as good as hers,  but we were
quite happy with it.....definitely a
lovely change.........Thanks Lucy!!

Click on the link above to go visit
her blog ....she has a lovely gal
and has a very enjoyable blog,
 so think you will enjoy it 
very much............

A few close up shots

Our tree still looks like this with gifts 
and all.....cause all those boxes were
empty because when we were getting
ready for our Christmas party I was
still sick and feeling bad, but there
was nothing under the tree and it just
looked sad, so think the Lord helped
 me out cause I found some empty
white boxes that I had forgotten about
from last year, and thought hey, why
not just stick some bows on there and
 see how it looks, and we were quite 
pleased....this year we just put every-
thing in gift bags (which totally
 alleviated wrapping) and kepted it
 in our bedroom till Christmas.
Think we might do this every year

Well, sweet friends hope that 2018 
will be very good to you and yours,
and that you will have more love,
Joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, gentleness, faithfulness
 and self control in your lives.

Thanks for coming by..............

Keep your light shining brightly

Love, Hugs, and 
New Year Blessings,

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  1. Yes, it's like "Where did 2017 go!" I think I have found out it goes faster when I just live one day at a time and enjoy what the LORD has in store for me! Of course, I'm looking forward for my Social Security beginning in March as I'm sure you and Jim are in April! That's one blessing "waiting in the wings" (of the angels, ha!)

    Sitting up for the new year to come in, I slept later this morning for the first time in a looooong time, ha! I would have still been sleeping if it hadn't been for the cats getting spunky and running after each other all over the house! I guess it was their way of saying, "Okay, mom, it's time for our breakfast!" ha! That got Jerry (my African Gray for those who don't know of him) to doing his yakking for me to go in and uncover him. New Years's Day was just another day for them! Happy New Year. I love you all, Susan

  2. Happy New Year Nellie! Your Christmas tree is beautiful as well as all your other decorations.

  3. Hi Donna,
    So nice to hear from you hon. Hope you had a lovely Christmas
    and that 2018 will be a great year for you and yours.
    Thanks for stopping by to see me, and for your sweet comments,

    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Hi Susan,
    Yea, 2017 sure did go fast.....and yes, that is truly a blessing waiting for us all this year.

    I think the animals definitely get friskier in the cold weather, I know I usually do too.
    Happy New Year.

    Love, Nellie

  5. I absolutely adored this post, Nellie, loved all your decorations, especially the lighted angels, and your nativity scene, the nativity is the first thing to go out in our home too!. Hope you are feeling better.
    Thank you for your friendship and visits, and for your sweet comments.
    Wishing you much happiness and continued joys in this new year!

  6. Thank you Sue, you are so sweet to say that.
    It is always so nice to hear from you hon....and there's another thing we have in common
    (about the nativity set). I am feeling much better altho my coughing is slowly going away,
    but it does seem to going thank the
    Your are most welcome and thank you for all of those same are always a blessing Sue....
    Blessings for a truly lovely and joy filled New year. So far, our 2018 is starting off with
    quite a we are praying and trusting and doing our best to hang on to our joy.

    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: