Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thankful Thursday January 4, 2018, A Quick Winter Table using paper goods

You make known to me the path of life; 
you will fill me with joy in your presence, 
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 16:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are enjoying the New year!!

Our's has started off with quite a bang!!
So we are just praying and trusting
and doing our best to hold onto our Joy.

You just never know what a day or two
will bring......but am thankful the Lord
knows what HE is doing!

Thought I would show you some pics
of a Winter Snow Table I reworked
with our leftover Christmas center
peice....just threw in some red snow-
flakes and a candy tin with snowflakes
 that we got some chocolate bark in....
 and some animated snowmen my
 sister-in-law Susan gave us years back
 for lil darling.

So it went from this...

to this..............

That on with my Thankfuls

Thankful for being able to get together
 with some friends from church that we
 have been trying to get together with
 for awhile but schedules just never
  seemed to work out.
So it finally happened on Sat. night!
 Yeah!! and it was a good time!

Thankful for a great sermon on
Sunday about overcoming adversity.
At that time I had no idea how it
was gonna help me with this week.

Thankful for lunch out at Cracker
Barrel afterwards......and a after-
noon nap.

Thankful for a moonlight walk
with hubby on New Years eve.
Perfect weather and perfect 
lighting......we got to see a lot
of our other neighbors outdoor
 Christmas decorations that 
lived a few streets over. So
that was fun too......

Thankful for a quiet evening
having dinner and reflecting on
God's goodness to us in 2017,
many good things and even some
we had forgotten about, and making 
some plans for things we would 
like to change or work on in
the New Year..........

Thankful that like everyone else
we have cold feels like
Winter has finally arrived.  Course,
it is not as cold as it is for many
of you.....It must be than darn
global warming again!!  lol

Thankful that we have new
neighbors that just moved in on
 our street and he is a policeman
with a family.  Not sure how many
children, only saw the one when we
 to welcome them to the neighbor-
hood and he said we were the 3rd 
ones to come.  He seemed to be 
pleased by that and said you don't
 find many neighborhoods like
this anymore,  and we said yep, 
we have lived here 36 yrs. and
 it is a great neighborhood. So
proud of our neighbors.....

So thankful to know that God is
 in we got some really 
sad and devastating news
on Tuesday.

Thankful my daughter and hubby
are getting snow in Charleston
as I write this on Wednesday.
Dee has really missed Asheville
cause of the snow, so this sure
made her a happy girl....they got
 5" of snow......looks beautiful.

Thankful for a nice long chat with
 a dear friend, Sharon who lives
 here in town.  See her at church
quite often but never get to catch
up on it was nice.

Thankful that lil darling is coming to 
have a sleepover with us tomorrow

Thankful for flannel Jamies as I
have spent a lot of time in mine
lately with the cold Florida 
weather.....loving it!!

Well, there you have it folks.....

Hope you have a Fab Friday and a
Snowy  Sunny Saturday!!  lol

Thanks for stopping in.......

Love, Hugs and 
Snowmen Blessings,


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Between Naps on the Porch

The Dedicated House


A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style


  1. Cute table!
    The candy box and snowflakes really 'made' this. :)

    And yum on Cracker Barrel. Love it, but I always want to spend a fortune on
    homegoods in their store, lol. Happy Winter!

  2. Thank you Tammy......I thought it made for a fun table........
    and I really like to do fun tables every so often. It is the
    kid in me I

    We love Cracker Barrel too and yes, they have the cutest
    things for your home and does make you want to take it
    all home....I almost always get something from their for
    my birthday, Anniversary, and when on

    Happy Winter to you too hon, and Blessings for a Wonderful
    New Year,

  3. Hi, Nellie.
    #1. That's great! Sylvia and I are to meet for brunch this Tuesday. It's been a while for us too.
    #2. The LORD is our great help indeed!
    #3. I have found myself napping lately. I haven't done that in years!
    #4. How wonderful! I watched TV (as usual, ha.)
    #5. I look forward to what the LORD has for me in 2018.
    #6. It's cold enough for me, ha! At least we did have a winter this year.
    #7. That's great to have a policeman family for neighbors. It's been quiet on my caldesac.
    #8. I'm so thankful our Father GOD knows and is concerned with our needs. Prayers are being
    lifted to Him for His Love to be poured out on us all!
    #9. Thank you for the pictures. It goes along with our cold, ha!
    #10. I'm so glad for Christian friends.
    #11. Yea, give her a kiss and hug from me!
    #12. Amen, thank you for mine!
    Love you all, Susan

  4. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for your prayers. We have been feeling them.
    Had a fun sleepover with lil bit last night and she slept all the way to 7:30 which never
    happens when she is home.....we finally got to play her candyland game we gave her for
    Christmas so she loves it, which I figured she
    Have a nice time with Sylvia on Tuesday.....

    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: