Friday, December 29, 2017

Thankful Thursday December 28, 2017, Christmas 2017 #3

 that my heart may sing your praises
 and not be silent. LORD my God, 
I will praise you forever.
Psalm 30:12

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your Christmas celebrations were

all that you hoped for, or better!

We truly had a wonderful time all being 
together! Always so nice to have all the
 chicks back in the nest even if it is just
 for a few days. Such a blessing!

We are still recooping and so happy
hubby has off until the first of the
year.....trying to decide if we want
to do something for New Years or
not......we typically don't....mainly
cause we are just lazy after all
the activity and just want to
 relax before hubby goes back to

Pictures today are from Christmas
this year........

So on with my post...........

Thankful that we were able to get
everything ready for Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day with some time
to rest as well

Thankful my daughter and son-in-love
got here safely from Boca, and had a
good time with his family down there.

Thankful for a great time on Christmas
Eve and Christmas day with our family.

Thankful that my fav chicken and
rice dish came out really great. 
It is called Party Chicken -
Click here if you would like the
 recipe.  Also thankful for the heats up well and
doesn't taste like leftovers at all.

Thankful for all my cards and
gifts I got for Christmas from 
our family.

Thankful for all our sweet neighbors
and the cards and goodies they
 sent us.

Thankful for having lil darling all
day on Wed. since she was out of
school.  She has loved having all
this time with Grampy too, since
he is off from work.

#8 and 9
Thankful they found a rental
car for my daughter and hubby
to get back home.  They made
a reservation weeks before and
got there and they had no cars.
Makes one wonder....why they
bother to make reservations at
all.........but fortunately,  they 
did get a van to drive home in
and very thankful too,  that the
traffic was not bad.....and they
got home safe and sound.

#10 and 11
Thankful that my daughter caught
an important mistake on the paper-
work for listing my Mom's house
 and we were able to get it corrected 
before I signed it.........

Thankful that she and Megan, my
daughter-in-love both know about
these things, and have been a huge
help with this paperwork and stuff.
  Dee is a realtor and Megan works
 for a title company.

Thankful most of all for the birth
 and continuing birthday of our 
Sweet Lord Jesus
 as He was and still is the Best thing
 that has every happened to humanity.

Well, there you have it..... before 
and after Christmas week........

Thanks for coming by......

Wishing You and Yours
A Happy New Year.

Love and Blessings,

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  1. #1. What a great job you did for Christmas with all the family. It's always such an enjoyable time in the LORD!
    #2. I surely enjoyed seeing them (since I only see them a couple of times a year!)
    #3. Makes me want to sing, "Joyful, Joyful, we adore Thee..."
    #4. It is a favorite dish I like that you make!
    #5. Yes in deedy! I have been using all the gifts practically every day!
    #6. I've missed Lillian and my other neighbor Alice this year.
    #7. I just know she has!!!
    #8 & #9. Answer to prayers!
    #10 & #11. Fantastic! I'm praying all goes well.
    #12. Amen! And, the best is yet to come!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks Susan!
    I am sure they enjoyed seeing you as well.

    Thanks for dropping by.....and all your comments.
    Love and blessings for a Happy New Year,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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