Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thankful Thursday February 1, 2018, and a very easy craft.....

When Jesus spoke again to the people,
 he said, “I am the light of the world.
 Whoever follows me will never walk in
 darkness, but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12 NIV

Welcome to February.....
 Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you well and happy
and enjoying Winter still......

I am well and happy to have my house
back in order once again.  As I was doing
that, I remembered something I had
 been wanting to do since last Winter.
 Rachel over at "Maison De Pax" blog
 showed on her blog last Winter how to do
 these book pages that look old and 
Finally remembered where I saw it....
so came back today (Sat.) to give credit
where credit is do......

When I thought about the craft and
how easy I remembered it being I
thought there is no time like the
 present since I need something of 
lesser height..........
It is the truly the easiest craft I have 
ever done,  and takes less that 10 mins.,
 probably less really.  
So Thank You Rachel.....if you would
 like to visit her and see more of her fun
crafts and designs.  Just click here
or go to

I couldn't remember where I saw it
in blogland before I did it and when
I originally did this post, So here is my 
Tutorial below.

Anyway, you just find some old books
you don't mind destroying, and rip the
covers off.......once that is done there
might be some rough edges from the 
glue so, just take an exacto knife and trim
 them up,  then tie them up with twine
......that truly was the hardest part..
Then decorate them how you want.
Tutorial Done!!  lol

Pictures you see today are compliments
 of my livingroom coffee table, and
 new (for me anyway) easy craft....

I like having it all on a tray, as this is
me and lil darlings play table,  so I can
just easily move it all at one felt swoop!!

Sort of combining Tuesdays post and 

So now on with my Thankfuls........

Thankful for a new food discovery
we probably want have very often,
but they are awesome, It is a milk
Shake from Sonic called
 "A Caramel Turtle Mega Shake"
they are indeed yummy.....

Thankful for a really great day
in Sunday school; with a great lesson, 
full classroom and great participation
 and a fun time afterwards going out to
 lunch with friends.

Thankful that we were able to
match some paint that we needed
for our bathroom ceiling that needs
some painting due to a leak we
had a while back.

Thankful that my daughter is
coming for a few days, as she 
will be attending a wedding
shower for her sister-in-law
to be.........but we will get to
visit with her for a few days

Thankful and happy that I finally 
have our home back to normal.
Just finished the dining room table
and I am done!!!   Yeahhhhh

Thankful that I got a lot done 
yesterday towards a special
 ocassion that is coming up soon.
Will tell you about it once it has


Thankful for fresh flowers from
the grocery grace my
 kitchen table.....white carnations.
So lovely.

Thankful for an inspiring State
of the Union speech by President
Trump.  Love that he is so great
about honoring folks who really
deserve to be honored.


Thankful for a new and fresh scent
from Bath and Body called "Vanilla
Lavendar", as it makes our guest
bath smell heavenly....

Thankful that I found I can eat
"Raisen, date and walnut oatmeal
again......I quit eating it over 12
yrs. ago, after my husband had
open heart surgery,  as it had bad
oils.....partially hydrogenated oils.
We pretty much bring nothing into
our home that has hydrogenated
or partially hydrogenated oils as
they are huge artery cloggers.
Was in the store recently and
passed the oatmeal that I used 
to enjoy in the Winter and was
thinking wish couldI eat that, and
 on a whim just decided to check
 the ingredient list and what to my
wondering eyes did appear, but
No hydrogenated oils of any have been really
enjoying it this Winter.

Thankful my daughters room
is all done and ready and she
will be arriving this afternoon.
So looking forward to it.

 Thankful I had time to finish 
this post, as I wasn't sure I would 
be able to before Saturday if at

Well, there you have it sweet friends
another week at Cozy Place....

Thanks for stoppping by.....
always nice to know you were here.

Have a Fantastic Friday 
and Weekend!

Sharing with:

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Life with Lorelai

Starfish cottage

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style

Life and Linda


  1. Good Morning, Nellie! Our thanksgivings to our Almighty GOD surely makes us joyful!

    What a great drink you mentioned! I love shakes too! I'll have to try one of them!

    I just love going to church. The LORD really re-energizes me! It's so great to be in the company of friends, especially over food, ha!

    Matching paint can really be hard! Praise the LORD He matched it perfectly for you!

    I'm am so thankful to the LORD all her tests came out well! I know you are excited to see her!

    YEA! Maybe this time will last a little longer before the next room change! I can't believe January 2018 is gone already!!!

    Wonderful! It's always great to get things accomplished!!!

    The LORD surely knew what He was doing with all the different kinds of His beautiful flowers!

    GOD bless America through His servant President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania!

    Smells of sweetness is really nice (especially if you have been cooking kale, HA!)

    I have for years had Publix's brand of oatmeal with raisins, dates, and walnuts. It is my breakfast every morning for I don't know how many years (almost forever, ha! I top it with brand buds, peanuts, and fruit!

    She surely has years of memories on your home!!! Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and all your comments and praises.
    yea, try one of those shakes you will really like it.....

    Have a lovely day,
    See ya soon.....since it is Sunday

  3. I was here :)
    It was interesting to hear about all YOUR interested in and thankful for.
    Sounds like you have more fun things to look forward to.
    Have a productive and lovely week, Nellie.

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    So nice to hear from you and hope this finds you doing well, hon.
    Hope you have a Lovely week ahead of you as well.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie