Tuesday, May 22, 2018

After Easter, Spring Decorating #4

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good week
 so far,

Ours is good, rainy and dreary......
a continuation of last week, and it is
suppose to be like this for the next 10
days.... When we get in these spells it is 
hard to believe we live in Florida....lol

Told yall a few weeks back that hubby
decided to take me shopping @ the
"At Home" store as part of my 
Mother's Day Gift, as he knows I love
shopping for things for our home.

So this was the first thing I spotted when 
I walked in the door, a cute lumbar
 pillow for just $5.00.  

So that was great for me,  as I had been
wanting some pink pillows for the sofa

So decided to go check and see what others
pillows they might have. They do a very
cool thing there that I love, they put all
their pillows of the same color all in the
same place so you can easily find the
color right away that you are looking for,
 It 's sort of like shopping in Charming
Charlies if you have ever been there,
 accept they sell jewelry and accessories,
 but it is so easy to find just what your
 looking for in a matter of minutes. 
 Smart person who came up with this idea.
So all you have to do is look down the
aisle and all the pink pillows or whatever
color pillow are all in the same area.
Works for me!!

So lookie wha else we found, these
pretty pale pink ones, and the prices
were great.  The last time I looked at
 pillows I could hardly find any under
 $30.00 a piece, so then I as looking for 
pillow covers but could not find any 
in pink, so then decided I would just
 make some but  so far hadn't found
 any fabric I liked so.......
these babies went home with me. 
 Happy Mother's day to me!!  lol

Two look like they have embrodery
and the other had a pleated look.  

I got all 4 pillows for just over $30.00

The next week we had to return 
something so we went back again, and 
as soon as I walked in the door they
 had these great lanterns in 3 different
colors with a faux led candle for just
 $10.00, that is when I realized that they 
obviously have a special every week, as
this lantern would have been $30-40 at
 Home Goods, Marshalls or Ross and 
since I was still trying to figure out what 
to put on our hearth I thought this would
be perfect so the lantern came home 
with us too.
Again Happy Mother's day to me!!  lol

Also bought a pink candle for the candle 
holder, it had a cream candle before.
Their candles are priced well too, only
$2,  which would be $4-5 somewhere

Here's how the sofa looks with all 
the pretty new pillows.  So hard to
 see them  well unless you click 
on the picture.

Here is the lantern on the hearth.
I rearranged the mantle a bit since you saw
it last, because I wanted to have a candle
on each side, but looking at this picture
I realize I have too much white on one
side.  I also broke one of my birds when 
I rearranged it too, and forgot to put some
thing else there or take away the other

Hubby was taken with their led candles
 that look like a real flame is burning..the 
first time we saw one of those, in a shop
 in Asheville a few years back, and thought
it was really neat, but  then we saw the
 price tag it was $65.00, so we were like
 never mind.....lol  We found one at the
At Home store, same size for $10. and it 
has a 4 hr timer.  So that is what you see
 on the mantle, on the brass candlestick.
  It's great that it turns itself on and off. 
A ver nice feature.

So now you know why the "At Home"
store is quickly becoming my favorite
store. I get no compensation in any way 
for saying favorable things about this
store,  I just really like it and think you 
might too........especially if you like a 
deal and you have one close to you.

Just threw this picture in due to the
 room change. I sort of want to paint
 my garden stool I have there by the 
chair, but can't decide what color to 
paint it, as I want it to be neutral
 since I change my accent colors 
with the seasons.

Got any ideas about what color 
might look good??  I was just
thinking wondering how robins
egg blue would be,  would it be
too much blue........ah maybe,

what do you think??

Well, that's it for the family room 
changes...It just needed a few more 
pink touches!!  and now I am content
with the way it looks...

If you missed part 3 and would
like to check it out...
just click here.

Thanks for spending some time
with me today......

Have a lovely week.

Love, Hugs and
end of May Blessings,

(only 9 more days of May -
Isn't it crazy how fast May went by.)

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Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

The Dedicated House

Saavy Southern Style

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. Hi, Nellie.
    Beautiful as always! Not many days left until... Getting all the goodies before then, ha!
    Where do you store it all when you change out? I'm afraid my "decor" has been the same for
    years!!! I don't even move the furniture around. Since it's just me, I don't mind! Have a great rainy day! It's great when you don't have to get out in it. Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks Susan,
    yep only 8 more days to go, only 1 more day to actually go in to work after today.....

    I store most of my decor items in the quest bedroom closet and some things in the garage in tubs, and many times I swap out something from one room to another.

    What we do to our own homes are all up to us.. and that is completely our decision, it all just depends on personal preference........there is no right way or wrong way...some like me just like to have a change and love decorating so that works for them, and they would probably do it even if they were the only one to enjoy it. Some people like to have the security of things being the same all the time as they don't like a lot of change, and
    that works for them, and they also probably do not like decorating much in the first place,
    as they have other interests. I say, Viva la difference!!

    Wasn't it great to have a sunny day yesterday finally, right now it looks sunny out too,
    so wondering if it will stay that way all day.....as the weather report showed on Sunday
    we were in for another 10 days of rain. Looks like they missed it so far, which I am
    glad, as I am hap hap happy to see the sun....lol

    Have a great Thursday,
    Love ya, Nellie

  3. Hello Regine,
    Nice to have you come for a visit and nice to meet you here in blogland.
    Thanks for your kind word...



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: