Friday, January 25, 2019

Thankful Thursday January 24th, 2019, Fall Golf cart tour Part 5

  From the rising of the sun
 to the place where it sets, 
the name of the LORD
is to be praised.
Psalm 13:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what cha' been up to lately??

It has been a nice week here, some
work, some fun and it was all good.
Will tell you about it in my post.

Pictures today are a continuation
of our Golf cart tour from Fall,
since I stopped in December.
This is part 5,  if you would like
to see Part 4 Click Here.

That hubby and I decided to write
down a story we were suppose to
share at our after Christmas party
but wound up being too long to
share as it is more like a short
story, so we have written the 1st
segment already.

Thankful for a book my daughter
gave me for Christmas called,
"Christmas God Winks", we have
been reading a story most days
and they are really neat and show 
ways that God directs our paths.

Thankful that God has used that 
book to direct our path in writing
 our story down.

Thankful for some new hand care
products I was gifted with for 
Christmas from one of my neighbor
friends. They are by Mary Kay and
 they make my hands so soft, nice 
and moisturized.

Thankful to finally be able to
wear a Winter outfit to church
since it was in the low 60's last
Sunday.  Finally!!  


Thankful for a really good time
over at Scott, Megan and lil 
darling's on Sunday. First time
we have been able to get together
with him since Christmas since
he has been away a lot this month
with his job.

Thankful to have uncluttered
our bedroom, as it has been
bugging me since before
Christmas but just didn't have
the time to tackle it until after
we got the house back together
after Christmas.  Looks and
feels so much better.
No more nagging irritation!!

Thankful for trying my first Cashew is so good. Just happened
on it at Walmart. It is actually a Sam's
choice product.  I have never tried
it because usually it comes in a huge
container and is fairly expensive,
and might go to waste, but this
was a normal size and only $5.00
and have to say it is my favorite
nut butter now.

Thankful for my warm cozy bed
every night..... but even more so
 in this colder weather.

Thankful for the innocence of
Children and how they just take
you at your word.

On Wed. we were doing schooling
with lil darling and she had to read
a sentence that said "Todd was
sitting on the rug" and she was
suppose to draw a picture of that.
So she drew a rug and drew some
hearts on it....and I said remember
you have to have Todd on there too.
(meaning a boy named Todd) So 
she wrote the name Todd on the
 rug.  She had done exactly what
 I said......we now had a rug with
hearts and Todd on it!!  love it!!
Makes me smile everytime I
think about it.

Thankful that our single parent
friend who just got back from
Italy set their wedding date in excited for her.

Thankful for a fun Thursday,
walking in the neighborhood,
going to Sams, picking up lil 
darling and going for Andy's
frozen custard, then bringing
her to our house and we got
to watch her play with the lil 
girl next door for a short while, 
then talked to our new neighbors
for a bit and they gave lil darling
 a doll that used to belong to
their daughter, which was really
sweet.....then after lil darling
went home we went  to B,B and 
Beyond,  in search of sheets for
 the guest bedroom, then out to 
dinner at our fav Mexican rest-
aurant, then on the way home we
 decided to stopat TJ Maxx, where
 I found the sheets at a great price,
 and also happened on some
 darling baby clothes that I 
want to send to my daughters
 old room mate who just had 
a baby girl last week. 
Full Fun Day!!

Well, that's it for cozy place,
for this week.

Thanks for coming by.

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Love and Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl


Life and Linda

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

1 comment:

  1. what a great list of items to be thankful for. We should always be thankful and know what we are thankful for
    come see us at


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie