Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How to make a quick and easy Winter sweater pillow


Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

How this finds you well and happy.

Been another good day here and
I am well and happy.  The last
2 days have been very productive
as well......which is good!

 Thought I would share sort of a
 tutorial with you today!!

Have you seen the cute Winter pillows 
made out of the knitted sweater material
and thought you would like to make or 
have one for your Winter decorating, but
 didn't have an old sweater or a sweater
 you would want to use to make it with,
or maybe couldn't find one anywhere.
Well....I might just have a solution
for you.....

I had a sweater but I didn't want to
 dismantle it, as I might want to wear
 it again sometime, so I just decided
 to try something and it worked.

Here's what to do....

I laid the sweater face down 
 on a flat surface then I folded the
 arms back as if I was folding a shirt
 for display in a store.

 Then I rolled the cuffs of the 
sweater up, like this.....

 Then I started at the bottom of the
 sweater and just rolled it up, or
you can start at the neck and roll
it up towards the bottom of
sweater, either way works.

Just make sure the neckline or
bottom of the sweater is not 
 showing in the front, and that 
it looks like a pillow. You
might need to mush it a lil 
and pull a bit here and there,
nothing much tho...so now
all I had to do.... 

was put it on a chair that doesn't
 get a lot of use, which means it
 want get moved or touched much, 
and can just sit and be a cute lil
pillow, and no one is the wiser
that it is a rolled up sweater,
accept YOU, of course!!  lol

So Job done!!

Then some days later I decided it
just needed a lil something....so
I thought a belt might be the thing,
so raided hubbies closet for an 
old belt. 

I wrapped the belt around the 
 sweater pillow, to see how much
 hangover I would have once it 
was buckled.  Buckle should be 
on the right side but way out 
more than I have it here, cause
it has to wrap around to the

So wrap it around the pillow
and I used an ice pick to make 
new hole in the belt, so that I 
could buckle the belt and have
it stay in place around the pillow.

Of Course, the belt was too long
 from where it was buckled so
 I just took it around the back of 
the pillow and paper clipped it 
to the belt. Loved the addition 
of the belt, gave some contrast 
and character and also held
 the pillow together in case 
ever need to move it.

Made for a quick, easy, 0 $ cute
Winter pillow, and if I should need
 to wear it,  no problem.... just take
the belt off, unroll it and put it
on........and away you go!!  lol

Now if you wanted to roll 
it face up

This is what it might look like since
they put the prettiest side in front.
but it would still look cute....

Earlier today I wasn't sure if I liked
it paper clipped to the back so
decided to try just looping it
thru the belt in the front, and
liked it better.

and since I unrolled it and redid it to 
take pics for the tutorial it wound
up like this now.

Final product!!  lol

They say necessity is the 
Mother of Invention, this might
not be a necessity, but it was a
fun freebie.............
and I just love the challenge of
doing something crafty and
not even having to leave the
house for supplies....lol

So happy sweater pillow making!!

Love, Hugs, and
 End of January Blessings,


Sharing with:

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Life and Linda


  1. Great idea, especially for the over sized sweaters we may have! Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks for coming by Christine and for leaving your kind comments.
    Hope this finds you doing well.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie