Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Christmas in the dining room

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a great New Years Eve
and New Year Day.

Wow, a whole new year ahead of us,
only 349 days till next Christmas!!  lol

Thought I would get in my last pics of
Christmas for this year!  I sort of like
having a record of it, so I can glean ideas
or who knows one day I might decide
to do a book or something!  Probably
not, but you never know!!!  lol

These are pics from our hallway
right off the dining room.

I love poinsettias, can you tell.....
they are just so Christmasy 
to me!!

Bought these lil lighted battery powered
Angels back when lil darling was just a
 baby cause we thought she would
 like them.....
Well she loved them.... and still does

This is the framed print you
see above.  It is a lovely poem
written by another dear friend
and given to us as a gift, so that
is why I like to display it with
the stack of gifts.

click on the picture if you 
are having trouble reading it!

This is a view of the dining room
 from the family room.

We had extra carnations left over from
doing a bouquet for lil darling for her
dance recital,  so I put them to good you can see here!

Just added this fun Christmas sign that 
was a gift from a friend years back
 and some red wooden beads.

The clock was a gift from my
sister-in-law and the pretty
Thomas kincaide plate a gift
from the same friend I spoke
about above.

Love this angel and she looks beautiful
on top of my china hutch. Course, I
know that in the bible all the angels
were men.....Gabriel, Michael, and
Lucifer....all Arch Angels...but like
her anyway.   lol

This arrangement sits on top
 of the other hutch.

A view from the dining room 
into the family room.


Well, that's all for the dining room
and next post,  I will have a 
few pictures of Christmas in the

Thanks for your visit.

Happy New Year to You

Love, Hugs, and
New Years Blessings,

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May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie