Thursday, January 3, 2019

Thankful Thursday January 3rd, 2019, Christmas in the kitchen

Now, our God, we give you thanks, 
and praise your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and 
enjoying the New Year.

We have been. Haven't taken any
Christmas decoration down as of
yet, still enjoying them.  Had lil
darling the last few days and she
and her lil friend next door have
been playing the last 2 after-
noons, so they are both 

Pictures today are the last of
our Christmas decorations.

So on with my Thankfuls.

Thankful that I remembered on 
Sat. morning that we have friends
in town until the day after New Years
 that we want to go visit with..........
Had completely forgotten about it
since she contacted me around the
1st of December.

Thankful that we got new phones
for Christmas that we can actually
receive photos and videos on.  
Our old phones were suppose to
do that but never did....we could
send pics but not receive them.

Thankful for seeing one lone
white Egret in our back yard,
first time ever....

Thankful for a lovely new
bath and body fragrance in
my bathroom plug-in called
 "Citrus Pomelo"
Makes my heart sing every
time I get a

Thankful for the joy of taking
our friends, Father out to lunch
at Cracker Barrel with us, so 
they could have an overnight
get away.  She dropped him
at church before they left, as
 he is fine alone but looks for-
ward to going to church and 
out to lunch on Sunday. He is
 just such a wonderful and 
funny man and just a delight 
to be with.
He is a retired Pastor and is 
96 yrs. old: he gets around
fine, is clear minded, and
healthy as can be other than
he has some hearing and
seeing loss.  Everyone should
have a grandfather like him.

Thankful that we could help
our friends out in this way
as well.

Thankful for a quiet and restful
New Years Eve...........

Thankful for a great time
on New Year's Day visiting
with friends of 46 years who
were in the areas for Christmas
visiting with family. We got to

see their whole family as well.
Had a really great time.

Thankful for these wonderful 
friends, we love them so much
 and they have been such a
 blessing to us all these years.

Thankful that I got to go
to a new store tonight that
I have ordered things from
for my daughter-in-love.
It is called "Marurice's"
and I really liked it.

Thankful that we discovered
a whole new shopping area
in another city fairly close by
where we just never go,
 because of having to return 
something at Maurice's. 
We will definitely be going 
there again soon. has all
our favorite stores.

Thankful for dinner in a new
place called Malibu Grill,
It was very enjoyable and
a nice quiet restaurant as
well.....nice to be able to
hear yourself think for a
change!  lol  Since most
restaurants are so noisy
these days.

Well, that's it from Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming by,

Have a Lovely Friday 
and Weekend with those
you love.

Love, Hugs and

New Year's Blessings,


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A stroll thru life

1 comment:

  1. #1. Thank the Holy Spirit for reminding you!
    #2. Wonderful!!! I hope they will still receive my "old" phone calls!
    #3. WOW, you usually have the white ibis and Sandhill cranes! The Sandhill cranes have been visiting me much here lately!
    #4. I think our noses get use to fragrances after a while, so the new ones do make an impression on our senses!
    #5. What a blessing to have a loved one for many years in one's life! Mom would have been 91 this passed 4th!
    #6. I am sure they very much enjoyed you doing so!
    #7. Amen! I sat up until 12:00. There were a few firecrackers, not many this year AND they didn't go off anymore after about 12:15!
    #8. I spent a day texting friends a Happy New Year!
    #9. GOD is so Good in our friendship fellowships He has given to us over the years!
    #10. Yea, I know she will be thrilled!
    #11. More fun for the totally retired couple!
    #12. The LORD bless your time ever so much now you can enjoy one another 100% of the time!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie