Sunday, March 31, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning to You
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today.

And now these three remain: 
faith, hope and love.
 But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV

Have a  Faithful, hopeful and
Loving Sunday,

Hugs and Blessings,

Friday, March 29, 2019

Thankful Thursday March 28, 2019, More Spring Flowers #3

Praise our God, all peoples, 
let the sound of his praise be heard;
Psalm 66:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a fun day.

It sure does me.......
You is my birthday and
I am a year wiser and having too
much fun to blog much, so just 
gonna  get this posted quick.  lol
More Spring Flowers as you 
can see.

So here goes..........

Thankful to have all my
Spring Decorating done, and
 all the boxes and debri cleared
 away as well.
 Now.....we can just enjoy it!

#2 and 3
Thankful that we got to
have lil darling on Tuesday,
so we got to see them all
before they left for S.C.
Thankful they made it
there safe and sound.

Thankful for a new series
we found to watch called
the Stranger.  

Thankful that they took 
the next step on our shed
last Saturday, and that they
should be doing the con-
crete floor this coming

Thankful for a new discovery.
It's a deli called Jason's deli,
and we had a boxed lunch
from there during a meeting
we attended at church last
Sunday. It was a great idea
and very enjoyable. Found
out we have one fairly close
by in another town.

Thankful for a lil change 
in routine this week, which
 is always refreshing.

Thankful to be enjoying
my birthday which isn't 
until Friday, all week.
Thanks to hubby and my

Thankful for a resolution
to a problem on the Wedding
Invitations I had designed 
and printed and that we all 
loved how it came out, but
 in the mean time we bought
 a new printer that we needed, 
thinking that it would do an
even better job, but unfortun-
ately, it did not print the colors
the same and cut off some of 
one of the graphics. So we did 
come up with a solution (after
a lot of aggravation and time)
 that looks very nice and that 
will work, but I was a bit dis-
appointed and am hoping and
praying that the bride and 
groom won't be disappointed.
Update:  They loved the new
one too.  So happy about that.

Thankful for a fun night out
going to At Home and Home
Goods, my 2 fav stores. Hubby 
asked what I wanted or for some
ideas for my birthday, so I told
hubby not to get me but one
thing cause I wanted to go
shopping cause wasn't really
sure what I wanted.  So had
a really fun time picking out
some things, so came home
with some fun new things,
you guessed feather
my nest.

Thankful it has been such
a good day.

Well, gonna stop there so

I can get this posted and will
leave the rest of my thankfuls
for next week, which is where
they would normally go if I
had posted this on time.  lol

Blessings for a lovely lovely
last of March weekend,


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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

New Look for my Daughter's Living room

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you happy and
enjoying Spring at your house.

I have been enjoying doing my
Spring decorating over here. Am
getting close to being done, hope-
fully by tomorrow.  We had lil
darling today, as she, is on Spring
 break and will be going to see her
Aunt (our daughter) for the rest of 
the week along with her Mom and 
Dad.  So tomorrow it is suppose 
to rain all day so think we will just 
stay home and get this finished up.
Love doing it, but also love when
it is all done.

Since I had these pics of my 
daughter and son-in-loves newly
redone living room and she gave
me permission to show them, 
thought today was a good day
since I haven't taken any pics
of our Spring house yet.

Before she had a dark gray sofa 
and love seat and the room was
 configured differently.

They wanted a lighter more comfy
 sofa, and a smaller coffee table, 
as they other one was a beautiful
 wood one but it took up the whole 
living room practically. The coffee
table and sofa and loveseat all were
purchased for their other home
in Asheville, that had a totally
different layout.  Fortunately,
they were able to see them on
Craigs list for a good price.

This wall vignette is where the TV used
 to be....I loved her grouping,  thought
it was just so cute....

She already had all the accessories but the
fish and the shelf,  so thought she did 
a great job of arranging it all...................

These new chairs are dark gray 
but not quite as dark as the other
 love seat that sat where they are.
We loved the new chairs because 
they swivel and they are gliders,
super comfortable, and nice that
 we can swivel them towards the
 kitchen so we can converse but
 not be in the way if not needed.

The wood bookcase (near the door)
used to be on the other side of the
room, where the TV now is.....

This white Chest you can barely 
see to the left in the pic is where 
there TV sits now.

This arrangement definitely makes
 the room look larger and more open 
and lighter, is very comfortable
 as well.

Love her Shell chandy and the 
shadows it throws off,  so pretty.

Thanks for dropping in.....
hope you enjoyed it.....

Have a lovely rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and end
of March Blessings,


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday, Happy Spring
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today.

A word fitly spoken is like apples
of gold in settings of silver.

Proverbs 25:11 NKJV

Have a lovely day,

Spring time Blessings,

Friday, March 22, 2019

Thankful Thursday March 21, 2019, More Spring flowers

 But let all who take refuge in you
 be glad; let them ever sing for joy.
 Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name 
may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Welcome to Spring
 Sweet Friends,

She has officially arrived and
know many of you are soooo
happy about that..........

Hope you have had a very good 
week.  Ours has been a mix of
not so good the first 3 days
since last Thursday, and very
 busy, yet very good, the last 
part of the week until now.

Was sick over the weekend, and 
then found out my cousin passed
away over the weekend, on Mon-
day.....She was 76 yrs. old and
single, and lived in Pennsylvania,
Gosh, I can't even remember the
 last time we saw each other, but 
we did talk on the phone at times.
She used to live with her sister
until she passed about 10 yrs.
ago,  then she moved near her
younger brother.  She will surely
be missed.....

Picture today will be of flowers
again as I have nothing else to
show you until I get my house

Thankful that my daughter-in-love
and lil darling are mostly better 
now, and so far, my son hasn't
gotten any of it.....

Thankful I am feeling better as I
was feeling bad over the weekend,
and was already struggling before
 with what I thought werre allergies
 or maybe fighting off a virus.

Thankful my son got home safe
and sound from Spain and was
able to look after his wife and
lil darling over the weekend.

Thankful hubby did not catch any
thing from the rest of us sickies.

Thankful for lots of rest and sleep.

#6 and 7
Thankful that I got all my Winter
Decor down and Thankful for
 lil darling's help last Thursday,
 She did a great job of helping.

Thankful that I got to talk to my 
cousin Donna again last week,
 because I got a call that she had
 passed away over the weekend.
This is the same lady who asked me
 (just 10 days before her passing) to 
make Easter cards for her family.
 So I am gonna complete that 
mission next month.

Thankful that Donna was such
 a sweet and loving person and
most of all she knew the Lord,
and we know she is in Heaven
 with so many other family
 members that have gone on 
before us.

Thankful that the Lord layed
it on my heart to design a
Wedding Invitation for our
friend who is getting married.
She and her fiancee' both
loved it............

Thankful for the big and small
ways the Lord blesses us. I have
been looking for periwinkle blue
towels for probably 7-8 years,
and could never find the right
ones, even tho I brought some
home thinking they were...they
were always to much navy in
them. Last night I was in 
Penneys on the way to the rest
room, and ran right into a table
full of towels that were on sale
and there they were.  They only
had 6 bath towels left, but didn't
see any hand towels so did a
lil searching around and found
those too, So came home with
them and they are a perfect
match.........Good things come
to those who wait....I always
say! I am just tickled pink,
or should I say

Thankful that our roofer (the 
one who is gonna do our shed 
remodel is okay. He and his boss
 slide off a very tall roof, but 
fortunately, the Lord protected 
them because they slide where 
there was a lower roof, so they 
didn't fall off the house, but he
did injure his knee some, but
it could have been so much
worse, as one of the other men
did fall all the way to the ground
and fortunately it didn't kill him
but did really injure his leg

Well, there you have it folks,

Glad you could come by for a visit.

Would love you to tell us something
you are thankful for as well.

Have a wonderful March weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
Happy Spring Blessings,


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A Stroll thru Life

The Dedicated House

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Quotes to Ponder............

Happy St. Patrick's Day
Sweet Friends,

How this finds you well and happy 
and wearing some green......
So you don't get pinched.  lol

Since I have been feeling under
the weather again.....I had this
quote in my draft box, so....
decided today would be a good
day to use it.

“You know what makes your heart
 refreshed, the things that make you 
come alive. We need to drink in
 beauty wherever we can get it—
in music, in nature, in art, in a 
great meal shared. These are all 
gifts to us from God’s generous
heart. Friends, those things are 
not decorations to a life, 
they bring life.” 

By John Eldredge

I so agree with him.....

Have a lovely and Restful day

Hugs and Irish Blessings to you!


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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thankful Thursday March 14, 2019, Spring flowers

Let the heavens rejoice,
 let the earth be glad;
 let them say among the nations, 
“The LORD reigns!”
1 Chronicles 16:31 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this has been a good week
for you.....

Have to say this week has really
been a better than usual kind of
week for us. Seems like the Lord,
has just dumped a basketful of
blessings on us.

Not much going on the last few
days accept having lil darling 
with us for a few days, and you
 will read why in my post.

Decided just to add some Spring
flowers from my archives since
I haven't had time to do any
editing of photos this week,
so hope it makes the promise
of Spring real to you since it
 should officially be arriving
next week....seems like it has
already arrived here in Florida.

So on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful that our daughter got
home safe and sound and that
we all had a good time with her
while she was here.  It was 
short but sweet but, we will
take what we can get!!  lol

Thankful that we were introduced
to a young man at church who had
evidently been a prodigal and had
a very life changing experience
with the Lord.  He was just undone
by how God rescued him and was
crying one minute and laughing
the next.  So refreshing when we
get to see God work like that!

Thankful for a Memorial Service
we attended on Sunday for a 94
yr. old lady who has been a mem-
ber of our church for approx. 30
years. What a celebration of her
life and what a great job her
children did of honoring her life.
She had 7 daughters and 1 son,
(the son passed away years ago)
and 25 grandchildren, 25 great
grand children and 5 great great
grandchildren and was married
to the same man for 70 years.
(and he just passed 2 years ago).
What a tremendous legacy this
stay at home, Godly Mother
has left behind. She was such
a loving lady, and I used to
be in leadership with her in a
 bible study and we all prayed
together and it was like you
were ushered right into the
presence of God when she
prayed.  Wonderful lady.

Thankful that we got to see
a long time friend and her
daughter at the Memorial
Service. I used to take care
 of her daughter when she
was younger as her Mom
was a single parent, and
the daughter expounded to 
us all the good memories 
she had of staying with us. 
 So precious to hear....and
really blessed our hearts.

Thankful my son made it to
Spain safely. Another trip
with work...........and will be
 flying home today. Friday.

Thankful for getting to talk
with my cousin, twice this
week, and for the priviledge
of  her asking me to make
 some cards for her family
for Easter. 

Thankful that the Lord gave
us 2 more confirmations about
our business that is in the works.
Someone has coined these
 experiences as God Winks
I love that....

Thankful that the Lord showed
me how he can turn a seemingly
frustrating day into a very pro-
fitable day in just minutes.
He never ceases to amaze me.

Thankful that we heard from
2 other long time guy friends.
(Jeff and Don - so I  remember)
One of which is coming to
town this Thursday, so we
are suppose to have dinner
with him. Turned out we 
weren't able to go as we were 
needed here, which is fine, and
 he will be coming back down
 our way in April, so we will
get to see him then.

Thankful that my friend who
is getting married in June,
got a good report from the
Dr. about a biopsy she had
 to have.... Dr. feels sure it is 
just a cyst and nothing to 
worry about, course, she
won't get final results of
the test until next week,
but we are expecting the
same news.

Thankful that my daughter-
in-love was able to get to
the Dr. today (Thursday).
Her Mom had to take her as 
she is really sick and weak,
and my son is in Spain, so 
we have Brooklyn. They 
said she was in the early 
stages of the flu, plus an ear 
and sinus infection. They are
hoping the meds will cause
it not to last as long. She
was a pretty sick girl this
morning, but is feeling 
better already, and hopefully
after  rest and a good nights
 sleep she will be way better
tomorrow. We had a sleep
over with lil darling, so she
could rest, and hopefully
keep lil one from getting
it as she is still getting
over a virus she had.

Thankful we have a prayer
chain I could put her on as
well.  So hopefully she will
be feeling good as new soon.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week..........

Glad you could stop by, and
hope you enjoyed your visit

Have a great St. Patrick's Day!!

Love, Hugs and
St. Patrick's Day Blessing,


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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie