Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thankful Thursday March 14, 2019, Spring flowers

Let the heavens rejoice,
 let the earth be glad;
 let them say among the nations, 
“The LORD reigns!”
1 Chronicles 16:31 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this has been a good week
for you.....

Have to say this week has really
been a better than usual kind of
week for us. Seems like the Lord,
has just dumped a basketful of
blessings on us.

Not much going on the last few
days accept having lil darling 
with us for a few days, and you
 will read why in my post.

Decided just to add some Spring
flowers from my archives since
I haven't had time to do any
editing of photos this week,
so hope it makes the promise
of Spring real to you since it
 should officially be arriving
next week....seems like it has
already arrived here in Florida.

So on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful that our daughter got
home safe and sound and that
we all had a good time with her
while she was here.  It was 
short but sweet but, we will
take what we can get!!  lol

Thankful that we were introduced
to a young man at church who had
evidently been a prodigal and had
a very life changing experience
with the Lord.  He was just undone
by how God rescued him and was
crying one minute and laughing
the next.  So refreshing when we
get to see God work like that!

Thankful for a Memorial Service
we attended on Sunday for a 94
yr. old lady who has been a mem-
ber of our church for approx. 30
years. What a celebration of her
life and what a great job her
children did of honoring her life.
She had 7 daughters and 1 son,
(the son passed away years ago)
and 25 grandchildren, 25 great
grand children and 5 great great
grandchildren and was married
to the same man for 70 years.
(and he just passed 2 years ago).
What a tremendous legacy this
stay at home, Godly Mother
has left behind. She was such
a loving lady, and I used to
be in leadership with her in a
 bible study and we all prayed
together and it was like you
were ushered right into the
presence of God when she
prayed.  Wonderful lady.

Thankful that we got to see
a long time friend and her
daughter at the Memorial
Service. I used to take care
 of her daughter when she
was younger as her Mom
was a single parent, and
the daughter expounded to 
us all the good memories 
she had of staying with us. 
 So precious to hear....and
really blessed our hearts.

Thankful my son made it to
Spain safely. Another trip
with work...........and will be
 flying home today. Friday.

Thankful for getting to talk
with my cousin, twice this
week, and for the priviledge
of  her asking me to make
 some cards for her family
for Easter. 

Thankful that the Lord gave
us 2 more confirmations about
our business that is in the works.
Someone has coined these
 experiences as God Winks
I love that....

Thankful that the Lord showed
me how he can turn a seemingly
frustrating day into a very pro-
fitable day in just minutes.
He never ceases to amaze me.

Thankful that we heard from
2 other long time guy friends.
(Jeff and Don - so I  remember)
One of which is coming to
town this Thursday, so we
are suppose to have dinner
with him. Turned out we 
weren't able to go as we were 
needed here, which is fine, and
 he will be coming back down
 our way in April, so we will
get to see him then.

Thankful that my friend who
is getting married in June,
got a good report from the
Dr. about a biopsy she had
 to have.... Dr. feels sure it is 
just a cyst and nothing to 
worry about, course, she
won't get final results of
the test until next week,
but we are expecting the
same news.

Thankful that my daughter-
in-love was able to get to
the Dr. today (Thursday).
Her Mom had to take her as 
she is really sick and weak,
and my son is in Spain, so 
we have Brooklyn. They 
said she was in the early 
stages of the flu, plus an ear 
and sinus infection. They are
hoping the meds will cause
it not to last as long. She
was a pretty sick girl this
morning, but is feeling 
better already, and hopefully
after  rest and a good nights
 sleep she will be way better
tomorrow. We had a sleep
over with lil darling, so she
could rest, and hopefully
keep lil one from getting
it as she is still getting
over a virus she had.

Thankful we have a prayer
chain I could put her on as
well.  So hopefully she will
be feeling good as new soon.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week..........

Glad you could stop by, and
hope you enjoyed your visit

Have a great St. Patrick's Day!!

Love, Hugs and
St. Patrick's Day Blessing,


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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Life with Lorelai

Stone Gable

1 comment:

  1. #1. It is always such a blessing to see her as well as Jerry when he is able to come!
    #2. The LORD surely pours out His Love on us in all of these times of joy!
    #3. Yes! Her daughter Carolyn is in my WOW Bible study and is single like me. She did much to care for her mom in her past years.
    #4. What a joy it is to have passed blessings! I have had so many with the kindergarten children (now adults) that I see occasionally! One soon to be married!
    #5. Wow! The LORD's traveling mercies over him!
    #6. Isn't it a joy to do these kind of things, even more so for friends and family!
    #7. Don't you know it!!! I have seen Him work some miraculous things lately. (You know!)
    #8. I believe this is why He tells us to rejoice in ALL situations; the good things that happen as well as the unpleasant things that we can watch Him turn to joy!
    #9. The LORD has His plans for our lives!
    #10. I have added her to my prayer list!
    #11. Even now I pray she has greatly improved!
    #12. Amen, as well as those having other prayer chains to add her to! Praise the LORD for His praying people! All their prayers surely have been heard and answered for things involving the prayer requests I have asked for as well!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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