Friday, March 29, 2019

Thankful Thursday March 28, 2019, More Spring Flowers #3

Praise our God, all peoples, 
let the sound of his praise be heard;
Psalm 66:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a fun day.

It sure does me.......
You is my birthday and
I am a year wiser and having too
much fun to blog much, so just 
gonna  get this posted quick.  lol
More Spring Flowers as you 
can see.

So here goes..........

Thankful to have all my
Spring Decorating done, and
 all the boxes and debri cleared
 away as well.
 Now.....we can just enjoy it!

#2 and 3
Thankful that we got to
have lil darling on Tuesday,
so we got to see them all
before they left for S.C.
Thankful they made it
there safe and sound.

Thankful for a new series
we found to watch called
the Stranger.  

Thankful that they took 
the next step on our shed
last Saturday, and that they
should be doing the con-
crete floor this coming

Thankful for a new discovery.
It's a deli called Jason's deli,
and we had a boxed lunch
from there during a meeting
we attended at church last
Sunday. It was a great idea
and very enjoyable. Found
out we have one fairly close
by in another town.

Thankful for a lil change 
in routine this week, which
 is always refreshing.

Thankful to be enjoying
my birthday which isn't 
until Friday, all week.
Thanks to hubby and my

Thankful for a resolution
to a problem on the Wedding
Invitations I had designed 
and printed and that we all 
loved how it came out, but
 in the mean time we bought
 a new printer that we needed, 
thinking that it would do an
even better job, but unfortun-
ately, it did not print the colors
the same and cut off some of 
one of the graphics. So we did 
come up with a solution (after
a lot of aggravation and time)
 that looks very nice and that 
will work, but I was a bit dis-
appointed and am hoping and
praying that the bride and 
groom won't be disappointed.
Update:  They loved the new
one too.  So happy about that.

Thankful for a fun night out
going to At Home and Home
Goods, my 2 fav stores. Hubby 
asked what I wanted or for some
ideas for my birthday, so I told
hubby not to get me but one
thing cause I wanted to go
shopping cause wasn't really
sure what I wanted.  So had
a really fun time picking out
some things, so came home
with some fun new things,
you guessed feather
my nest.

Thankful it has been such
a good day.

Well, gonna stop there so

I can get this posted and will
leave the rest of my thankfuls
for next week, which is where
they would normally go if I
had posted this on time.  lol

Blessings for a lovely lovely
last of March weekend,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai


the Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Life and Linda

1 comment:

  1. #1. Yea! Now the enjoying of your hard labor!
    #2 & #3. Always a joy! Praise the LORD for their safe journey!
    #4. It's such a joy when we find new movies to watch! Thank the LORD for those who worship Him with their gift for acting!
    #5. Praise the LORD for His abundant blessings upon us, His children of salvation!
    #6. The joys of eating out and finding low pricing!
    #7. I'm definitely a routine person! I guess that comes from being an introvert.
    #8. Yes! Happy Birthday again! The years seem to pass by quickly now for me, ha!
    #9. I know what you mean! It seems like the people coming out with these new printers, computers, could use the same format!!! It always takes me some time to figure out how to use the new formats (which are suppose to be more "friendly" than the old ones!)
    #10. Nothing can be better than what we will utilize every moment of the day!!!
    #11. Each day is a new day in the LORD!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie