Friday, March 1, 2019

Thankful Thursday February 28th, 2019, and Pink Tulips

  I will proclaim the name of the LORD. 
Oh, praise the greatness of our God!
Deuteronomy 32:3 NIV

Morning Sweet Friends,

Welcome to March.....can hardly
believe it is March already, but
 have to say it has already seemed
 like Spring here as our plants and 
trees are all confused because we 
have had so much warm weather
 here already.....but Spring is not
officially here for another 19 days.
Seems like Christmas was ages

Pictures today are of my Tulips
I got for Valentines Day.  I love
Tulips because I think they are
very they have a
mind all their own.  Which you
will see in the pictures. I took
one daily and they are in that 
daily order... so you can see for
yourself how much they move
around and how funny they  Nature always
amazes me!!

So on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful that we found some
thing called "Pureflix",where
 you can stream good clean 
movies, like what they have on 
the Hallmark chanel. They will 
let you do a 30 day free
 subscription. I thought they
only made movies.

Thankful that we feel our roof
is all fixed,  we had to test it out
with a hose.  So the roofer did
that and sent a fellow in the 
attic to check, so we are all
clear,  thank heavens!!
Plus since I wrote the above
we have had 2 heavy rains
and no leaks.....Yes!!

Thankful that we can now move
ahead on our shed repair. They
will be starting next weekend
I think.....

Thankful that we got all the limbs
and branches cut off around and
near the shed, so they can easily
work, and it looks so much
better as well.

Thankful for a fun lunch out 
friends at Olive Garden on
Sunday after church.

Thankful that my friends Father
is doing so much better, he was
having some problems with his
heart but now they have him on 
meds that are controlling it and
 he is feeling much better. He
is such a dear man and he is
96 but an amazing 96 .

Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love got back home 
safely from Colorado late Sun.
night, and that they had a good

Thankful that our new Grand-
son dog did really well with his
care givers while they were away.

Thankful that I already have an
idea and plan for a Birthday table
that is coming up this weekend,
for my sweet Sister-in-law.

Thankful for Clementines, they
are so tasty and flavorful and
the aroma as you peel them
 is wonderful too. They are a 
nice grab and go snack as well.

Thankful that we had a nice
time on Thursday morning
having breakfast at our house
with my Sister-in-law Susan.
It was her actual birthday but
we will be celebrating with
family on Sunday.

Thankful that we were able to
 get almost everything we need
for birthday celebrations while
we were out on Thurs.evening.
We have 3 birthdays within this
 week; Susans, lil darlings and 
my it has and
 will continue to be busy around
 here until next weekend. lol


Here's to another week at Cozy Place.

So glad you could come by......


Hope you have a delightful weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
Early March Blessings,


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1 comment:

  1. #1. It's so great to find good movies to watch in this day in time!
    #2. Praise our LORD for the people who help us out!
    #3. Yea! I will pray for the LORD's blessings on you and the workers as well!
    #4. I need to get Steve to clear the small bit of dead vines on my front-side fence.
    #5. The LORD knew the joy of eating together as He broke bread with the disciples!
    #6. What a blessing from our LORD to loving friends!
    #7. I just know Bentley was glad to see them too!
    #8. That's great! It's good to get him used to it when he is a baby. It will come natural to him when he is grown.
    #9. I guess I'll have to wait to see, ha!
    #10. The LORD has so blessed us with such great food!
    #11. I so enjoyed our time together as well as the great breakfast, yum yum!
    #12. Great things happen at once, ha!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie