Friday, March 22, 2019

Thankful Thursday March 21, 2019, More Spring flowers

 But let all who take refuge in you
 be glad; let them ever sing for joy.
 Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name 
may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Welcome to Spring
 Sweet Friends,

She has officially arrived and
know many of you are soooo
happy about that..........

Hope you have had a very good 
week.  Ours has been a mix of
not so good the first 3 days
since last Thursday, and very
 busy, yet very good, the last 
part of the week until now.

Was sick over the weekend, and 
then found out my cousin passed
away over the weekend, on Mon-
day.....She was 76 yrs. old and
single, and lived in Pennsylvania,
Gosh, I can't even remember the
 last time we saw each other, but 
we did talk on the phone at times.
She used to live with her sister
until she passed about 10 yrs.
ago,  then she moved near her
younger brother.  She will surely
be missed.....

Picture today will be of flowers
again as I have nothing else to
show you until I get my house

Thankful that my daughter-in-love
and lil darling are mostly better 
now, and so far, my son hasn't
gotten any of it.....

Thankful I am feeling better as I
was feeling bad over the weekend,
and was already struggling before
 with what I thought werre allergies
 or maybe fighting off a virus.

Thankful my son got home safe
and sound from Spain and was
able to look after his wife and
lil darling over the weekend.

Thankful hubby did not catch any
thing from the rest of us sickies.

Thankful for lots of rest and sleep.

#6 and 7
Thankful that I got all my Winter
Decor down and Thankful for
 lil darling's help last Thursday,
 She did a great job of helping.

Thankful that I got to talk to my 
cousin Donna again last week,
 because I got a call that she had
 passed away over the weekend.
This is the same lady who asked me
 (just 10 days before her passing) to 
make Easter cards for her family.
 So I am gonna complete that 
mission next month.

Thankful that Donna was such
 a sweet and loving person and
most of all she knew the Lord,
and we know she is in Heaven
 with so many other family
 members that have gone on 
before us.

Thankful that the Lord layed
it on my heart to design a
Wedding Invitation for our
friend who is getting married.
She and her fiancee' both
loved it............

Thankful for the big and small
ways the Lord blesses us. I have
been looking for periwinkle blue
towels for probably 7-8 years,
and could never find the right
ones, even tho I brought some
home thinking they were...they
were always to much navy in
them. Last night I was in 
Penneys on the way to the rest
room, and ran right into a table
full of towels that were on sale
and there they were.  They only
had 6 bath towels left, but didn't
see any hand towels so did a
lil searching around and found
those too, So came home with
them and they are a perfect
match.........Good things come
to those who wait....I always
say! I am just tickled pink,
or should I say

Thankful that our roofer (the 
one who is gonna do our shed 
remodel is okay. He and his boss
 slide off a very tall roof, but 
fortunately, the Lord protected 
them because they slide where 
there was a lower roof, so they 
didn't fall off the house, but he
did injure his knee some, but
it could have been so much
worse, as one of the other men
did fall all the way to the ground
and fortunately it didn't kill him
but did really injure his leg

Well, there you have it folks,

Glad you could come by for a visit.

Would love you to tell us something
you are thankful for as well.

Have a wonderful March weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
Happy Spring Blessings,


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  1. Practicing an active "Attitude of Gratitude" always picks up my spirits. Living in Maine the winters are SOOO long and a touch of seasonal affective disorder surely doesn't help! We still have a snow covered yard and the pictures of your flowers were so lovely. Enjoyed your towel story; my first generation Polish mother who grew up during the Depression. She taught me to cut a bath towel into eighths and hem them for face cloths. Being lazy, I turn over one edge and zig zag the edges; she had a bias binder. Works for me!

  2. Hi Kathy,
    So nice to have you come by and leave your sweet and encouraging comments.
    Doing this Thankful post has revolutionized my life for sure....
    I have a friend who lives in Idaho who has SAD and it is a real struggle for her in the Winter, as I am sure it is for many.
    Looks like yall are about to get another Winter storm sorry as I can only imagine how ready for Spring everyone up North must be.
    So glad you enjoyed the always make me happy anytime.
    Wow, your Mom was a wise and industrious lady, that is a great idea and I would probably do
    what you did as well with the face clothes.
    Thanks again for coming by and for taking the time to comment, it was a blessing to me.
    Blessings for a lovely Spring (that hopefully feels like Spring soon) lol


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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