Thursday, August 1, 2019

Thankful Thursday August 1, 2019. Coastal Scenes #3

Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
 his understanding has no limit.
Psalm 147:15

Welcome to August 
Sweet Friends,

Oh My Heavens, can hardly believe 
we are in August already.  The days
just seems to zoom by anymore....
So hope you enjoy these last days of 
summer vacation with your kiddos,
 if you still have them home from
 school. Lil darling will be starting 
back to school on August 20th, so 
think she will be happy and ready
 to go back as she has missed her lil 
friends from class and had a nice
 long break, as she has been out of
school since the end of April. She
also has the added excitement of
having her 3 new to her cousins
that will be attending the same
school with her.

Pictures today are more scenes
from our Coastal themed living
room part 3.  If you missed
part 2 click here

Thankful our contractor came
again this week, and we totally
didn't expect it.  He put the
shingles on and finished some
other areas. Looking great.
 Hopefully in a few more Sats.
 he will be finished. We are
anxiously awaiting that!!  lol

Thankful for a Sweet time with
my Son's and Nephew's family
on Sunday.  Good food, good
fellowship, good conversation
and good children.

Thankful we got to go see my
nephew's new home that is under
construction.  They are under roof 
and you can tell where everything 
will be, but no drywall is up yet. 
We are so happy for them.

Thankful for the Lord's protection
over me.  While we were at their
house I went to step down on the 
porch thinking it was just a few
 inches but turned out to be a few
 feet instead, (maybe cause it was
starting to get dark) so sort of lost
my balance, but did not fall.....
and I easily could have fallen
on the concrete, and so happy
and thankful, I didn't.............

Thankful all the cousins will all
 be going to the same school this
 year. So means we will probably
 get to see them more even if it
is just for a few minutes. They 
are all very sweet young ladies.

Thankful that my son will
be working in town this week.
So hard on the family when
he has to travel so much.

Thankful for a great and easy
Pork fried rice recipe I found 
from All recipes.
  I made Pork Roasts for dinner on
 Sunday and had quite a bit leftover
 and was trying figure out what I 
could do with it, and thought of 
Pork fried rice. I made it today
 (Tues) for dinner tonight and it
 taste really good, I have to say.
Here's a link  just in case you
 might like to try it or
type it in for yourself.
You can really add any meat
to it you want.
Thankful that I found this
recipe too, because we have
a Vietnamese friend who used
to make us Shrimp fried rice
quite often, and taught me
how,  but haven't made it in
years and couldn't remember
how I did it, and this recipe
is very much like his.  I am
not a fried rice person cause
usually it is to dry for me,
but his and this recipe is nice
and moist and tasty.  We will
be having Shrimp fried rice
again soon.  lol

With Posterized affect

Thankful for the cute pineapple
our neighbor brought us last
night, they grew it in their own
backyard.  I am sorta of in to
pineapple pics I am
enjoying just looking at it for
a few days, then I will cut it.
I made a pineapple printable
for my bedroom and then I 
used some tropical napkins
and a table centerpc. for 
Sunday and both had a pine-
apples.  Was wishing they had
brought that pineapple the
night before as it would have
been much butter than my
paper one I used, altho it was
cute too.  Looking forward
to eating it in a few days.

Thankful that our bible study
for Sunday mornings lately has
been in the book of Nehemiah
and is a reminder and confirm-
ation to us that building a wall
 to protect the citizens of our
country is not unbiblical nor
 evil, since God orchestrated
the rebuilding of the wall
around Jerusalem to protect
the jewish people.

Thankful that the Lord blessed
my daughter and son-in-love
for being willing to bend over
backwards to try their best to
 help someone, altho it didn't
work out as they were hoping.

Thankful that my sister-in-law
and lil darling got to see each
other yesterday.  Susan came
and had breakfast with us, as
they hadn't seen each other for

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week.

Great that you could come by.

Have a delightful weekend.

Keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and
August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Apron Springs and Other things

Create with Joy

My Flagstaff Home

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Shabby Art Boutique

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life


  1. So many things to be thankful for! I can't believe it's August already... time sure does fly by. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.

  2. #1. It will really be great to have it finished! It's looking good!
    #2. The LORD is so GOOD!
    #3. I remember those days when our house was being built!!!
    #4. Praise the LORD for His guardian angels protecting us!
    #5. I bet Sweetie Pie is happy about that too!
    #6. Wonderful. Prayfully he will start having more work days here!
    #7. What a great meal from "leftovers!"
    #8. I remember when we lived in Key West, we always made lobster fried rice! Yummy!
    #9. I bet it will be great, especially after being refrigerated!
    #10. Amen! I thought the same thing!
    #11. I pray the LORD will work it for the best to all involved.
    #12. I so enjoyed everyone and Sweetie Pie too!!!
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie