Friday, August 23, 2019

Thankful Thursday August 22, 2019, photoshopped coastal table pictures

In him our hearts rejoice,
 for we trust in his holy name.
Psalm 33:21 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how ya doing and what cha'
been up to lately?

We have just been preparing for
our daughters visit, and making
desserts, and working on our
business and trying to stay
cool in these hots temps.  lol

Pictures today are from the coastal
 table I posted on Tuesday but with
Photoshop affects on them.  I like to
 play around with that, so since I had
 more pics than I needed as usual, 
 I decided to play some and hoped
 you would enjoy it too.

Well, on with my Thankfuls.......

Paint daubs affect

Thankful for an answer to prayers
for a young single Mom we know.
Someone she did work for was not
paying her and she desperately 
needed the money and she got 
check in the mail just hours after
 prayer for her, but it was only half
of what they owed her, but the
other half came a few days later.
So now she has everything that
was owed her.  God is good!

Thankful for a great opportunity
for a new position for our friend
who just got married. She is an
amazing teacher, and it will afford
her more time with her family,
and she want be having to work
other jobs or summer school and
it is a very large increase in pay.
It seems like a win win to us.
Update:  Upon more information
it did not look quite as good as
it seemed so since she was happy
where she was and decided to
turn it down, but they did work
out some helpful things for her
at her already existing school,
which would not have happened
had she not gotten this other offer.
So it turned out well in the end.

With Posterized affect

Thankful for my late Mom who
 just celebrated her 92nd birthday
with Jesus.  I love knowing she is
 happy there, as she didn't have a
very happy life on this earth.......
She passed into his arms when
 she was 78, so it has been 
14 years now.

#4 and 5
Thankful for an idea the Lord
gave us for something to do
with our business and hubby
tried it and it worked great.
So happy about the problem
that it solved

Thankful that we caught an
error and an was able to fix it....
as it could have caused a problem
later on for our shop.

With posterized affect

Thankful for the nice going away
social they had for our Pastor and
family who are leaving last Sunday
evening. There was a great turn
out, and they were really loved on
by everyone, and it was a very
enjoyable time for everyone.

Thankful that we got our family
room rearranged,  so that is done
for when I start my Fall decorating
in a few weeks.  Looking forward
to that!!

with cutout affect

Thankful for our home, We love it
and it is our favorite place to be.

Thankful my daughter had a nice
birthday and was especially blessed
 by all the cards she received.

With colored Pencil affect

Thankful for a series called
"Signed Sealed and Delivered"
We are watching it for a 2nd
time, as it is just a really great
series, since we finished off
"Heartland" unfortunately,
we love it too.

Thankful that my daughter
and Bentley (her doggie) made it
 here safe and sound, and that we
 get to celebrate her birthday with
her, even tho it is a 4 days later.
So good to see her as it has been
3+ months

Polar coordinates affect

#12 and 13
Thankful to see lil darling as it has
been 8 days. Know that doesn't sound
like a long time, but when you are 
used to seeing them all day one day
a week, and sometimes 2 or 3 times 
in a week,  that seems like a very
 long time, so I was really missing her,
 but we got to pick her up from school
 today, and it was so good  to see that
 lil smiling face. She is very excited 
about school and had a good week.
 Very Thankful and happy about that. 

Equalized affect, which is also on
the header picture.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week..............

Have a great weekend,

Love, Hugs and
Back to School Blessings,


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bloggers pit stop

LIfe with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

My Common Slice of Suberbia

A Stroll thru life


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for His answering our prayers!!!
    #2. The LORD is so good in His leading of us to do His will and receive His blessings!
    #3. Isn't it a joyful blessing to know we will see our parents again in the presence of our LORD GOD!
    #4 & #5. Thank the LORD for His leading you in your business needs!
    #6. They will be greatly missed. I'll always remember the video taping of him and his very busy movement on stage as he preached, ha!
    #7. I know you are glad to have hubby's help in doing that!
    #8. Amen! I love my home and privacy too!
    #9. You are greatly blessed with a beautiful daughter (and me a beautiful niece) (and her hubby too!)
    #10. I know what you mean! I love the different series I watch too!
    #11. I really enjoyed seeing her and her new puppy as well!
    #12 & #13. Don't you know!!! I see her even less frequently and it appears she grows an inch every time I see her, ha!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Those are great photo effects and such a wonderful list of things to be thankful for.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...