Friday, August 16, 2019

Thankful Thursday August 15, 2019, Coastal vignettes from the past

Worship the LORD with gladness;
 come before him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100:2 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have enjoyed your week.

Ours was definitely better and more
 enjoyable this week.

Pictures today are from random
 coastal vignettes over the years....

So on with Thankful Thursday.

Thankful for something our Pastor
 said in his sermon on Sunday that 
really helped me. Amazing how
one lil sentence of the truth can
help so much.  That's just one of
the reasons being in church is
such a blessing.

Thankful for my church, (that is
solidly biblically based)  where we
 have been members for 39 yrs. come
 the middle of October. Some of the 
best years of our life have been built
around this church.

#3, 4 and 5
Thankful for 5 new cards that I
made this week.  One was a birthday
card for my girl as her birthday is
on Saturday coming up.

Thankful for the ideas it spawned
for 2 of the other cards I did.

Thankful that we are over 60+
percent of the way till we should
be able to open our shop.
 So getting very excited.

Thankful that I finally finished up
my bedroom and we are really
enjoying the new look.  I am not
sure what to call it....maybe boho
chic with a touches of whimsy.
Will try to take some pics and
post a few soon.

Thankful for Shrimp salad that
I made today, and can't wait to
have for din din tonight. (Mon.).
update: It was so good and even
 better the next day.  
All gone now!!  lol

Thankful that our new friends finally
got to see their 2 granddaughters.They
 live in California and were suppose to
 come a few months ago, but it fell thru 
which was so disappointing for them,
as it has been along time since they 
have seen them.  So we are so happy 
for them and can't wait to see them
next week and hear about the good
time they had.

Thankful for Welch's Sparkling
grape juice.  We love that stuff.
Good's it's not alcoholic because
I could become addicted to it
very easily.  lol

#10 and 11
Thankful that I have our guest room
(really our daughters old room) just
about ready for a visit from her
next week.
and Of course, 
Thankful that she will be able to be
with us and that we can celebrate her
birthday with her as well, it will only 
 be 4 days late.

Thankful for a really fun and sweet 
last Wednesday with lil darling.
Praying she really loves the new
school arrangement, and I think she 
will as her kindergarten teacher from
last year who will be teaching her
 (that she loves), also has a 6 yr. old 
daughter, so that should make it
 a lot more fun too.

Well, this was our week.

Thanks for visiting.......

Hope you have a delightful

Love, Hugs, and
Mid August Blessings.


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Bloggers pit stop

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie girl

Shabby Art Boutique

The Dedicated House


  1. I'm so happy for you dear friend, so many things to be culminated in your agenda. Blessings on getting there.
    I love your little Summer vignette.
    Thank you for your kind advice on my blogging battle. I think you all have given me the erch of blogging once in a while, most of all to know about you dear friends I've gotten to know for nine years.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Hi Fabby,
    Good to hear from you and good you will keep blogging even if it is every so often.
    It is always nice to hear that our online friends are doing well, cause we have had this
    common ground with each other for years. It's been over 10 years now for me, so know
    exactly what you mean.
    Thanks for your sweet well wishes to me too hon.
    Thanks for coming by,

  3. #1. AMEN! I look so forward to church and the fellowship with Christians!
    #2. Yes! I have been in its fellowship for 31 years!
    # #4 #5. Praise the LORD! I can hardly wait to see the card you made for her!
    #6. Another joy to see when I visit!
    #7. I love the "frozen" shrimp with veggies and noodles! (Quick to fix too!)
    #8. Praise the LORD for their reunion!
    #9. It's good for you too! Where have I heard that before, ha!
    #10 #11. Yea, I can hardly wait!
    #12. I have her on my prayer list for the LORD to bless her endeavors!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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