Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thankful Thursday August 29, 2018, pics from a summer past

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, 
since as members of one body you were
 called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what's on your mind today??

I can tell you what's on mine and that
 is a Cat 3 hurricane looking like it is
 coming our way, and hoping our con-
tractor can come and get this pile of
trash from where he demo'd our old
shed.  Prayers please....

I am also remembering 2004 when
we went thru 3 hurricanes, one every
 2 was rather harrowing I
have to say, but we also saw God's 
hand of protection all over us in all
3 storms, and we went thru another
one about 2-3 years ago and we
 faired well other than some broken
 limbs on our big tree that used to be
 out front, but since she was cut down
this year, she won't be a problem
this time but even still the thought
of going thru another one just brings
a feeling of dread as it is just not 
a fun time for
So, of course, we are praying the
 Lord would cause it to dissipate 
or send that baby out to sea........
and if you care to join us in those
prayers, we would be more than
delighted.  lol

On a brighter note we get to see
lil darling today after school, so
that makes my day, as it has been
a week since we have seen her.
Am hoping for a sleep over this
weekend, but haven't gotten the
okay yet.  So will see!

Decided to make todays pic from
Summers past ....
since we are about to enter Sept. and 
it will be all about Fall soon.

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip for our daughter to and from
charleston S.Carolina.

Thankful for a great time with she
and Bentley while she was here, and 
celebrating her 35th birthday.  This
was also Bentleys first time to visit
us.....and he is  hoot.  He is a very
sweet and curious golden doodle.
He looks like Fonzie Bear on the
muppets and is like curious
George.  lol

Thankful that the most of the family
could gather to celebrate her birthday
unfortunately, her hubby and brother
could not be here as they were both
away from home with their jobs.

#4 and 5
Thankful to see lil darling on Thursday
 after school and in the evening, and 
thankful she had a very good first
 week at school. 

Thankful for a  elderly gentleman
 that goes to our church but that I 
don't really know well...He lost his
 wife of 63 yrs about 6 weeks ago, 
and I recently made and sent a
 Sympathy card to him. 
He was so genuinely appreciative 
which was a blessing all by itself
but it was the neat things he said
 about how it spoke to him.
 I was so struck by made me
weep, because God really used it to 
give me a greater vision about the 
impact that they can have.

 Thankful we went to see a new movie
in the theatre that just came out called
It was a really great movie and has a
number of good messages in it.  We
would highly recommend it, but take
your hanky......for good tears!!

Thankful for a easy and yummy
dessert recipe that I just happened
on last Wednesday and decided to
make for my daughter as well as
banana pudding.  They are called
NO bake chocolate peanut butter
cakes. I asked her what she wanted
for dessert and she said either Peanut
butter pie or banana pudding with 
nutter butter cookies in it.  So once
I saw these I decided to make both.
Cause these really come very close
to peanut butter pie and were quite
Click here to see them and get the
or type it in for yourself.

Thankful for our bikes and bicycle
 rides we have been taking lately. 
A more fun way to get exercise
I have to say. 

Thankful for all the new cards and
 printables we added to our website
 this week. We are 70+ percent
there now.

Thankful that with hurricanes
at least you have plenty of time
to prepare.

Thankful for a sweet call from 
my cousin who lives in Va., 
concerned about us cause of 
the Hurricane. He is such a
sweetie.  Always nice to 
know someone cares.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Have a Splendid weekend if you don't 
live in the path of Dorian.


Keep Your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and
End of August Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life


  1. Yes! I have been "praying without ceasing" even waking up in the night to find myself praying to the LORD to send the storm out to sea! As Christ Jesus calmed the storm on the sea of Galilee, I pray He will calm this one or send it away from us using the high pressure system over the U.S. that's moving toward the storm.
    #1. Praise the LORD for her safe keeping!
    #2. Yes, Bentley is one swell puppy! I really enjoyed seeing him! He really does great with his obedience training!!!
    #3. Family time together is always great. I did miss Scott and Jerry!
    #4 & #5. Thank the LORD for her positive first week! It is a change from Kindergarten indeed!
    #6. He is definitely a man of the LORD! I can't begin to know how it must feel to "lose" the love of your life (in his case 65 years or more they were married)! It must really leave an emptiness in the heart!
    #7. I wonder if it is age(?) I have found myself with tears from some of the movies I have been watching. I never used to "cry" at movies!
    #8. It was OUT OF THIS WORLD GOOD! lol!
    #9. It surely is more enjoyable to ride with someone than by one's self!
    #10. Yea! I've been praying every day for it your business.
    #11. It makes me wonder if I should get the covers for the windows!!! At least maybe one or two a year until they all have covers! I think it helps in having a lower insurance rate!
    #12. Yes! I have noticed every update shows the eye being further off the coast!!! Hallelujah to our LORD! I'm continuing to pray it goes completely out into the Atlantic!!!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Prayers have always been my way to tackle problems too- thanks for joining us in Bloggers Pit Stop - Pit Stop Crew


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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