Friday, August 9, 2019

Thankful Thursday August 8, 2019, Coastal decor scenes #4

 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; 
even at night my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one....
would imagine a lot of you are getting
your kiddles ready to go back to school
or off to school.

The first half of our week was very good, 
 but the 2nd half not so good. We got not
one but 2 Sad and Shocking announce-
ments this week that have both been
 grievious to our hearts, especially mine.
One was one of our Pastors that we
 have worked the most closely with is 
leaving to take another church, he and
his sweet family, and the other is we 
want be having lil darling any more on
 Wednesdays. We never saw either one 
coming. Altho we know the Lord knows
 what He is doing, it doesn't help your
 heart when you know you are gonna
 miss someone, and definitely takes 
some time to adjust and grieve what is
 coming, and I have been trying to do
 both the latter part of this week.
 Thankfully we should still be picking 
her up on Thurs. but that will only give
 us a few hours with her.  So hoping we
 can have more sleepovers on Friday
nights maybe.
One thing we can be sure of in life,
is that things are always changing,
like it or not.

Pictures today are again of our
Coastal themed living room.
If you missed Part 3, click here.

So on with Thankful Thursday!

Thankful for a fun sleepover with lil darling
on Friday has been awhile, so it
was really nice.

Thankful her Mom and Dad had a nice
evening out too.

Posterized affect

Thankful for the best chicken burrito I
have had in ages. Ordered it from Tijuana
flats and gave them specific instructions
which they followed to a T, and it was
sooo good!

Thankful that our contractor came out
again this week, which we again did 
not expect.....but we were quite 
happy about.  He started putting the
soffiting in this time.

Posterized affect

Thankful for a fun time at a Wedding
reception we went to for our Pastors
son.  He is now in the military and got
 married at an all family wedding, and 
so many folks love there son, they did
like a drop in wedding reception so
people could come by and meet his
new bride and congratulate them.
We also got to see their Wedding pics
on a rotating screen that was set up.
Lovely, and so good to see them both,
and to meet her as well. Such a sweet
and handsome couple.

Thankful for an unexpected dinner out
 afterwards at of our fav
 restaurants.  We were gonna come home
and have leftovers and we thought hey,
we are dressed and out let's do some-
thing else fun.

Thankful that my foot is pretty much
back to normal, altho I am still babying
it a bit just to make sure.  lol

Thankful that Season 11 of  "Heartland"
just came out.  We have watched all 10 
of the other seasons and we love this
 series.  It's really great!
Clean, great story line and great

Thankful for all of our 5 Pastors today,
but especially for our Precious Youth
 Pastor, and his wife (who leads the choir)
 and his sweet and beautiful children, as
 we just found out Sunday, that the Lord
 is leading them to a church in Nashville,
where he will become an Assoc. Pastor.
We are saddened to hear the news,  but
 know the Lord knows what he is doing.
 It was really a hard decision for them, 
but they feel he really is
good at preaching and needs to have
more opportunity to develop that, and
 this will be that opportunity. I think
 he needs to be heard as he has the 
ability to really touch peoples hearts 
with his transparency and sharing 
what the Lord is teaching him. So
that Nashville Church is really gonna
be blessed to have him for sure.

Thankful for the 6 years that I had to 
take care and nurture lil darling, they
were  such a Joy and blessing to me.
Hard right now to imagine my Weds.
without her, but knew it was coming
as she is getting older, just didn't
expect it yet. 

Paint Daubs affect

Thankful that I am feeling much
better emotionally than I was
at the beginning of the week.
Getting more adjusted to the idea
of what is coming and trying to see
the bright side as much as I can.

Thankful for my hubbies help 
with the above by listening to
me and letting me just spill out
all my helpful for 
helping us ladies work thru

Posterized affect

Well, that has been our week at
 Cozy Place...

I have had better weeks, but
then I have had worse as well.
Just keeping it real folks.

Have a great weekend


Keep your light shining brightly!

Watercolor affect

Love, Hugs and
August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Bloggers Pit Stop

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life


  1. As always you have such an inspiring Thankful list, So sorry you are losing one of your pastors, I wish him and his family the best! Change is so hard, especially when it involves our sweet grandchildren. I too have a very sweet understanding husband that lets me talk about things that i don't understand. My Dh has this saying.... "Nothings stays the same, except Jesus."
    i will be praying for strength, and encouragement!.

  2. #1. She is now at the age of great interaction! I have always loved my kindergarten age kids when I taught school!
    #2. It is good for them to enoy their time with one another.
    #3. Great to have others prepare the food we love so much, ha!
    #4. It's been definitely a patience builder, ha!
    #5. I had forgotten about it!!!
    #6. Yum yum for the tum tum, lol!
    #7. Thank out LORD. My right knee has been acting up a bit but is better now!
    #8. Yes, I watched all their episodes some time back. They have been on TV for awhile.
    #9. I have always loved his preaching too when video taping his sermons.
    #10. I can't believe how fast time passes! Thank the LORD you still have Thursdays and sleep overs!
    #11. I will be praying for "what is coming."
    #12. Praise GOD for husbands who hold, listen, and reassure with their love.
    Love you, Susan

  3. Gratitude always pays! very nice list here. Thanks for sharing in #BloggersPitStop - Pit Stop Crew


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie