Friday, October 11, 2019

Thankful Thursday October 10, 2019, Fall Table #4

 For the LORD takes delight in his people;
 he crowns the humble with victory. 
 Let his faithful people rejoice in this
 honor and sing for joy on their beds.
Psalm 149:4-5 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Good Friday Morning....hope you
are enjoying Fall, we have been
away and we got just a touch of
Fall a few times and have seen
in the weather that we are gonna
be dipping into the mid 60's at
night soon......So excited about
that!!!  It is time for sure!!!

As I said in my post yesterday
we have been away since last
Wednesday, and just got back
this Wednesday. Went to visit
our daughter and son-in-love
in Charleston S. Carolina.
Had a lovely time as always.

Pictures today are of another Fall
 table past. This one was for my
daughter-in- loves birthday dinner.
If you missed Table 3, and would
like to see it just click here.

So on with my post......

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip to our daughter Dee's and her
hubby Jerry's house in Charleston.
This was our something we were
 looking forward to that I mentioned
in a post last week.

Thankful that if the weather had
to be hot... we got to spend time in
the swimming pool.

Thankful for  getting to try 
cauliflower crust pizza for
the first time.  It was really
delicious and I could not tell
it was cauliflower, but the
only draw back is the crust
was tough.

Thankful that our daughter made
us our fav coffee cake she makes
everytime we come.  It is made
with cream cheese and fresh
 strawberries.  So Yummy!!

Thankful we finally got to see their
beach cottage in person, along with 
changes they have made. it really
is so cute and charming.

Thankful for some Home Goods and
 TJ Maxx shopping time with my 
girl.  That is always fun especially
when we only get to do it 2-3 times
a year,

Thankful for a fun time framing
up some pictures for her, and also
brainstorming decorating ideas for
their cottage together.

Thankful for the fun of eating chocolate 
covered donuts for breakfast, but only
 after a breakfast sandwich.  lol
We rarely eat those, but me and my 
son-in-love really love chocolate 
covered donuts but we all enjoyed
them for sure.

Thankful for a fun and long golf
cart ride just Dee and I, in the cool 
Fall air...It was finally
feel like Fall, even if it was just for 
one evening. (as the guys had fun
watching football)

Thankful for many games of yahtzee
for the 4 of us.  Lots of fun and laughs.

Always thankful for any amount of
time we get to visit with our loved
ones.....we got to stay a week this
time.......and I felt more ready to
come home too.

Thankful for a good and safe trip
home and altho it was uneventful
physically, it was rather eventful
emotionally and spiritually.
You can read about it here if 
you'd like or if you missed it.

Thanks for coming by to check out
another week of blessings
 at Cozy Place.

Hope you have a really lovely weekend.


Keep your light shining brightly,
and your American Flag flying

Love, Hugs and
First of October Blessings,


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  1. Such a pretty fall table. I love the containers with fruit and nuts.

  2. #1. Praise the LORD for your safe journey there and back as well as your fellowship with family!
    #2. Thank the LORD for water!!
    #3. Pizza crust tough and chewy! I like mine crisp and chewy!
    #4. Strawberry cake, yummy!
    #5. Great summer place to be!
    #6. And...the money to buy, ha!
    #7. Your specialty, decorating!!!
    #8. I love the apple fritters!
    #9. My neighbor down the street has a golf cart. He frequently rides around the caldesac checking on everyone!
    #10. My favorite game!
    #11. Great to visit but always good to get home!
    #12. I've got to put mine back out now that all the love bugs are gone!
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie