Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thankful Thursday October 17, 2019, Scenes from Falls Past

yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
 I will be joyful in God my Savior.
Habakkuk 3:18 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you well and enjoying Fall
weather where ever you live.

So excited that we are starting to feel
a tad more like Fall,  in the 80's but
think soon we will be in the 70's, 
soooooooo looking forward to that!!
It has been a long time coming....

Pics today are from a  Fall Past.
Love this dish with the potpourri
in it, sometimes I use it for a candy
dish (this year actually).  It belonged
to my late Mother, my Dad won it
for her at the fair when she was
pregnant with me.  It is made of
carnival glass and is just so pretty
 and Fall is the only time It really
 fits in with my decor, so always 
look forward to using it during
this time.

Well, on with my Thankfuls.

Thankful that we got to see lil darling
twice this week.  On our regular Thurs.
and then for a sleepover on Friday.
We had a great time as always.

Thankful for a good day at church and a
fun lunch out with our friends at Perkins.

Thankful that our contractor surprised
us by coming out on Sunday while we
 were at church and doing the ramp for
 our shed.  We didn't even know he did
 it until he called us that night.
He always comes on Saturday, so we
just thought great, another week with
no we were very
 pleasantly surprised!! Hopefully by
November we will have this project


Thankful that we discovered that
"Subway" has these new B-b-cue
beef brisket sandwiches and they are 
yummy.  It has been awhile since 
we have had any good b-b-cue
because the one place is 35 Mins.
away and hubby used to get take
out from there on the way home,
but since he isn't working down
there anymore we never go there,
and the one here in town just isn't
any good anymore.  So we were
quite happy for this discovery.

Thankful that today (Monday) is my 
daughter and son-in-loves 8th Anniversary. 
Seems like so much longer really.They
 make such a good team.....and are very 
happy together.  That makes our hearts
happy as well........

Thankful to hear good news from one 
of my dearest friends.  She had to have
 some biopsies done and everything
 turned out fine.  Praise the Lord.

Thankful for a new ladies
program on Trinity Broadcasting
network, called "Better Together"
It is a lovely, fun and edifying
program, and we really feel so
 uplifted after listening to all these
interesting ladies who are friends.
Even hubby enjoys it.

Thankful for Pres. Trump, Vice
Pres. Pence, Attorney General
Barr and Sec. of State Pompeo
and how they have been speak-
ing out about religious freedom.
Love the hearts of these men.
God Bless them,  and many 
others who are doing the same.

Thankful that what we thought
was concrete that got splattered
on our new shed when the con-
tractor poured the concrete for
 the ramp... turned out to just be
sand.  So happy about that, cause 
we were wondering how he was 
gonna get that off of the wood
 without it looking bad.
 Cause it was pretty big area.

Thankful we freed up our oak tree 
outback again. We did it in the 
Spring but the grapevine was trying
 to take it over again, so we did
 some grape vine pulling on Wed
The tree has really grown a lot 
since we freed it up the first time.
It's gonna be a nice strong
oak tree for sure.

Thankful for a long manual pole 
cutter that we purchased last year, 
it has been worth every penny we
 paid for it.  We can get so much 
higher up to cut tree limbs and
stuff with it. The gas one we
bought before it, couldn't even
reach what we wanted to cut,
so we took it back and got the
manual one....much more useful.

Thankful for our church and that this
 passed Tuesday ( Oct.15th) marked 
40 years for us at this church. 
It has been an enormous blessing
to us.

Thanks for coming by to check out
our week at Cozy Place.

Hope you have a really great Weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
Mid October Blessings,


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  1. Lots to be thankful for!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 5. Shared.

  2. #1. It's so awesome she can spend so much time with you. When Jim and I were kids we rarely got to see our grandmother.
    #2. I so enjoy that too, but my luncheons are on Wednesdays with the Bible study ladies!
    #3. I'm so sorry it is taking him so long to finish!!!
    #4. I so enjoy any food I don't have to cook! Ha!
    #5. I thought it was longer too!
    #6. Thank our LORD GOD He is so good!
    #7. I'm so thankful for Christian programming.
    #8. I pray everyday for the LORD's protection, wisdom, and strength upon Trump, Pence, their cabinet members, GOD's servants in Congress, on the military chiefs of staff, and judges on the supreme court. As well as I pray for the salvation of all the lost politicians to come to salvation in our LORD!
    #9. That reminds me of what looked like scratch marks all down the side of my truck!!! I thought someone had keyed it but it was chewing gum. There is still a little unnoticeable "stringing" but you have to look for it!
    #10. Steve cleared my fence this past week! I just noticed for the first time some of the vine beginning on the side of Lillian's house. It has never been on that side before!!!
    #11. I may later have to have Steve cut back on the oak tree approaching the garage.
    #12. Amen! Praise the LORD! I have been attending since 1986! 33 years! I praise the LORD for all the families that fellowship with our LORD!
    Love you, Susan

  3. Wow - I have a pretty bowl just like that! I inherited it from my mother. And we've just started enjoying the cooler weather here in Texas as well. I sure hope it continues! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!

  4. Your Thankful Thursday's are always so encouraging to me, Nellie! Your bowl looks like one I found in an antique shop, Happy Anniversary to your SIL and daughter. Congratulations on your church's anniversary too!.Giving thanks with you and your friend for a great report.
    Fall has finally arrived for us, it has been a very long and hot summer.
    have a great week.

  5. Great post. I have started keeping a gratitude list. I am so blessed and have so much to be thankful for.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie