Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thankful Thursday October 3, 2019, Fall tables #3

Worship the LORD with gladness; 
come before him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100:2 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
Welcome to October!
Boy, did September fly by quickly
or is it just me that thinks so??

So how are ya??

We are finer than frog hair,
as my hubby likes to say.  lol

Been a good week, have some-
thing we are looking forward 
to and will share it with you
next week.......

Pictures today are of another Fall 
Table past, think it was a brunch 
table probably.....

  So on with my post.

Thankful for a trip to Sam's club
and dinner out at Carrabba's Italian.
Delicious as always.

Thankful for MacDonalds hot 
fudge sundae's.  They are delicious,
cheap and just the right size.

Thankful we got to watch our furry
Granddaughter dog, Lola for 4 days
  We haven't seen her in awhile, so it 
was fun loving on and enjoying her
  She is just the sweetest and most 
lovey lil dog.

Thankful that our contractor came
 this weekend....finally.  He did 
caulking and painting. We are so
ready for this shed to be finished.

Thankful for some yard work
in our back yard, we got done 
this weekend.
Just getting started, but looking
forward to doing it once it gets
a lil bit cooler. It was overcast
so that made it not so bad.

Thankful for some other berries
we have in our backyard, that
are so pretty.  We had to prune
them, so brought some branches
in and made an arrangement,
not sure how long it will last
but figured I would enjoy them
for as long as they last. I just
love all sorts of berries but
 especially those that grow wild.
They are just so neat, and like
finding lil treasures. We have
always had these berries but
I have no idea what they are
called but we had a bumper
crop this year.

Did some research online and
think they are called "Yaupon
Holly",  they really look more
Christmasy than Fallish but 
they are pretty so that's all

Thankful for all of God's 
amazing creations, people,
animals and plant life etc.
All His creativity is just
so amazing and fascinating.

Thankful that my nephew and
his wife think they found out 
the culprit to why she hasn't
 been feeling well almost the 
whole time since they got here.  
They are temporarily renting a
 house and they found mold.
So hoping cleaning that up
will solve the problem.

Thankful for more cards
added to our website.  We
are 81% of the way there

Thankful for nachos from
Applebees, they are just on
the appetizers list but they
are really good. We have
had the chicken and the
beef, my fav is the chicken
but the beef are great too!

#11 and 12
Thankful that we got to
have lil darling all day since
she was out of school this
week for Fall break. We had
a great time with her, and
Thankful that at the end of the
day she even got to see her lil 
friend next door and they were
both thrilled, as it has been quite
 awhile since they have been
 able to get together.

Well, that's all folks.........

as Porky Pig would say!!  lol

Thanks for your visit......

Hope you have a Lovely
Friday and Weekend,
Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs and 

October Blessings,


Sharing with:

Bloggers Pit Stop

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

TheDedicated House


  1. Your tablescape is so pretty. I love the light colors for fall. Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend.

  2. #1. Eating out is always a great time together!
    #2. I haven't had one of them in a long time!
    #3. She reminds me so much of my Gracie. I still miss her!
    #4. My...he is really taking his time! I know you will be glad when it is finished!
    #5. I'm so thankful for Steve! He will be clearing my front right fence as you come in the gate. Someone finally came and smoothed the ground from where Linda had the clearing done.
    #6. I'm glad you looked them up!! Many are poisonous. I love to watch the birds eat them!
    #7. Amen! The detail of His individuality with each creature is so amazing!
    #8. I will add this to my prayer list!
    #9. YEA! I've been praying for it!
    #10. I sometimes just have them for my meal (with a salad too.)
    #11 & #12. Great times when family can be together!!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie