Friday, January 24, 2020

Thankful Thursday January 23, 2020, Winter/Valentines day decor from the past.#3

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, 
since as members of one body you were
 called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a lovely week.

Ours has been lovely for sure....
Had a really good time at our
daughter and son-in-loves, and
always sad to leave her, but also
happy to get home, cause like you
know "there is no place like home".

Pictures today are of Winter
decor in the past.

So now on with my Thankfuls.

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip to South Carolina and back.

Thankful for so many fun things
we got to do.... Playing cards, and
Scattergories, eating out, cooking
 together, shopping at Home Goods,
and at the "At Home" store.
Getting to visit their new beach
 cottage and getting to see all the 
new things they have done to
reno and spruce it up, as well as 
helping them with some things.
Also, for a bit of Crafting. They
 have old windows that came off
 the beach house, so we printed
 some neat graphics and put them
on each pane of glass, and she 
put it on facebook market place
to sell.  We really liked it, and
think someone else will too
Also watching and enjoying 
their new pup Bentley who is
now about 20 pds, and they
watched a friends dog as well
for the last half of our time
there.  Those dogs were a riot
as they played...they run at top 
speed and slide all around
wrestling with each other and
having the time of their life.
(Roxi the other dog left on
Monday night so I am sure
Bentley really misses her.)
and Dee and I's most favorite
 thing to do is spend time one
on one talking or doing a pro-
ject and we got to do quite a
 bit of that this time which is
rare anymore, so that was
quite a blessing.

Thankful for some new and fun
 discoveries while there:

A Brand New Mexican Restaurant 
we all really liked but don't remember
the name of it, (it's not a chain rest-
aurant tho) but it was in the same
shopping center as the store I talk
about below.

A trip to a new grocery store we
 have never heard of but will be
 coming to Florida in the next year
 (hopefully one near us). For those
 of you who know about Publix 
Supermarkets, you know they
 sell Greenwise products.
Well, this was a Greenwise Super
market, and a really neat store.
We got some amazingly good
cookies from their bakery while
 there too, and they were so
yummy and the Mgr. who was
 originally from Florida came and
 placed a $13. Cheesecake with 
Strawberries and blueberries on it,
in our cart for free........she said it
 was either going home with us or
in the trash, so naturally we took it 
home with us and It was delicious!!
(We are think she must of heard us
 talking to some of her employees 
about loving the store and being
 from Florida).  My daughter and
them will definitely be visiting
there again.  It was their first
visit too.

Also, they had discovered a
really neat donut shop that they
introduced us to called the
"Fractured Prune"
Such fresh and delicious cake
donuts with all sorts of neat
glazes and toppings. We each
 got 3 of our own choosing. 
 Just a few of the names that
 I can remember:
French Toast, Dulce de Leche,
Ms. Prunella, and lemonaide,
Salted Caramel, and they were
all really good and what a fun
and yummy breakfast.  lol
We cut them in quarters and
 sampled them
If you have been reading my
blog long you know we love
finding new things to eat and
 new stores we enjoy browsing.
We are very easily entertained,
what can I say!!  lol

Thankful that I found a  white board 
to put on my fridge that I have been
looking for, and some presents for
 lil darling, and a pretty mercury glass
 blush pink candle-holder/vase, and
hubby found an angel for lil darling
for next Christmas and 2 of those 
ceramic Christmas cottages on sale.

Thankful to have the ability to see both
of our children and their families so I have friends who rarely get
to see their children and Grandchildren,
and it is very hard for them.  So we
know how blessed we are....

Thankful that lil darling got the
drain or whatever it was taken out
and got the all clear from the Dr.
on Monday and is healing well.
Very happy to hear that!

Thankful that we are all unpacked
from our trip now, and I can get on 
with taking down our Christmas 
stuff tomorrow. I decided not to 
try and tackle it before we left....
just took down the tree and 
outside decorations

Thankful that my sweet neighbor
sent over some of her wonderful
veggie soup.

Thankful that all the Christmas things
are down, not packed up yet because I
decided to redecorate first....and since
I decided to keep my poinsettias up
and use red for accents this year, it
just seemed so much warmer since
it was so cold here. Also thought I
 might need some of the Christmas
things that can look like Winter as

#10 and 11
Thankful to get to see lil darling
today after 12 days.  She loved
her presents and had to try them
on....she loves clothes
Also Thankful for hearing her
sing "It is well, with my soul".
She learned it in chapel at her
school.  Precious!

Thankful that we were able to 
find a place in our Winter Decor
for 2 lil charming Village type
houses that typically gets used
at Christmas.  My hubby has
always loved those villages,
and we found 2 on sale at
Michaels when we were in SC
for 80% off, so they came home
with us.  He is gonna try to con-
vert them into battery operated
houses that turn themselves
on and off....which will be
great if he can do it cause then
we can put them anywhere and
not have to plug them in, but I
found a place we could put both
of them so we could plug them
in for now.  Looks so cute!

Well, that's it for Cozy Place 
this week,  this is the SC

Thanks for coming by....

Have a Super Duper weekend!

Love, Hugs and
Warm Cozy Blessings,


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Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life


  1. Hi Nellie,
    Love your sweet valentines day decor. Have a great weekend.

  2. Happy to read of your trip to see your family, and of all the goodies you found. We are one of those families whose children, and grandchildren live far away, well most of them, however, new are blessed that our daughter lives nearby, she is an RN and plans to help with dh's recovery, at home, we will be leaving and going home today. Our son came in for two weeks to look after the farm, our heavenly Father is so wonderful in how He looks after us and meets all our needs, He demonstrated His love and power to me so many times during the hospital stay. You got some great blessings too, I love cheese cake!~wink~
    Thank you for your sweet comment and your prayers.

  3. Hi, friend, I am back to blogging again. While blogging is much more business than it used to be and will probably never have the community-feel it used to have, I still just enjoy it, so I decided to stick with it. Although I deleted the blogs you have known me for, I made my private blog public, and I am writing on that. It's called Writing to Remember. I'd love for you to stop by if you have a chance. I write to remember---about faith, home, and family.

    I remember not too long ago when Dee was living in Asheville. What a thrill that she is even closer now. It's like, what, a 5-hour drive to Charleston? That makes visits much more doable.

    I have no doubt you are an amazing grandma to lil darling. I'm sure she adores time with you two!

    All well here. Seems like just yesterday we were 30-somethings at DAC, worshiping with sweet folks like you.

    Patti Gardner

  4. #1. Praise our LORD for His traveling mercies to you.
    #2. You were busy! Yes, it's so much fun to watch the pups (you know how it was when I had four!!! ha!) I really enjoyed their antics!
    #3. Isn't Greenwise also based on healthy nutrition?
    #4. Happy shopping day!
    #5. I am sure they were blessed as well!
    #6. Praise our LORD GOD, I have been praying every day for her!
    #7. Decorating surely keeps you busy, ha!
    #8. Sounds delicious!
    #9. What is that saying, "Decisions, decisions, in the valley of decisions." Ha!
    #10 & #11. Praise the LORD she is getting so much exposure to our LORD!
    #12. The lighting in them sounds great!
    Love you, Susan

  5. Sounds like you've been really busy lately having a wonderful time! I love the new background on your blog! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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