Saturday, January 18, 2020

Thankful Thursday January 16, 2020, winter decor from the past #2

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that
 cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so
 worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,
Hebrew 12:28 NIV

Greeting Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week
and those of you up north in the blizzard
 areas, praying you are staying warm and
 keep your power.

We were finally able to leave for our
trip on Saturday,  since lil darling was doing
 much better and her Dad was coming later
that day.  We have been here in Charleston
SC visiting with our daughter and son-in-love
 since last Sat. evening and will be leaving 
here soon.  Poo...The Parties
Will tell you about it next Thursday.

Pictures today are from Winter
 decor past at Cozy Place.

So on with my Thankfuls

Thankful that lil darlings 2nd day 
after surgery was good as well....
cause it is notorious for being the
 worst day after surgery.


Actually she did really well the
whole time, but the bandage 
removal as the worst.

Thankful for Sonic burgers,  they remind
me of my Dad's Hamburgers and haven't 
had one for a long time. My Dad used to
own a diner.

#3 and 4

Thankful to hear that the direction our
friend Arlene has been led to go with
 her cancer treatment has proven to be
 94% affective in eradicating the cancer.
It is very costly tho, so thankful they
have the means to be able to do it as


Thankful to have a nice long chat
with our friend Arlene to finds out
 all the particulars of her cancer


Thankful lil darling continues to do
 well, after the ordeal of getting the 
surgical bandages off. that is the most 
horrible/painful tape to get off ones

#7 and 8

Thankful that since lil darling
is doing well...we could leave
for our trip to our daughters,
and thankful we made the trip 
safely and uneventfully.

#9 and 10

Thankful to hear our friend
Arlene and hubby rec'd the
card and gift we sent them
before they went to california
for her to begin her treament for
cancer As she is due to go any-
time and it might have been
 awhile before they got it, so
Thankful for that answer to

#11 and 12

Thankful our son, got a new
job so hopefully this will make
it possible for him to be home
 more.  Also Thankful its better
in every way and that he is very 
excited about it.

That's it for cozy place this week.

Thanks for coming by.....

Have a good weekend.

Love, Hugs and

Cozy Warm Winter Blessings,


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The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Cottage Adventures

Ducks 'n a Row


  1. #1. Praise our LORD for His answer to our prayers!
    #2. I surely enjoy the occasional burger I buy too!
    #3 & #4. Thank our LORD Jesus, the Great Physician!
    #5. I pray she continues to do well!
    #6. It seems they could soak the bandages in a solution that would cause the tape to let go!
    #7 & #8. Another blessing from our LORD!
    #9 & #10. GOD is so Good!
    #11 & #12. Oh, thank the LORD!!! I have been praying for him to get it!!!!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Glad you little one is doing better after her surgery. You have lots to be thankful for in your post today. May you have a wonderful weekend.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie