Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Most Popular Posts for 2019 - Part 2

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy.

It is still cool weather here so we
are very happily enjoying it,  as it
is just 67 today, so it is really like
what some of you experience as
Fall........so it's perfect weather
for us anyway!!

About to finally pack away my
Christmas stuff today!

Then I can get back to working
on our card business.

Hopefully next week I can show
you some of our Winter decor,
if I get time to take and edit

pictures.  Will see....

Here is Part 2 of the Most Popular
Post for last year.

July 2019

August 2019

September 2019

October 2019

November 2019

December 2019

Click here to see

Well,  that's it for last year at Cozy Place.

Soon we will be moving on to February,
Whew, January just flew by, course I am
sure that was because we were gone for
over a week.

Hope you have a lovely week.

Love, Hugs and
Winter Blessings,


Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life


  1. You always set such a lovely table!! I know those who share a meal around it are blessed by the beauty and by the love and hospitality of their hostess!

    Card business? Tell me more, please! I am a card sender, and in my opinion, one can never have too many cards. I buy note cards all the time!!

    Love and hugs,

  2. Thank You Patty you are so sweet....thanks for the lovely encouragement...I appreciate it.

    It is still under construction at this point but we are hoping to launch it in March....
    Jim has been building a website for me, as I am making cards. They will be downloadable,
    printable cards and we will give all the instructions needed on how to do that, and what
    to print them on and more....and they will be at a very affordable price, and cards that
    are encourage and Bless the recipient hopefully.

    Thanks for asking.
    Hope you are doing well, I know this is typically a hard season of the year for you.
    It is sunny here today but it's the first day in awhile...so want to get out there and
    get some sun today if possible. lol

    Take care hon,
    Love and Blessings

    I will answer your other comments on other posts soon.

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  4. All your tables look so pretty. It is always so great to have a pretty place setting to serve a nice meal. January has flown by and I for one am happy. I do not like winter and look forward to Spring.
    Have a great rest of the week.

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  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...