Friday, January 31, 2020

Thankful Thursday January 30, 2020, Winter decor from the past #4

In God we make our boast all day long, 
and we will praise your name forever.
Psalm 44:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week.

Ours has been good, busy, and
I have been a lil under the weather
as I had a UTI and had to go to the
CVS clinic for meds on Thursday,
but feeling better today.

My day has been mostly on the
phone with my sweet daughter
and a sweet long time friend,
and talking to my hubby, so
it has been a relation building
day I guess I would say!! and
it was fun catching up.

Pictures today are decor from
another Winter past.  So on
with my Thankfuls.....

#1 and 2
Thankful to have all my Winter
decorating finished.
Thankful that all my Christmas
decor is packed and put 
away finally!!
Whoo Hoo

Now time to just enjoy it.

Thankful for warm comfy lounging
PJ's while we are having these 
cooler temps.

Thankful for my new Christmas
tablecloth, I really enjoyed it
all thru the Christmas season
and beyond.

Thankful that I decided to do
my Winter Decorating in red
this year.  We are really enjoying
it, and I did do the living room
in Green and white,  so we have
 the best of both worlds.  lol

Thankful for a sweet Memorial
Service on Sunday for a sweet
servant of God in our church,
she was 84 yrs. old, and was
a widow with no children, and
she had been at our church for
about 37 years, so we knew her
all that time, and she taught our
daughter DeeAnna when she
was really little.
She was always taking care of
things at our church, and was a
real help to our Pastors. She also
always helped out in the kitchen 
and made coffee for everyone,
and taught young children when
she was younger, also visiting 
folks in the nursing homes. 
 She was a very take charge lady 
and a shaker and mover, but  these 
last years she had to go to assisted
living and then into a Nursing home
 for our Churches Denomination.
In this past year she was in pain
all the time, and when she went
into hospice care she sort of just
planned her own service, as she
 had a list with songs she wanted
 sung and scripture verses to share
and even wrote her autobiography
which made it very easy for our 
Pastors to do her service.
She went out in her usual style,
and she even had them give away 
some of  her personal treasures 
to anyone who wanted a re-
membrance of her and I picked 
up a few lil angels for the Christ-
mas tree, one for me and
 one for my daughter.

Thankful that hubby was able to
 help our friends with their computer 
that crashed. He is a Pastor and uses
his computer to do his sermons, so
he was very happy to have it back.
My Hero, did it again!

Thankful to be making some cards
again.  As I have had a pretty long
break with all the holidays.

Thankful that even tho our shed
is still not completed, it is done
enough we could put some big
things in there like our riding
mower and stuff,  which has
freed up space in our garage so
that we can now have all our
Christmas decorations on the
ground floor.  Hubby doesn't
need to be going up in the
attic quite happy
and Thankful about this change.

Thankful for a new TV series
we found on Pureflix called
"Doc".  It is really good and
clean, with good story lines.
Billy Ray Cyrus plays Doc.
We have seen about 7 shows
and they have all been great.

Thankful for CVS Pharmacy walk-in
clinics.  Have a UTI and was able to
go there this morning and get the
medication I needed, since I couldn't
get in to see my normal Dr. and it
was closer to home as well.

Thankful for antiobiotics and
yoga pants (lol).  Hopefully
the antiobiotics will take care
of the problem within the next
12-24 hrs. and yoga pants feel
so much more comfortable 
than jeans right now.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week..........

Have a Delightful Weekend,

Love, Hugs and 
Bye Bye January Blessings,


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Oh My Heartsie Girl

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A Stroll thru Life


  1. Pretty winter decor. Happy Saturday. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. #1 & #2. Your decorating surely goes with the winter weather!!
    #3. Yes! I'm enjoying my warmer wear as well!
    #4. It is surely beautiful as well as your table settings!
    #5. Red carries on into "Valentine's Day" as well!
    #6. The pastor was "cute" with his comments on her "layout" for her memorial!
    #7. Those crashes are horrible. I remember mine was irretrievable!!!
    #8. Hobbies are so enjoyable!
    #9. I'm so glad he will not have to go up into the attic anymore. I have found I have to be so careful in aging to not do many of the things I used to just because of NOT being able to do it anymore!
    #10. Heartland is starting with newer series now! It starts on Monday! I think the series is still in continuation in Canada!
    #11. I pray all is better and on the mend now!
    #12. That's one of my retirement privileges, comfort wear, ha!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie