Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Folly Beach House - Redecorated

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and
enjoying life.

It's a beautiful day in Florida today,
but will also we a hot day of 85.....
Looking like it might be a mighty
hot Summer....sure hoping not!!
Just not ready yet......

Thought I would show you the ad
for our Daughter and Son-in-loves
charming new look at their Beach
Cottage. Wish I had the before pics, 
 so you could really see just how
 much they have done and what a 
great job of redecorating they have
 done.  So proud of them.
I would say it went from cute to
classy coastal.

Right now I am just showing you
 the inside because the outside is
 still in progress but should be
 finished in the next few weeks.

They have actually been staying
there for the last 3 weeks and will
stay at least 2 more weeks. 
They are absolutely loving every
minute of it and meanwhile they
rented their normal home which
helps to pay for some of their
renovations.  They are smart

Below is the link to the listing,
hope you enjoy it.....
will post it again once they get
all the outside pictures in a few

I will tell you about the changes
 that were made since I posted it
 last year.  see that post here.  They
had already made some changes
at that point but not too many.

In the Living area:
 New comfier hide-a-bed sofa,
 new chairs, new pillows, new wall
 accessories, new rug, new banquette
 seating in the dining area, with a new
 round table and cute chairs, new light
 fixture and new pictures and cushions, 
and they also added tray tables,that can 
be used anywhere. New shades on 
front and back door.

In the Kitchen:
It's totally equipped 
and nicely decorated with all that
 you need, like glasses, cups, dishes
and flatware and kitchen tools, 
toaster, coffee maker, pots and pans, 
towels, and of course all your normal
 kitchen appliances. They also added
 an additonal cabinet for more space.
(not shown in the pictures)

In the Bath:
  All new wall accessories to add 
some color, (it  is a very pretty bath-
room but definitely needed some color
to match the rest of the cottage.)
Also added a new cabinet for
 storage,  and a new shade.

Bedroom #1: 
 New Queen bed (doesn't look that
 large in the picture for some reason)
with a Purple mattress, New Boho look
 headboard, New bedding and pillows, 
Beautiful closet doors (there weren't 
any before) New chair and mirror,
 new shades,new hanging lamp. 
and new wall accessories.

Bedroom #2:
  New picture and new shades.

Well, that's all I can think of for
now, more to come in a few weeks
of all that was done on the outside.

Hope you enjoyed the post and
who knows maybe some one
might be trying to decide where
to go for vacation this year!  lol

Thanks for stopping by and 
have a great week,

Love, Hugs and


Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

My Random Musings

The Dedicated House


  1. Oh my gosh what a beautiful vacation home. They decorated it so beautifully and cozy. I am keeping this in mind if Terry and I visit SC in the future. This looks fabulous. What a beautiful job they did rehabbing. Stunning.

  2. Hi Kris,
    Yea, we think so too, and it gets even better....they are putting a pool and hot tub in the
    backyard and all new landscaping, and they tiled the front porch (which is large) and put in one of those bed swings and chairs so it' like a lovely lil sitting area out there, and they also have rockers, and a gate so if people have their pet or small children they want have to worry about them getting off the porch. Can't wait to see the finished photos of the yard.
    They were still working on the outside when we were there weeks back, but know it's gonna be gorgeous.

    Thanks for coming by and for all your sweet comments, I am sure our kids will be very
    encouraged by them. Always good to hear from you hon,

  3. What a beautiful place! I noticed that they allow dogs so I am pinning for future vacation possibilities! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!

  4. Thanks for coming by Roseann and also for your interest in their cottage.
    They have had the best time staying out there for the last almost 6 weeks and everything
    is just about finished. Everything inside was done, but there was heavy duty work going on
    outside, so they are thrilled it is done other than a few small loose ends to tie up which
    should be done by next week. They have had so much rain it has slowed things down a lot
    unfortunately, but the finish line is coming.........lol


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...