Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Valentines Breakfast Table

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a good and productive day.

Ours was that......worked on a table for my
Sister-in-law Susans birthday and then
decided it was time for all the poinsettias
and the red to go from the family and
 dining room, so did that and added green
and some white it it's place, leaning
a lil more toward Spring but still have
Winter accents too.

Hubby got a lot of bush cutting done out
in our front yard today which was great,
 and needed doing. We try to cut them
 way back every other year, so that they
 don't grow too tall.  So we are making
 progress.....and I love to see progress
 on any project, it just spurs me on.....

Thought I would show you our break-
fast table on Valentines day.  I set it 
pretty for breakfast cause lil darling 
was here with us in the morning.
That lil sweetie loves her some bacon
and eggs and usually orange rolls, but
 I gave her a choice between orange
 rolls and Valentine mini cupcakes,
 since we didn't want to sugar her 
up too much! She chose the cup-
cakes, as she loves those too.

Just threw this together with pretty much
what I had....other than the plates and

Hubby gave me this beautiful dwarf 
azaleas.They are pinky peach,  but they
 look very peach in the pictures.
They are so pretty whatever color
they are...........lol

Picked these cute plates and napkins up
at the dollar tree.

A few overviews

with a Posterized affect

Had this Dove candy box from a few 
years back that hubby gave me, (their
chocolates are really good, by the way)
 so just added it in with some hearts 
and candles, of course.

We had a nice enjoyable breakfast.
Hubby does our bacon and eggs
all the time now.  I love that!
Cause other than grilling that is
the main cooking that he does,
but he does help out as my 
Sous chef a lot!  Think that's
how you spell it....lol

Believe it or not I just found out what 
sous chef was from a movie about
 a month or so ago.  Always heard
of it, but never knew what it meant.

Just in case you don't know, it is a chef
that chops everything for the head chef.
Makes cooking a lot faster and easier
for sure.  My Dad was a Chef but he
didn't have a sous chef but he did
have a lot of people to clean up 
after him which was nice, as he
was a great cook but messy!  lol

Well, hope you have a lovely day,
and Thanks for coming by.

Love, Hugs and 
last of February Blessings,


  1. Love your sweet Valentine's table. Happy Wednesday.

  2. Thanks Kris,
    Hope you guys are surviving the cold again. Ours will start tomorrow.
    Had heavy rain today,so happy we didn't have to go out today.
    You have a great rest of the week hon.


  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Such a beautiful table! The breakfast sounds yummy especially those cupcakes! Adrienne from Gluten Free Preppers and a member of the Blogger's Pit Stop Crew


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...