Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thankful Thursday February 6, 2020, 1st Winter tablescape for 2020

 yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
 I will be joyful in God my Savior.
Habbakuk 3:18 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you are enjoying February.
So far we has been cool and nice,
but today it is a high of 85 here. YUK!
Our weather has been like most people's
Fall weather....and I am just not ready
for that heat yet....course, I don't have
to be ready for it to come, if it's coming,
it's coming!!  lol

Pictures today are from a Winter
table I did this week. I told you I
did red accents in the family and
dining room for Winter this year,
which works nicely for Valentines
day as well. This is not a Valentines
Day table but easily could be if you
threw in some hearts, or roses if

I consider poinsettias a Winter 
Flower so have no problem using
them past Christmas.

Well, on with my Thankfuls
for the week.

Thankful that we found a
 "Buttermilk Pie"
at our Walmart neighborhood store. 
 I had a friend who used to make those
 all the time and they are really wonderful 
with fresh fruit on top.  We put organic 
strawberries on ours and it was 
sooo good.
I haven't had it since she moved away
years ago. Note about the organic
strawberries....they taste so much better 
than normal strawberries, got that tip
 from my sweet Daughter.
Have you ever had Buttermilk pie??

Thankful for long chats with my
Daughter and one of my very
Best long time friends.  Made
for a fun day.

Thankful that hubby found the
lights and was able to convert
our plug in village houses to
battery operated ones instead.
Now we can put them anywhere
we want,  so that will be nice 
when we are decorating for
Christmas next year.
He never ceases to amaze me.

#4 and 5
Thankful for our dear friends
that hubby got their computer
working for......and thankful
for Texas Roadhouse gift
certificates they sent us, even
tho they really did not need to,
it was very sweet of them.

Thankful that one of my friends
had a flat tire and didn't even
realize it until someone waved
her over and told her, and she 
could have had a blow out, if
they hadn't told her, and right
after that her son called and 
had been rear-ended in a car
accident but everyone was fine
in both cars.  Wonderful that
 no one was hurt or injured in 
either situation.  God is good!

Thankful for phone alarms,
hubby sets ours for all sorts
of things. Like having a list
but not having to worry
about checking it.  lol

Thankful for some cookies
we discovered years back
that are really so delicious
and remind me of ginger-
bread and they only have
4 gms of sugar per cookies.
They are called
"Steenstras's" (Almond St.
Claus Windmill cookies.
We find ours at our Publix
grocery store, in the bakery
dept.  They are great with 
coffee or a glass of milk for 
a nice snack.  They have
come in handy many times.

#9 and 10
Thankful for an amazing
State of the Union message
and Thankful for a President
who has done what he said
he would in spite of all the
opposition he has experienced.

Thankful for a fun time with
the family on Saturday

Thankful President Trump
was finally aquitted of this
sham of an impeachment.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week.

Have a very enjoyable weekend,

Thanks for visiting!

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Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Ducks 'n a Row


  1. Nellie, thank you for your visit to my purple hearts and leaving your comment. I love your list of thankfuls. Wow, 85° is almost too hot even for FL at this time of year, isn't it? We are in West Virginia (northern most southern state, southern most northern state), and that about sums it up for whether....all over the map (but whose isn't lately, right?). Lovely to be able to link back and get somewhat acquainted with you here on your blog. Happy February!

  2. I am with you on President Trump! And Ms. Pelosi's behavior was appalling...and infantile! Isn't the kind of behavior we try to train out of our kids?! Of course, so is the President's name-calling.

    Anyhow, I am also with you on poinsettias. I actually keep up red and green decor---complete with poinsettias---all through December, January, and February. I don't use a Christmas tree anymore, and I do put my Nativity set away, but for the most part, my Christmas decor stays up the entire winter.

    Long chats with our adult daughters are wonderful!! I talk with Gabrielle every single morning, as she drives to work, and most afternoons as she drives home. Since her commute is 25 minutes, that is almost an hour of conversation every day.

    Blessings to you,

  3. #1. I've never had buttermilk pie!
    #2. I need to call and talk with Sylvia. I haven't heard from her in a while.
    #3. LED lights are fantastic!
    #4 & #5. He is a genius with computers!
    #6. I'm thankful all are okay!
    #7. Thankfully National Reg. stopped an annoying caller I have had for some time!
    #8. YES! Aren't they delicious!!
    #9 & #10. YES! Praise our LORD. It's amazing all Trump has done in three years that Congress and passed presidents haven't been able to do in 50 years! I'm glad he listed the accomplishments for the American CITIZENS!
    #11. Gatherings are always a time of blessing!
    #12. OH!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! I hadn't heard as yet! Thank you for sharing it! I thank our Almighty GOD and HIS power, strength and wisdom to His servants in govt.
    Love you, Susan

  4. oh my buttermilk pie is one of my all time favorites my mother in law used to make the best
    come see us at


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...