Friday, February 21, 2020

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2020, Our Winter Family room 2020

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy. Spread your
 protection over them, that those who
 love your name may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a really good week.

It has been a really good week here,
just getting some things done that 
needed to get done.  Been working
outside some and really do love 
doing that when I am in the mood,
and I have been in the

Pictures today are from our 
Winter Family room this year.

So on with my Thankfuls.

Thankful for a fun time with lil
darling over the weekend, as we
had several days and sleepovers
while Mommy and Daddy were


Thankful that we did some tree
limb cutting today (Monday) 
that really needed doing. Lil 
darling motivated us over the
 weekend as she was lamenting
about how much she missed her
 swing. We used to have it on our
 tree in front of the house and last 
Spring we had to have the tree
 taken down, cause it was causing
drain field issues, so we had a tree
in the backyard so hubby finally
put it back up today.  She will
be thrilled when she comes
on Thursday.


Thankful that our kids all had a
 good time together at the beach 
house you saw on my blog on

Thankful for the signs of Spring 
cause I love all the new green leaves
and how everything just burst forward
 into the newness of life....which is
such a reminder of Jesus' resurrection
from the dead,
but have to say I am not as Thankful 
about the heat that comes along with
 it....... not complaining,
Just being honest!

Thankful for my easy peasy clothes
 drying rack.  I wear a lot of cotton 
and I don't like to put it in the dryer
due to it shrinking my clothes, and
it is just so easy to store and pull up.


Thankful that we got more yard
work done, this time in our front
yard.  We had white Lantana all
along our walkway and it looks
so pretty when it is blooming but
it grows so quickly we are con-
stantly having to cut it back off
our walkway and it also causes
our walkway to get mildew and
looks icky, so we decided it was
time for it to go. Gonna do some-
thing that is much easier to deal
with.....just have to figure out
what now??

Thankful for some fresh mixed
veggies we found at our Publix
market in the produce dept.... it 
had onions, mushrooms, red and 
yellow peppers, and broccoli.
So all I had to do was throw it
in a bowl and add some salt
pepper, granulated garlic and
olive oil, mix to cover it with
 the oil, and we cooked it on 
the grill in a special veggie
grill pan and it was delicious,
and so that!!

#8 and 9
Thankful I have a Drs. appt.
today for a physical, cause I
have been having some issues
and hoping Dr. can get to the
bottom of them.  (Thursday)
Thankful that my Drs. appt. 
went well and he gave me
more antiobiotics cause they
think I have a low grade UTI
 still.  Now have to make appts
for all those other things they
have to check, bone density,
Mammo, blood work, and
more.   It's like the never
ending story every time we
go for a physical.  lol  but
I am sure most of us feel that
way, but I am thankful our Ins.
covers all that and that we
have all those things avail-
able to us.  Not everyone

Thankful for the bible and
our lessons we have each
week that teach us so many
good things from God's word.

Thankful that lil darling was so excited
about having her swing back up, we
 spent most of our time with her on 
Thursday outside swinging. Grampy 
got a  work out swinging

Thankful that we got our birthday shopping
 done for lil darling as her birthday is in early
 March. I have so much fun buying her clothes
and she loves it is a win/win
for both of us......and I found so many cute
things today.  Very happy about that and
can't wait to see her in them!

Thankful for a trip to our favorite Mexican
restaurant and we so enjoyed our food.
I got a taco salad tonight and it really
was scrumptious.   lol

Well, that's it for cozy place this week.

Love having you drop by.....


You have a splendid  Friday and Weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
February Blessings,


Sharing with:

Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

My Random Musings

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A Stroll thru Life


  1. I always enjoy your Thankful Thursday's post, Nellie, I can only imagine the joy your lil Darling had when she saw her new swing, she will also enjoy shopping, I used to enjoy shopping with our grands too!
    Your winter home is so lovely, I have been so busy with the farm chores, cooking, and helping DH with his recovery, that my cleaning and decorating has been put on the back burner for now.
    I thought spring had sprung here in N. Carolina, but we had our first snowfall last night, I am so thankful it left as quick as it came, now that's my kind of snow. ~wink~
    enjoy your weekend.

  2. Love your sweet soul Nellie and your words of gratitude. Along with the pictures of your sweet and cozy home is amazing. Happy Weekend. Enjoy enjoy!

  3. #1 These times will always be remembered!
    #2. I know she enjoyed her swing!
    #3. I hope the weather was cooperative!
    #4. I have heard the birds and seen many. I'm waiting to see if the little wrens return to their nest in the wall mailbox, ha!
    #5. I'm thankful for the rack in the washroom where I hang mine up.
    #6. I'm so thankful for Steve doing mine! I pray Linda will do so with her property next to mine. It's growing up there again.
    #7. I've been on the brussel sprout/corn on the cob binge, ha!
    #8 & #9. I thank the LORD also that I have insurances to cover it all!
    #10. I so enjoy my daily Bible reading and other resources like Daily Bread and Stanley!
    #11. Good for her...and grampy too
    #12. Yes, March is a big birthday month!
    #13. I find all food is great when I don't have to fix it, ha!
    Love you all, Susan

  4. Hi Sue,
    Thanks for coming by and leaving your sweet and encouraging comments. I really haven't taken
    her shopping that much yet, but I am sure that will come one of these days and will be a lot
    of fun for sure. Putting all that on hold was the right thing to do till your hubby gets
    back on his feet.....that cleaning and decorating never go away, and who needs all that
    Glad you got to enjoy the snow and not have to shovel
    I am excited that we are gonna have a few days in the 60's again, I thought Winter was
    completely over, so I am a happy

    You have a good rest of the week hon, and hope your hubby is getting stronger every day.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie