Sunday, May 31, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Afternoon
Sweet Friends,

Here is the scripture for today.

God is our refuge and strength, 

an ever-present help in trouble. 

Therefore we will not fear,

 though the earth give way and 

the mountains fall into the heart
 of the sea, though its waters roar
 and foam and the mountains
 quake with their surging.

Psalm 46:1-3 NIV

During these crazy times in which
we are living, we need to fervently
cling to the only one who can truly
protect or help any of us!!

Have a blessed Day!

Hugs, Nellie

P.S.  Sorry it's a bit wonky
today,  but tried numerous
times to fix it,  but to no

Friday, May 29, 2020

Thankful Thursday May 28, 2020, Springs past #5

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
 let your glory be over all the earth.
Psalm 57:11

   Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you all have a nice Memorial 
Day weekend.  Our's was quiet, but
 good. Been a good week here, not a
 lot going on really. Didn't get to see
 lil darling this week but will get to
 see here this weekend, as well as
her parents.  

Pictures today are from another
Spring's past. Gotta find some
time to edit and take more 
photos.  lol

On with my Thankfuls........

Thankful that hear our friends are 
going to be able to visit their son in 
Calif. next month.  They rarely get
 to see him or their granddaughters,
so very happy for them.

Thankful for my cold pack that
helps when I have inflammation
in my neck or anywhere for that
 matter, a lil life saver!!

Thankful the Lord helped me find
 my camera.  I thought I had possibly
 left it at my daughters house because I
couldn't find it, so she checked around
and couldn't find it there either. So as
I often do when I can't find things I
ask the Lord where they are? and he
never fails to show me,  sometimes
it might take a lil while or a day or
so, this time it was less than 24 hrs.
Very happy about finding it!!
It had the pics on it your are seeing
in this post.  lol

Thankful that my son-in-love hope-
fully will get the day off on Memorial 
Day, as the fellow he has been filling
in for all month, said he would work
since he has been off all month, as he 
will be starting back June 1st anyway.
He could use the break for sure, course
things should be back to normal in June.

Note:  That changed unfortunately but
he did wind up getting off early so 
they had most of the day together
at least.


Thankful my daughter is feeling
good about her new job. While her
old job was on shut down do to the
covid situation, a new job sort of
dropped in her lap, altho she was not
looking for a new job, she was quite
happy where she was, but since she
didn't know when or if she would get
 her old job back, and this job had 
number of things that were better
for her as well, so it seemed like
it was heaven sent.

Thankful for rain....we have been
in need of it here for awhile. So
have had about 3 days of rain,
which is great. Our yard and
plants look quite happy and 
very green...............

Excellent Book,  by the way!


Thankful to be an American and to be
 able to live in the best country there is....
No matter how many problems we have
there is still no better place to live, as
far as I am concerned.

Thankful for all the Men and Women
who have fought and died for the free-
doms I enjoy and can so easily take
for granted. That's why it is good to
have Holidays like Memorial Day,
to remind us!

Land of the Free
Home of the Brave

Thankful for our big outing this week,
wait for Public grocery store
and the dollar
At least it got us out of the house!!
It was a lil better...guess I am getting
more used to seeing and being in
a mask. Also it was cooler which
helped too....cause of the rain!

Thankful for a quiet Memorial
Day....we were gonna have the
family over but it wasn't good
for them and it turned out we
were really tired anyway, so 
didn't feel like cooking and 
all that anyway,  so we got
subs and chips and dessert
and we were happy campers.

Thankful for being able to work
 in the yard for about 3 hrs. today, 
Wednesday. Started on our back-
yard today, so happy about that.

Thankful to hear from my cousin
 who lives in Virginia. Always nice
to hear from him.  

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.
This is the Coming out of quarantine
from Covid 19 - Phase 2, Edition.

Thanks for your visit, and have a 
lovely lovely weekend.  Think ours
is going to include some rain.....
Not Complaining, Just saying cause 
we have actually need the rain, and
 it does cool things off a bit.

Love, Hugs and End of May


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Bloggers Pit Stop

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Friday, May 22, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning 
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing well....

Here is the scriptures for today.

 Keep me safe, my God, for in you 
I take refuge.  I say to the LORD, 
“You are my Lord; apart from you 
I have no good thing.” 
Psalm 16:1-2 NIV

It is so true... that apart from Him
there are no good thing!

Have a Lovely Restful Sunday,

Hugs, Nellie

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The Dedicated House

Thankful Thursday May 21, 2020, Springs Past #4

But I trust in your unfailing love;
 my heart rejoices in your salvation. 
 I will sing the LORD’s praise,
 for he has been good to me.
Psalm 13:5-6 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are ya?  Are you venturing
out some these days?  We have
a lil bit.....but not feeling totally
confident in that yet....hard to
feel that .....when you see so
 many in masks, and aren't sure
if you should or should not be
wearing We wear
them if we are up close to folks
especially when you are paying
at the register, or if there is a
cluster of people.  I honestly
think my hands have aged 10
years from all this handwashing
not complaining, just
Anyone else feel like that???

Pictures today are from another
Springs past.  So on with my

I am thankful all the unpacking
is done, and that we got grocery
items in and are getting back to
normal after our trip.

I am thankful for a new quote
I saw while I was away, and 
made a printable of.....

Accept what is.....

Let go of what was.....

Look for the blessings of God
that are to come.

Isn't that good advice??
Don't think the wording is
exact, but it is the gist of
what I read.

I am thankful for a particularly
 sweet and thoughtful gift from
 my daughter for Mother's Day.  
Course, they all were but this
one was a framed picture of
 of my Dad and Grandparents 
restaurant, that looked just like
 it did when I was a child.  Made
 me cry when I opened it..........
and we ladies know anything
cry worthy is very Special.  lol

I am thankful that I got 4 new 
cards done for our shop this

Thankful all our plants survived
while we were gone because we
didn't get any rain and we were
gone 9 days. We did soak them
good before we left,  but still
amazing as it has been so hot.

Thankful we were able to get
most of the mulch we needed
and to finish our flower bed in
 the front yard. Need a few more
bags and went to Walmart but
they don't have any mulch now.
So praying Lowe's or Home
Depot still has some.  lol 


Thankful to get our of the house
for a lil while, just made a quick
trip to get a smoothie and go to
Wally world, Publix and pick up
take out from Texas Roadhouse.
This shopping with a mask thing
is just no fun, I have to say, but it
 was good to get out for a change
 and to get the things we needed.

Thankful we got to see lil darling 
today.  It has been about 21/2 wks.
 since we've seen her, which is a
 long time for us. So we had a nice
day. Also got to see our Son for a
short time as he dropped her off,
and then got to see our daughter-
in-love when she picked her up.
So nice to see them all....

Thankful that we are reading
the Psalms during this time,
as they have been very com-
forting during this time of
the covid saga.

Thankful for a very precious
and encouraging email from
our daughter today.  So sweet
and thoughtful.

Thankful that a friend got to
go visit her daughter again,
 who just found out a month
 ago she is expecting.  This is
 her 2nd trip up there in about
 a month. She lives 8 or so
hours away, and of course,
she is experiencing morning
sickness and tiredness typical
to the 1st trimester.

Thankful that Walmart finally
had our bacon that we love.
We haven't been able to get it
for over a month as they have
been out of it, and it is a more
 heart healthy bacon that has no 
nitrites or nitrates and it tastes
so good, and is double the price
when or if you can find it any
where else.  So we totally 
enjoyed it.....

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week.  This is Edition
#3 of coming out of the
Covid 19 virus pandemic.

Thanks for stopping in......
and have a great weekend.
Just realized yesterday that
it is Memorial Day weekend,
it sort of sneaked up on us.
So have a Remembering and
safe Memorial Day.

Love, Hugs and
Memorial Day Blessings,


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A Stroll thru Life

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Afternoon 
Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.
 They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
    and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7-9 NIV

Have a Blessed Day,


Saturday, May 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday May 14, 2020, Springs Past #3

 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
 even at night my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all doing well
with your covid percentages going
down down and down!

Our's have been pretty low for awhile
now, but do go up and down but still
in a very low range, thank goodness.

I am later than usual with my Thankful
post and you will read why in the post.
Pictures today are from Spring's past.

Thankful that we decided to go to SC
 to visit our daughter and son-in-love.
 Since we have been quarantined and so 
had she, and none of us have been sick
 or running fevers, and her county and 
our county both had very low covid

 percentages, so we felt it would be
 okay as long as we stayed in mostly,
and did the social distancing with

Thankful for a safe trip to SC and back.

Thankful to see them since it has been
since January.  We had planned to go
for my birthday the end of March, but
we of course, where in the thick of the
covid thing then, so decided maybe it
would work for Mother's Day.

Thankful for a lovely Mother's
day, and thankful we could go
while she was off the entire
time, made it really nice.

Thankful that we got to go see their
beach house, as we didn't get to see
the back and front yard as it wasn't
completed back in January.  Looks
awesome.  We all wanted to go in
the hot tub but it was too cool and
breezy, then we found out we could
n't anyway, because someone had
turned something off.  So maybe
next time.

Thankful that Folly Beach has opened
up and they are able to rent their beach
house again.  They were only able to
rent it twice in March and then the
beach shut down, but they are pretty
much booked up till September now.

Thankful that I did not seriously hurt
my foot as I took a spill but was able
to soak my foot in the pool for about
a half hour and the bruising and pain
completely went away.

Thankful for the weather....we had the
most gorgeous wonderful and perfect
weather while we were there.  So we
got to hang outside a lot and drink in
the sun and fresh air.  Lovely!

Thankful for good times, yakking,
drinking coffee and smoothies, 
playing skipbo, rummy and yatzee.
Playing with Bentley (our grandson
dog, He is a golden doodle and so
cute and not as rambunctious as the
last time we saw him...he is coming
out of his puppy stage now) a lil
TV watching, cooking together,
golf cart rides around the neighbor-
hood, and hanging out in the pool
the last part of the week, when it 
was warmer, and  lots of take out
 food, and special yummy donuts
 from a place called the
 Fractured Prune.

Thankful we got to stay 9 days
this time usually it's about 6 days
but our Son-in-love is working so
 much due to one of his co-workers
 just having twins so is out of work
 until June.....which has meant double
duty for our SIL, so she was enjoy-
ing the company....and she goes 
back to work next week, so will
be more occupied then.

Thankful we were able to get 
out to get something for Mother's
day for my Daughter-in-love.
Kohl's was open and didn't have
many people in the store. Some
had masks, others didn't.  We 
used ours when we checked out.
We weren't there long....very
strange feeling in the stores,
not sure if you should be touch-
ing things or
We were thinking about the
slogan our grocery store has
"Publix where shopping is a
pleasure" and Dee was saying
where shopping isn't a pleasure
We were thinking about going
in Home Goods but there was
a line outside, so we decided
to go to Marshalls as there was
no line, but didn't stay there
very long either.  Strange new
world we have going on, but
makes you realize how much
you can do without....

Thankful to have had a nice
restful vacation, but also happy
to be back home in our own bed
once again.  Everything was good 
here at home, and the house had a
 lovely aroma when we walked in
 because I forgot to unplug my 
fragrance thingie in the bathroom.
So that was a nice greeting!!
We just got in on last night......

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week. This is the coming
out of Covid-19 Edition #2.

Thanks for the visit,  always
happy when you come by,

Have a Great Weekend,


Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs and 
Mid May Blessings,


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Bloggers Pit Stop

The Dedicated House

Sunday, May 10, 2020

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY - Scripture Sunday


Here is the scripture for today!

She is clothed with strength and dignity;
 she can laugh at the days to come. 
 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful
 instruction is on her tongue.
Proverbs 31:25 -26 NIV

Hope your MOTHER'S DAY is Lovely
and Wonderfully Memorable.

Love, Hugs and Sweet
 Mother's Day Blessings,

Sharing With:

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Shabby Art Boutique

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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...