Saturday, May 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday May 14, 2020, Springs Past #3

 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
 even at night my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all doing well
with your covid percentages going
down down and down!

Our's have been pretty low for awhile
now, but do go up and down but still
in a very low range, thank goodness.

I am later than usual with my Thankful
post and you will read why in the post.
Pictures today are from Spring's past.

Thankful that we decided to go to SC
 to visit our daughter and son-in-love.
 Since we have been quarantined and so 
had she, and none of us have been sick
 or running fevers, and her county and 
our county both had very low covid

 percentages, so we felt it would be
 okay as long as we stayed in mostly,
and did the social distancing with

Thankful for a safe trip to SC and back.

Thankful to see them since it has been
since January.  We had planned to go
for my birthday the end of March, but
we of course, where in the thick of the
covid thing then, so decided maybe it
would work for Mother's Day.

Thankful for a lovely Mother's
day, and thankful we could go
while she was off the entire
time, made it really nice.

Thankful that we got to go see their
beach house, as we didn't get to see
the back and front yard as it wasn't
completed back in January.  Looks
awesome.  We all wanted to go in
the hot tub but it was too cool and
breezy, then we found out we could
n't anyway, because someone had
turned something off.  So maybe
next time.

Thankful that Folly Beach has opened
up and they are able to rent their beach
house again.  They were only able to
rent it twice in March and then the
beach shut down, but they are pretty
much booked up till September now.

Thankful that I did not seriously hurt
my foot as I took a spill but was able
to soak my foot in the pool for about
a half hour and the bruising and pain
completely went away.

Thankful for the weather....we had the
most gorgeous wonderful and perfect
weather while we were there.  So we
got to hang outside a lot and drink in
the sun and fresh air.  Lovely!

Thankful for good times, yakking,
drinking coffee and smoothies, 
playing skipbo, rummy and yatzee.
Playing with Bentley (our grandson
dog, He is a golden doodle and so
cute and not as rambunctious as the
last time we saw him...he is coming
out of his puppy stage now) a lil
TV watching, cooking together,
golf cart rides around the neighbor-
hood, and hanging out in the pool
the last part of the week, when it 
was warmer, and  lots of take out
 food, and special yummy donuts
 from a place called the
 Fractured Prune.

Thankful we got to stay 9 days
this time usually it's about 6 days
but our Son-in-love is working so
 much due to one of his co-workers
 just having twins so is out of work
 until June.....which has meant double
duty for our SIL, so she was enjoy-
ing the company....and she goes 
back to work next week, so will
be more occupied then.

Thankful we were able to get 
out to get something for Mother's
day for my Daughter-in-love.
Kohl's was open and didn't have
many people in the store. Some
had masks, others didn't.  We 
used ours when we checked out.
We weren't there long....very
strange feeling in the stores,
not sure if you should be touch-
ing things or
We were thinking about the
slogan our grocery store has
"Publix where shopping is a
pleasure" and Dee was saying
where shopping isn't a pleasure
We were thinking about going
in Home Goods but there was
a line outside, so we decided
to go to Marshalls as there was
no line, but didn't stay there
very long either.  Strange new
world we have going on, but
makes you realize how much
you can do without....

Thankful to have had a nice
restful vacation, but also happy
to be back home in our own bed
once again.  Everything was good 
here at home, and the house had a
 lovely aroma when we walked in
 because I forgot to unplug my 
fragrance thingie in the bathroom.
So that was a nice greeting!!
We just got in on last night......

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week. This is the coming
out of Covid-19 Edition #2.

Thanks for the visit,  always
happy when you come by,

Have a Great Weekend,


Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs and 
Mid May Blessings,


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Bloggers Pit Stop

The Dedicated House


  1. So much to be thankful for especially that you got to see your daughter and son-in-law. Sounds like a great trip

  2. #1. Praise the LORD for your visit and everyone's safety from our LORD's protective Hand!
    #2. Yes! Thank you, LORD Jesus!
    #3. I'm so happy you could go!
    #4. I thank the LORD for your motherhood!
    #5. Maybe next time as the weather would be warmer too!
    #6. Hopefully this virus shall pass!
    #7. I'm so thankful it is now better!!
    #8. Thank the LORD for wonderful weather while you were there!
    #9. The joys of being with one another!!!
    #10. Thank the LORD for their extra time together!
    #11. The fun times of being together!
    #12. The greatest blessing is the home our LORD has given to us, praise His Name!
    Love you, Susan

  3. Thanks Marty, it truly was a great trip and always the best when you see those you love.
    Thanks for coming by, hope all is well with you and yours hon.

  4. Hi Susan,
    Yes...We are definitely thankful for the way the Lord has watched over us all, and kept us
    safe and healthy.

    Hopefully this virus will clear up soon. We were at 11% yesterday but are at 8 percent today
    so it keeps going up and down, but even when it goes up it's not by much, so hopefully with
    the heat and will be gone before too long just like other virus's in the past.

    Love ya,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....