Friday, May 29, 2020

Thankful Thursday May 28, 2020, Springs past #5

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
 let your glory be over all the earth.
Psalm 57:11

   Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you all have a nice Memorial 
Day weekend.  Our's was quiet, but
 good. Been a good week here, not a
 lot going on really. Didn't get to see
 lil darling this week but will get to
 see here this weekend, as well as
her parents.  

Pictures today are from another
Spring's past. Gotta find some
time to edit and take more 
photos.  lol

On with my Thankfuls........

Thankful that hear our friends are 
going to be able to visit their son in 
Calif. next month.  They rarely get
 to see him or their granddaughters,
so very happy for them.

Thankful for my cold pack that
helps when I have inflammation
in my neck or anywhere for that
 matter, a lil life saver!!

Thankful the Lord helped me find
 my camera.  I thought I had possibly
 left it at my daughters house because I
couldn't find it, so she checked around
and couldn't find it there either. So as
I often do when I can't find things I
ask the Lord where they are? and he
never fails to show me,  sometimes
it might take a lil while or a day or
so, this time it was less than 24 hrs.
Very happy about finding it!!
It had the pics on it your are seeing
in this post.  lol

Thankful that my son-in-love hope-
fully will get the day off on Memorial 
Day, as the fellow he has been filling
in for all month, said he would work
since he has been off all month, as he 
will be starting back June 1st anyway.
He could use the break for sure, course
things should be back to normal in June.

Note:  That changed unfortunately but
he did wind up getting off early so 
they had most of the day together
at least.


Thankful my daughter is feeling
good about her new job. While her
old job was on shut down do to the
covid situation, a new job sort of
dropped in her lap, altho she was not
looking for a new job, she was quite
happy where she was, but since she
didn't know when or if she would get
 her old job back, and this job had 
number of things that were better
for her as well, so it seemed like
it was heaven sent.

Thankful for rain....we have been
in need of it here for awhile. So
have had about 3 days of rain,
which is great. Our yard and
plants look quite happy and 
very green...............

Excellent Book,  by the way!


Thankful to be an American and to be
 able to live in the best country there is....
No matter how many problems we have
there is still no better place to live, as
far as I am concerned.

Thankful for all the Men and Women
who have fought and died for the free-
doms I enjoy and can so easily take
for granted. That's why it is good to
have Holidays like Memorial Day,
to remind us!

Land of the Free
Home of the Brave

Thankful for our big outing this week,
wait for Public grocery store
and the dollar
At least it got us out of the house!!
It was a lil better...guess I am getting
more used to seeing and being in
a mask. Also it was cooler which
helped too....cause of the rain!

Thankful for a quiet Memorial
Day....we were gonna have the
family over but it wasn't good
for them and it turned out we
were really tired anyway, so 
didn't feel like cooking and 
all that anyway,  so we got
subs and chips and dessert
and we were happy campers.

Thankful for being able to work
 in the yard for about 3 hrs. today, 
Wednesday. Started on our back-
yard today, so happy about that.

Thankful to hear from my cousin
 who lives in Virginia. Always nice
to hear from him.  

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.
This is the Coming out of quarantine
from Covid 19 - Phase 2, Edition.

Thanks for your visit, and have a 
lovely lovely weekend.  Think ours
is going to include some rain.....
Not Complaining, Just saying cause 
we have actually need the rain, and
 it does cool things off a bit.

Love, Hugs and End of May


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The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life


  1. Your thankful thoughts are always such a blessings, Nellie, I recently read a thought in my devotional that said, "Thankfulness opens the doors to God's many treasures for us. I quote this daily to remind me!
    God is good to us, His children.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Hi Sue,
    So lovely to hear from you as always......Thanks for your encouraging comments.
    Love that quote about Thankfulness....and I believe it is true too
    and Amen, he is very good to his children.
    Hope this finds you and the Mister doing well.
    Have a Great weekend hon,

  3. #1. The LORD bless their time together!
    #2. It definitely relieves!
    #3. I do that sometimes and I have to go throughout the house retracing where I've been and find it! I have made the habit to put things where they belong, ha!!!
    #4. Part time is better than none. I'm sure they enjoyed it!
    #5. How great is our GOD!! He got her a better job!
    #6. Yes, and the last two without the bad storms!!!
    #7. Amen! GOD is working in our country!
    #8. Praise His Holy Name! I pray special blessings come to all the families!
    #9. I can't get used to seeing all the masks! It looks like a society of bandits, lol!
    #10. My day wasn't much of a change from all my others, ha!
    #11. Steve and Christine came and did mine this week. It surely looks better!
    #12. Yes, I heard from my cousin who had lung surgery and praise the LORD he is doing well!
    Love you, Susan

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Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday January 30, 2025,

For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....