Monday, July 20, 2020

Thankful Thursday July 23, 2020, Summer Flowers

When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought me joy.

Psalm 94:19 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well, sane
and having a good week.

Have to say those things are
a bit harder than they used to

We are so
 Thankful for God's word.....
as it keeps us well, sane and
having a good week for sure.

Pictures today of lovely 
Summer Flowers......
compliments of Public Domain

Thankful that we finally got to take
 dinner to the parents of some gals
that used to be in our bible study
years back.  Their parents go to our
 church and of course, we know them
just not super well.  Their Mom has
cancer and is very exhausted. It was
great to be able to do something for 
them and to see them all for a few 
minutes, as our hearts are really
go out to them.

Thankful that after we delivered dinner,
we went and got a chocolate Elvis
smoothie, then went to Michaels crafts 
and got a few new things for us to
do with lil darling, ran to Kirklands,
but only had 5 mins. as they close
at 7pm. now,  Have to say it was good
to see a store that looked normal.
Then we ran to Sam's and got a few
things and they had a huge area with
nothing in it, very not normal.
 Then to dinner at Longhorn's.
 It was nice to get out of the house for 
awhile but definitely quite different,
 while wearing masks, (of course, not
while eating) but still thankful for these
small pleasures. I keep forgetting how 
early everything closes now. 

Thankful that I happened on
a snack treat that we found
several years ago in World
Market in Charleston but have
never been able to find since,
and they had it at Sam's so
that was the highlight of our
trip there.   lol
It is a lemon/blueberry granola 
treat and they are delicious.

Thankful that my daughter's
co-worker and friend had her 
covid test come back negative.

Thankful for the "Doc" series,
as we are rewatching it as it is
just such a great show. We found
it on Pureflix.

Thankful we got our ficus tree
repotted this week,  as it was
very root bound and was show-
ing signs of being unhealthy.  
So hopefully it will do much
 better now.

Thankful to be back in church
this past Sunday.  It was very
 different but still good to be there. 
 We had decided to go out to lunch
 with our  friends, so we decided to
 give it a try.  The church had
 recommended all those of 65 yrs. 
and older worship with them on 
TV which is what we have been 
doing. It was sure good to see 
everyone even if you could 
only see half their face.  lol
and wave at them or say some-
thing from a distance.

Thankful we got to go out to 
lunch with our friends to Cracker
Barrel.  It has been about 4 mos.
We have talked on the phone but
that has been almost a month too,
as they went to visit there son
for awhile. Nice for all of us
to catch up.

Thankful that God made our 
world have color.....imagine
our world in just black and would be pretty
dull and boring.

Thankful I finally got to wear my
 beautiful  double heart Mother/
Daughter necklace my Daughter
 got me for Mother's Day this year.
  It's the first time for me to wear it
 since we haven't been dressing up
 to go anywhere.
It looked very pretty!

Thankful to see that someone
painted "Babies lives matter"
in pink and blue in front of
an abortion clinic.

Thankful that hubby has learned
how to make Caramel Frappes like
the ones they have at MacDonalds.
Loving those babies..... 


Well, that's it for cozy place 
this week............

Glad to see you stopped by
hope you have a good day
and weekend.

Love, Hugs and
Safe Blessings to you and yours,


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1 comment:

  1. #1. I pray the LORD's healing upon her.
    #2. A challenging task to eat out.
    #3. I'm thankful for healthy treats to eat.
    #4. Praise the LORD for negative results!
    #5. I'm so thankful for "great" shows we can watch!
    #6. They are beautiful trees. We had one in Key West.
    #7. Yes, I stream the service live each Sunday.
    #8. I pray all is healthy at the places to eat out.
    #9. I can't imagine how those who are color blind view the beauty of GOD's world.
    #10. It must be beautiful!
    #11. Yes! I pray many will get the message!
    #12. Great for him. I bet it's much cheaper too!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie