Saturday, July 18, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil
 but what is good. Anyone who does what 
is good is from God. Anyone who does
 what is evil has not seen God.

3 John 1:11 NIV


From the Message Bible

Friend, don't go along with evil.
 Model the good. The person who does good 
does God's work. The person who does evil
 falsifies God, doesn't know the first thing
 about God.

3 John 1:11  

So have a good time imitating good
this week and every week.



1 comment:

  1. Such a great post for us to remember especially with all that is going on in this country with protests. We all need to model good. Happy New Week.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie