Friday, July 31, 2020

Thankful Thursday, July 30, 2020, Simple Summer Supper Table

 Great is the LORD 
and most worthy of praise;
 his greatness no one can fathom. 
Psalm 145:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are ya??  Doing well,  I hope.

We are doing well....praying like crazy
 for peace in our country,  and for people
 to come to their senses. Imagine and
hoping many of you are doing the same.

Pictures today are of our Supper table 
from this passed weekend.  I just wanted
 to use some yellow.......but I don't have
a lot of yellow things but managed to 
scrape up a few things to use as a center-
piece, and the yellow just made my heart
 happy. Remember I told you a few weeks
 ago about my infatuation with yellow
 once  again........... 

So on with my Thankfuls.............

Thankful for a good Dr. visit with
my husband cardiologist.  He still
has to get an echocardiogram in
August, but it's just routine as Dr. 
feels he is doing well.

Thankful that we got to go to a
unique store called "Adjectives".
It has a lot of vintage things and
 antiques, it's like a blast from
the past.  We so enjoy going there
cause it's just so different, and we
only go about once a year since
it is an hour away and near the
Cardiologist office. So always

Thankful that one of our Daughter
and Son-in-loves vacationers in
their beach cottage left a long and
very sweet review,  that was just 
so encouraging to them. They have
 worked very hard to think of every
thing possible that will make their
 place special and not just for them-
selves but great for others as well.
This was like a reward for all their
hard work and the desire of their 
hearts.  I didn't know it but they 
have 5 reviews and they are all
 5 star reviews.  Gratifying!

Thankful we were finally able to
get some food from Taco Bell,
after visiting some other stores.
We have been to the one near us
 twice, and the line was so long
and moving so slowly we decided
to go somewhere else. It was
very enjoyable for sure.

Thankful for a fun time with the
family on Saturday, they came
over for dinner and we yakked
and ate and some of us played
the wii.....nice time!

Polar Coordinates -
My Alice in Wonderland Affect.  lol

Thankful for Waldorf Salad, that
was part of our dinner, along with
Pork chops and sweet potatoes.
We tend to love fruit salads, and 
Waldorf is one of our favorites.

Thankful for my sweet Son's
thoughtfulness.  He potted and
 brought me some flowering plants
 that he had an overflow of.....Not
 sure yet where I will put them,
but will figure it out I am sure.

Thankful to hear President Trump
got the prices of diabetes meds
down to a very low price.  That
will be very helpful to a lot of
people, especially seniors that 
can't afford those high prices.

Thankful that we were very
energetic on Monday and got
a lot accomplished.

Thankful for a comfy bed to
sleep in every night, and for
sleeping well most of the time.

Thankful for Trinity Broadcasting
 network. We find so much spiritual
 food on TBN, that we are delighted

Thankful for a fun surprise last night.
I checked facebook and I had an instant
message from a lil girl (who is probably
in her 50's now) who we used to know
over 40 yrs. ago when we lived in
South Florida.  Don't know how in
the world she found us cause she was
about 14 or so when we last saw her.
What a sweet blast from the past.

Well, that's it for this week 
at Cozy Place

Thanks for coming by.....and have
 a nice Thursday, Friday and 

Love, Hugs and
Last week of July Blessings,


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1 comment:

  1. #1. Praise our LORD for His blessing of health upon him!
    #2. It's amazing the different things each store has!
    #3. Fantastic!
    #4. I love their beef burritos!
    #5. It's always a wonderful time together!
    #6. Yes! the "chicken" was good ha, ha, lol! It was delicious!
    #7. He is a wonderful son, like his mom and dad!!
    #8. Praise the LORD Trump is doing this so people don't have to get prescriptions from Canada.
    #9. Isn't it great when it's all done, ha!
    #10. Amen, now if I can get my restless feet to rest, ha!
    #11. Yes indeed! I have watched them for years! What a ministry they have!
    #12. What a nice surprise! I have had that occur at times when I'm out, with "children" now adults that were in my Kindergarten class!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie