Friday, August 14, 2020

Thankful Thursday August 13, 2020, Limelight hydrangeas and Our Daughters Dining Room

Let the heavens rejoice,
 let the earth be glad;
 let them say among the nations, 
“The LORD reigns!” 
1 Chronicles 16:31 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope all is going well with you 
these days.

Been a fairly good week here, but 
have gotten several sad reports this 
week that have grieved our hearts, and
 makes me thankful to know that the
Lord does reign, and he is still on his
 throne and is in control even tho it 
doesn't seem like it sometimes.

Pictures today are of limelight
hydrangeas and our Daughters 
dining room when we were there
a few weeks ago. You read more
about it below.....

So on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful that we finally came
 out of our vacation stupor. We
 always go thru a bit of grief after
 we go to my daughters....we just
 miss being together so much.
Also think we might have been
fighting off a cold as well.

Thankful that I finally got rid
of a headache I had.  It kept 
coming and going, so didn't
take anything for a day or so.
Then finally took tylenol and
it is gone............yay!!

Thankful to be sleeping in my
own bed again.

Thankful that everyone has been
 healthy in our family, other than 
slight sinus or cold symptoms.

Thankful we are retired with
all the craziness that is going on.

Thankful that we have food in
our fridge and pantry.

Thankful for so many funny
videos we see online, the newest 
one is from the Holderness family.
  Just type in Holderness family
on your computer and you can 
choose them from utube or face-
book. I have only seen a few but
they were quite funny and you
 will definitely relate with them. 

Thankful hubby saw our lil
brown bunny that comes around,
 lil darling named him/or her Coco, 
and we hadn't seen him for weeks
and feared a hawk or something
 might have gotten him, but he
 had just moved to the other side 
of our woods where we rarely go.
and we saw him in our backyard
again last evening.

Thankful for limelight hydrangeas,
they are just so beautiful. I just 
love any hydrangea! but I have
seen them a number of times on
blogs, but my daughter actually
has 4-5 bushes. The last time
we were there they looked like
the bushes were dying but this
time they were full of luscious
blooms, so we brought some in
and made an arrangement for
her table.  These are the pics
you are seeing,  if you hadn't
already guessed.  lol
Trying to figure out if we can
have them here in Florida....
I have seen them at Lowe's
but sometimes that doesn't 
mean they will grow well here.

Thankful I got back to card
making this week.  Did a birthday
card for my Daughter, and got
some others ready to go in our
shop soon.

Thankful for our family and

Thankful for those who pray for us
and that we can call on if we or the 
family need prayers for some reason.
and also Thankful we can pray for
them as well.  There is nothing like
being able to feel the prayers of
God's people.


Well, that's in for Cozy Place
this week........

Thank You for checking in on
us this shocking that
we are already half way thru

Have a Lovely Weekend,

Love, Hugs and 
Mid August Blessings.


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April J Harris

1 comment:

  1. #1. I have been praying for you and yours everyday!
    #2. I have been having some sinus pressure.
    #3. Praise the LORD for the comforts of home!
    #4. AMEN!
    #5. A double AMEN! I'm so glad I don't have to go out!!!
    #6. I praise our LORD every day for His provisions to me and all the family!
    #7. Thank the LORD for entertainment from our TV/computers!
    #8. Praise the LORD for His glory of His creation of the animal kingdom around us!
    #9. I have the little purple wildflowers growing all around!
    #10. Thank the LORD for hobbies we enjoy!
    #11. Praise the LORD for each and every one!
    #12. Yes! The LORD is so good to give us His family and friends for prayer!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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