Friday, August 7, 2020

Thankful Thursday August 6, 2020, More Summer Flowers

 I will give thanks to the LORD
 because of his righteousness; 
I will sing the praises of the name
 of the LORD Most High.
Psalm 7:17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing well and have had
a good week.

We have been in Charleston visiting 
with our Daughter, Son-in-love and furry 
Grandson dog, Bentley since last Wed. and
 just returned this Wed. night.  Had a
 good time as always.

Pictures today are of summer flowers.
Flowers always make my heart happy,
so hope they do the same for you!

So on with my Thankfuls

Thankful for a safe and uneventful
trip to Charleston and back.

#2 and 3
Thankful for a great time as always
just being together. We were able
to be outside quite a bit because 
they have a pool to cool off in.....

Very Thankful for that pool it was
such a blessing in the heat, and
made it so nice we could be out
side so much, as their yard is
gorgeous, and we all love being
out there.

Thankful for a fun time cooking

together which is always fun for
us girls.....if you gotta cook it is
always more fun to do it with
someone you love, and makes it 
faster as well.

Thankful for all the good take 
out food we enjoyed as well.

Thankful for our only fun day out, going
 to a fun Vintage/Antique/Handmade store,
 which reminds me that store in our area 
that I spoke of last week on Thankful
 Thursday, called "Adjectives".  Just such
 a neat and different store and think they
 have different vendors as well.  Have
to say we enjoyed it but not as much
as normal due to mask wearing...

Thankful we were able to make it
to the annual Bath and Body shop
Summer 75% off sale, as we made 
a haul.....Great to keep on hand as 
gifts or just something great for a
random act of kindness gift.

Thankful for most of the day out as 
it was a special day out to celebrate
our Daughters birthday topped off
by going to dinner at Longhorns.
We were going to Carrabbas as that
is her fav but we found out their
Carrabbas has gone out of business.
Which was a bummer but dinner
at Longhorns was great too.
We celebrated early since we won't
be seeing her on her birthday.

Thankful that the tropical storm was 
just that, as it went by our house in
Florida and as it passed us, up here
 in Charleston. We only had slight
wind and rain both places.
Thank You Jesus!

Thankful for watching a lot of
 drybar comedy shows at night.
We watched some very funny 
and clean comedians. Humor
is a much needed thing for us
 in the times we are living in.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, 

Proverbs 17:22 NIV

Thankful that we had great
weather the majority of the time,
only bad day, was rain on Monday 
as the storm came through.  It was
even cool enough to sit outside in
the early evening a few times since
it was so breezy, and that was a
very nice and unexpected surprise.

Thankful for fresh warm donuts
from a place called "The fractured
Prune".  They have some delish that is always some
thing we all look forward to every
since we have discovered them.

Thankful for the change of scenery
and just being out of our house for


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.
This was our 
Summer Vacation edition.  lol

Thanks for stopping in.....
hope you have a great weekend.

So....What are you Thankful for 
this week?

Love, Hugs, and
First week of August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life

April J Harris


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for your time together and a safe return!
    #2 & #3. Praise the LORD for the cooling effects of water!
    #4. The love that goes into it make it more tasty, lol!
    #5. I need to do that, but just haven't been getting out.
    #6. I must say is does seem so out of the norm to see all the masks! I still haven't gotten used to it!
    #7. They do have great things!
    #8. It must be hard to eat out with all the social distancing and wearing masks!
    #9. Yes, praise the LORD for His blessing of it passing us! I pray those in Connecticut will quickly be restored!
    #10. It surely takes our mind off the pandemic's effect.
    #11. Praise the LORD for His grace and mercy.
    #12. Yummy to the tummy!
    #13. Being an introvert, I like being in my house! Praise the LORD for this during a time of pandemic! Loving my cowboy movies, ha!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Just so you know when you go out to eat you only have to wear your mask to the table and then you can take it off while you are having dinner, then put it on as you leave in case you pass someone. They do a good job of distancing you table wise and the servers all wear masks.
    So it's not too bad.....definitely different, and definitely not preferred but gotta do something different once in awhile. Plus businesses need our business as well.
    Have a good evening,
    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie