Friday, April 30, 2021

Thankful Thursday April 28, 2021, Spring/Easter Table 2021

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,

 by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,

 present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well today.

We are doing fairly well, but April has

been full of ups and downs that we are

navigating, but we will get through them,

because we know where our help comes from.

and the verse above is a constant reminder

 and help for us.

Pictures today are from our Easter Table,
but it could be a lovely Spring table as well.
Found these gorgeous paper goods at Walmart
 They are from the Pioneer Woman collection.
I thought they were so pretty and also easy!
But I do like to dress them up by using
normal flatware and pretty glassware, which
makes for a pretty table too,

So on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful for an opportunity to share our 
marriage story, which is quite rare these days.
  We had an interview with one of our former
 Sunday School Students from some years
 back when we used to teach marriage classes.
  She is taking counseling classes and was 
asked to interview a couple who she knew 
that had a solid marriage.
So since we have been around awhile
and she figured we must be getting close
to 50 yrs. we would be a good choice.
And we just passed our 50th Anniversary
last November, so what an honor.

Thankful for what a wonderful stroll down 
memory lane it was for us, and it was quite
 enlightninto see some of her responses to
 how things were 5 decades ago. Also
made us realize some interesting things
about it that we had never really thought
about before too.  So it was a great
experience, and hope we gave her all
the info she needed to write her paper.


Thankful to for her thoughtfulness in bringing

us a gift of 2 new marriage books we have

never read.  Which of course, she certainly

did not have to do.  So that was sweet and

she is a very sweet lady too. 


Thankful that we were able to get our roofer

out here as we got a leak in our roof from

all that rain we had earlier this week.  It's the

same fellow that did our shed a few years

ago. He surveyed the situation today and

thinks it is coming from our chimney as the

boards have warped up there,  so he has to

get materials,  so hopefully he will be back

tomorrow or Monday.  So happy he

is still available or we wouldn't know

who to call......

Thankful for how diligently my husband
is working on a new feature for our customers
of our card shop. It's gonna be great,
and hopefully we can implement it soon.

Thankful for a good time with our Son and 
lil Darling on Sunday.  We got take out
 from Tijuana flats and played games. 
 Fun time as always!

Thankful to know God is in control of our lives
and the ones we love.  As we are praying and are
 heartbreakingly watching someone we love dearly
 go through a very rough time, and soon it will
be another person too, 

Thankful for a delicious and easy new recipe
I happened to see on yummly.  It is garlic shrimp
pasta. Made it tonight for din din and we loved it.
Thinking the leftovers will be even better. 
Absolutely love making one dish and being
able to have it for 2 dinners.

Oh yea, here is the recipe in case you are

Thankful for some yard work we got done in
the back yard the last 2 evenings.  Amazing how
just a lil trimming up makes such a difference.

Thankful for the way we can go to bed discouraged
and asking the Lord to help us,  and get up the next
morning after a good nights sleep and it's like the Lord
has made everything looks so much better.
  He never ceases to amaze me.


Thankful for God's beautiful Seasons and nature;

 like blooming Ginger and Jasmine and Wild flowers

 in my backyard, a pretty red cardinal hopping around in the

trees, and the pretty Spring green of the trees and all the 

pretty new growth everywhere, and a flock of Sandhill

cranes flying in formation.

 So Beautiful is all her Glory.


Thankful that my Daughter and her hubby are able 

to do a lil get-a-way weekend to a Lakeside cabin

 near Asheville, NC this weekend. 

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for dropping by.....

Have a lovely rest of the week,

Love Hugs and
 Last Day of April

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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Scripture Sunday


Good Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!!

Gracious words are a honeycomb,

 sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Psalm 16:24 NIV

So let's all speak some Kind and 

Encouraging words to someone today.



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Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Thankful Thursday April 22, 2021, Easter Decor Part 3

Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, 
praise his holy name. 
 Praise the LORD, my soul, 
and forget not all his benefits—
Psalm 103:1-2 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a good week.
Ours has been good.....we are rested up and 
settled back in from our time away in
 South Carolina last week.  Been pretty
quiet up until today.

Pictures today are still from Easter
 Decor this year.  Figured I would
since some just look like Spring,
and there handy.  lol

Well........on with my Thankfuls...

Thankful all was well with house
and yard when we returned, as we
had some pretty good storms while
we were away.  We could tell by
things being blown around on our 
porch and lots of limbs and debri
in the yard.


Thankful to have everything unpacked 
and put away where it belongs.


Thankful to be sleeping in my own bed

again,  altho, I do sleep well when I am

away, but there is nothing like your 

own bed. lol


Thankful to have all my Easter decorations

 down and packed away until next year.

Now to fill in all the spots  where 

removed Easter stuff with a Spring

to Summer look.


Thankful to have groceries ordered

for the week,  we did it online this

time as we just haven't wanted to 

move out of the house yet.   lol

So they were delivered within

2 hrs. just in time to make Tacos

for din din....


Thankful to have made 4 new cards this

week.  I came home motivated since I

haven't done any for awhile, and also

since Mother's Day is just around the



Thankful to see the sun today as it

has been raining and overcast every

since we got home.


Thankful to do some exercise today,

 as it has been close to 3 weeks now.

  Felt good but now I feel

  Just gotta get back in the swing of

 things, I guess.


Thankful to hear my friend who broke

her legs is making progress. She is able

to walk 40 steps with her walker now,

and the pain is not as bad in the day

time, but still her leg still throbs at night.

She is really being diligent to do her

exercises daily even when she doesn't

have a therapist.  Her therapist told

her she would give her an A+ if she

had to grade her.  This is a marathon

event, not a sprint for sure,  but she

is in good spirits as well, and I am

thankful for that.  Cause attitude 

is everything.


Thankful for a new blood pressure cuff

that goes on your wrist.  Our Daughter

had one and we measured by ours the

regular kind and it said the same reading

  so we decided to get one, cause it was

less than $20,  and It is so much easier

to use, since hubby has to take it every

day,  and I have been taking mine on

a more regular basis too,  cause I had

some high readings at times.


Thankful to be able to enjoy our porch

the last few sunshiny days, due to a

cool front that came through.  It was a 

perfect 70 degrees this morning.  So

 Lovely and cool in the 60's tonight.


Thankful to see lil darling and her Daddy

since it's been 2 weeks.  We all went out

to dinner together, and earlier hung some

new things my Daughter and I made to

put on her wall, in just one area that

still needed some love.

She loved it!!

Well, that's all for Cozy Place this week.

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday
and weekend.

Thanks for coming by.....

Love, Hugs and late April Blessings,


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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Scripture Sunday


Good Sunday Evening

Sweet Friends,

Here is the verses for today!!

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

Psalm 34:7-8 NIV

Blessings Galore,


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April J Harris

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Thankful Thursday April 15, 2021, Easter/Spring Decor 2021, Part 2

May the peoples praise you, O  God;
may all the peoples praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the peoples justly and guide
the nations of the earth.
Psalm 67:3-4

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.
It is after Midnight here, and we just returned
from visiting with our Daughter and Son-in-love
for a week.  So I am late with this post, but it
is mostly done,  so wanted to get it finished
so I could post it now.  Altho, we had a really
Wonderful time, it is always good to be home 
safe and sound, especially after a 5 1/2 hr. drive with over 2 1/2 hrs. drive in pouring rain. 
 I really don't like driving in the is 
rather nerve racking!!  lol

Pictures today are more of our Easter/Spring
decorating from this year.  My lil grandaughter
did this vignette, I had the picket fence floral
sitting there and she added the stuffed bunny
and lamb, so thought it was cute so just left
it, but decided it needed a lil something else,
What you saw in the header picture, then
decided to change it to a lower dish. Easter
seems to bring out the kid in me,  so I really
get a kick out of decorating for this holiday.

So on with my Thankfuls..............

Thankful to be all packed and ready
to travel to my Daughter and Son-
in-loves in the morning. Been a very
 busy day but so looking forward to 
seeing them and our grandson dog
Bentley, and having some Mother
Daughter time.

Thankful for a safe but little bit longer
trip than usual,  There was sooo much
traffic that we got routed a new direction
which even tho it took an hour longer was
 like a little adventure going thru a bunch
 of small S. Carolinian towns.

Thankful for 3 perfect weather days
so we could go in the pool and have
some fun in the sun, and get a nice
tan since it is shorts wearing weather.
It's also very relaxing.

Thankful we all discovered a new 
Mexican restaurant we have never
 tried before. It was excellent and will 
definitely be a favorite from now on,

Thankful for the fun and relaxing time to
 just hang outside a lot, (as the weather was
perfect) and spend time drinking coffee and
 catching up.  We also did some card playing,  cooking (tho not much) a lil crafting, a lil shopping, we went to the Antique Mall again,
one of our favorites, and to Home goods and
Marshalls and Hobby Lobby we have never 
been there together before, so that a really
 fun treat, and did some HGTV and animal
 planet watching together.

Thankful that our Daughter and Son-in-loves
dog Bentley is okay.  He got into the trash
last night right before we were going to
 bed and ate some unmentionables and he
had to take a trip to the emergency vet 
clinic, at 11:30 at night. Her Dad (my hubby) offered to go with her since her hubby had
 to get up very early the next morning. 
Due to covid they still can't go in the vet
 clinic so they had to wait in the car. They
gave him something to make him vomit 
and hydrated him well and took an xray
to make sure there wasn't anything left
in his stomach.  He came bouncing in
 about 1:30 am as if nothing every 
happened, thank the Lord, and was
fine every since.

Thankful for a fun time doing some watercolor
painting as a family.  Hubby got me some new
watercolor pencils and accessories for my birthday so I brought them and we had our
very own art class,  we all did flowers, and
they came out pretty cool for the first time.

Thankful for a long and fun golf
cart ride around their neighborhood.
Just love their neighborhood, and 
love riding in the golf cart makes
me feel like a kid again.  lol

Thankful for this wonderful cream
 cheese and strawberry coffee cake,
 and Quiche, my Daughter always
 makes for us.  Both are so delicious.

Thankful that my Daughter was
able to be off the whole week,
which is always nice.

Thankful that we mostly ate out or got
 take out and did some cooking but not
 a lot, so we could just enjoy the time, 
as it goes by so quickly.


Thankful we found another restaurant that
we really liked, this time a bar-be-cue
place! It was some good eating, and it will
 be at the top of our favorites list now too.

Thankful also for brownie Sundaes
we made one night that were sooo

Well, that's it for our week at
 Cozy Place.  This is our vacation

Thanks for dropping by

Have a lovely weekend.

Love, Hugs and 
Mid April Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...