Saturday, April 17, 2021

Thankful Thursday April 15, 2021, Easter/Spring Decor 2021, Part 2

May the peoples praise you, O  God;
may all the peoples praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the peoples justly and guide
the nations of the earth.
Psalm 67:3-4

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.
It is after Midnight here, and we just returned
from visiting with our Daughter and Son-in-love
for a week.  So I am late with this post, but it
is mostly done,  so wanted to get it finished
so I could post it now.  Altho, we had a really
Wonderful time, it is always good to be home 
safe and sound, especially after a 5 1/2 hr. drive with over 2 1/2 hrs. drive in pouring rain. 
 I really don't like driving in the is 
rather nerve racking!!  lol

Pictures today are more of our Easter/Spring
decorating from this year.  My lil grandaughter
did this vignette, I had the picket fence floral
sitting there and she added the stuffed bunny
and lamb, so thought it was cute so just left
it, but decided it needed a lil something else,
What you saw in the header picture, then
decided to change it to a lower dish. Easter
seems to bring out the kid in me,  so I really
get a kick out of decorating for this holiday.

So on with my Thankfuls..............

Thankful to be all packed and ready
to travel to my Daughter and Son-
in-loves in the morning. Been a very
 busy day but so looking forward to 
seeing them and our grandson dog
Bentley, and having some Mother
Daughter time.

Thankful for a safe but little bit longer
trip than usual,  There was sooo much
traffic that we got routed a new direction
which even tho it took an hour longer was
 like a little adventure going thru a bunch
 of small S. Carolinian towns.

Thankful for 3 perfect weather days
so we could go in the pool and have
some fun in the sun, and get a nice
tan since it is shorts wearing weather.
It's also very relaxing.

Thankful we all discovered a new 
Mexican restaurant we have never
 tried before. It was excellent and will 
definitely be a favorite from now on,

Thankful for the fun and relaxing time to
 just hang outside a lot, (as the weather was
perfect) and spend time drinking coffee and
 catching up.  We also did some card playing,  cooking (tho not much) a lil crafting, a lil shopping, we went to the Antique Mall again,
one of our favorites, and to Home goods and
Marshalls and Hobby Lobby we have never 
been there together before, so that a really
 fun treat, and did some HGTV and animal
 planet watching together.

Thankful that our Daughter and Son-in-loves
dog Bentley is okay.  He got into the trash
last night right before we were going to
 bed and ate some unmentionables and he
had to take a trip to the emergency vet 
clinic, at 11:30 at night. Her Dad (my hubby) offered to go with her since her hubby had
 to get up very early the next morning. 
Due to covid they still can't go in the vet
 clinic so they had to wait in the car. They
gave him something to make him vomit 
and hydrated him well and took an xray
to make sure there wasn't anything left
in his stomach.  He came bouncing in
 about 1:30 am as if nothing every 
happened, thank the Lord, and was
fine every since.

Thankful for a fun time doing some watercolor
painting as a family.  Hubby got me some new
watercolor pencils and accessories for my birthday so I brought them and we had our
very own art class,  we all did flowers, and
they came out pretty cool for the first time.

Thankful for a long and fun golf
cart ride around their neighborhood.
Just love their neighborhood, and 
love riding in the golf cart makes
me feel like a kid again.  lol

Thankful for this wonderful cream
 cheese and strawberry coffee cake,
 and Quiche, my Daughter always
 makes for us.  Both are so delicious.

Thankful that my Daughter was
able to be off the whole week,
which is always nice.

Thankful that we mostly ate out or got
 take out and did some cooking but not
 a lot, so we could just enjoy the time, 
as it goes by so quickly.


Thankful we found another restaurant that
we really liked, this time a bar-be-cue
place! It was some good eating, and it will
 be at the top of our favorites list now too.

Thankful also for brownie Sundaes
we made one night that were sooo

Well, that's it for our week at
 Cozy Place.  This is our vacation

Thanks for dropping by

Have a lovely weekend.

Love, Hugs and 
Mid April Blessings,


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  1. #1. Joy, joy, joy!
    #2. Wow, I'm thankful for the LORD's protection with all the traffic!
    #3. Fun time in the sunshine!
    #4. Does Fl. have the same restaurants?
    #5. You had a great fun time together!
    #6. Praise our LORD for Bentley now being well!
    #7. What fun you had with the water colors!
    #8. Golf club carts are so much fun!
    #9. How delicious!
    #10. How wonderful for her time off!
    #11. Not having to cook is always great!
    #12. I love barbeque!
    #13. Eats are always an enjoyable part of vacation!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Glad you had a great time with your daughter and SIL. Sorry about having to drive so long in the rain. Nerve racking I am sure. Happy Sunday. Have a wonderful new week ahead. xoxo

  3. Looks like a great time you had, Nellie, like you riding /driving in rain is not fun at all, thankful with you for a safe trip.
    This reminds me of when dh and I would visit our daughter in Texas, we ate very little meals at home because we like to shop and play games. ~smile~
    You certainly made some wonderful memories, and like you I also love getting back home and getting back to my routine. Thanks for sharing your beautiful Easter/ spring decorations.

  4. OH! I am so happy Bently id okay!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: