Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thankful Thursday May 13, 2021, Pictures of our porch re-fresh

For God is the King of all the earth;

 sing to him a psalm of praise. 

 God reigns over the nations; 

God is seated on his holy throne. 

Psalm 47:7-8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been a good week for you.

It has been a good week here, not a

lot going on this week, which is not

a bad we did get a few

things accomplished which we are

quite happy about anyway and

it has to do with this rug below..

Pictures today are from our 

finally finished porch redo

that we started in early Spring..

The cushions and pillows on the

swing were from my kids last 

year for Mother's day, I think

 it was. We put a fresh coat of paint

 on our swing my Father-in-law

made us as a housewarming present 

over 40 yrs. ago.

We pressured cleaned and put

a fresh coat of urethane on the

porch floor. Bought new rugs,

and regular bed pillow cases

that covered some older cushions,

which will be very easy to launder

if need be, and had the blue pitcher

and the hot pink flowers already.

So very happy to have it finished.

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful we finally repotted a large Scheffler

 plant we had moved off the porch into the yard,

  but it was not liking all the sunshine and heat,

so we found some pretty pots at Sams and

got her done on Saturday.  That baby was

really heavy, course, we made the mistake

of watering while it was still outside,  so

that didn't help any!  lol

Here she is below.  Her leaves should

turn a nice dark green as she is out

of the sun more.


Thankful to finally have finished our porch

re-do.  It was mostly done but needed to put

my new rugs down, that I got for my birthday

the end of March and our newly repotted 

plant.  Very happy with the results. Not

spectacular or anything, but looks great

to us.....


Thankful for a BLT Sandwich for breakfast

this morning.  Haven't made one of those

in years,  and it was really delicious.


Thankful that Lil darling and her Mom

are fine. Praise the Lord, as They were in a

 car accident this week, that may have

 totaled the car.  She is still waiting

to hear.


Thankful for a truly Wonderful

and blessed Mother's day from

morning to night.  My cup

is full an running over!!  lol


Thankful for all the cards and gifts

 from my family (even when my

Daughter can't be here, she always 

makes sure she does some special 

things for me, and I got to talk to her

several times as well.  Also thankful

 for unexpected text and facebook 

messages from other family and friends.


Thankful for the lovely dinner

made by hubby and our Son.

Filet Mignon, Corn, Salad,

Strawberry fluff, rolls, and

Strawberry lemonaid.

All my Favorites and every bite

was delicious, so much so. we

didn't even have dessert which

we will definitely have tonight,

Brownie Sundae's,

 Can hardly wait.  lol

Note: We had them and they

were awesome as always.


Thankful to have had over 5 hrs

to visit with just us, and our Son, 

  which has not happened in probably

 10 years for that length of time.

 So that was a huge blessings for 

this Mama.......and I think....

 for all of us really.


Thankful as always, for the delicious

feel of fresh linens on our bed.


Thankful to have had our lil 

Granddaughter for the whole day,

now that she is out of school.  We

will get to see her more now, so

we are happy about that.


Thankful for this adorable tablecloth

 I found quite by accident last year.

It was perfect with all the colors and

the tropical look, that added

 touch of whimsy to the porch.


Thankful that she was able to have

her lil friend from next door over

in the afternoon.  They haven't 

seen each other in a long time.

So they were overjoyed to see

each other,  so sweet!

Well, that's it for Cozy place this week.

Thanks for stopping in............

Hope you have a great rest of the week,

Love, Hugs, and early May Blessings,


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  1. Your porch is stunning! I love it. We have a small screened in porch with three comfy chairs. It's really nice to sit out and just watch the trees blow in the breeze.

  2. #1. GOD's creation of plants are so pretty! They sooth us to thank Him for His blessings!
    #2. I'm sure you are! I also am glad to get my work done. This time of the year I have the A/C and pest control people coming out to do their checks and inspections.
    #3. Yum, yum!
    #4. Praise you LORD, for protecting them!!!
    #5. You are a great mom and grandmom!!!
    #6. Blessings for a blessed mom!
    #7. And you didn't have to cook any of it, lol!
    #8. Praise the LORD for your wonderful time together!!!
    #9. Yes, it makes for a cozy sleep!
    #10. I'm sure she will greatly enjoy her visits too (memory makers!)
    #11. So beautiful to brighten up the area.
    #12. I'm sure they had a wonderful time together!
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: