Friday, May 28, 2021

Thankful Thursday May 27, 2021, Spring decor from the past #2

 For God is the King of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. 

Psalm 47:7-8

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a good

 end of the school year.....know it

is much different for many of

 you than in the past.  We have

been enjoying getting to see

our granddaughter for the

whole day again, and actually

have time to do things with her.

Cause typicallly we just get to

see her for a few hours after

 school, so not much time to do

 anything very involved, course,

we are just happy to see her

anytime for however long we

can have not com-

plaining, just saying!

Pictures today are from another

Spring Decor from the past.

So on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful for a trip to TJMaxx
and for dinner at our favorite
Mexican restaurant.

Thankful for how breezy and
 nice it has been here in Florida, 
with low humidity, even tho it
has been in the 80's this past 
week. It's very unusual for this
time of year, and we have been
so blessed to be able to enjoy
being in the yard and on the porch
 a lot.  This next week we are going
 into the 90's.....or at least that's 
what the weather report says! 
Will see if they are right!!  lol

Thankful for another big hurdle hubby
has accomplished with our card shop,
which is gonna be great when it is

Thankful we got to talk to the hubby
 of my friend that passed away back
 in February. We can tell he is having
 a tough time and are glad that he might come and visit her family that is here
 in Florida and her sister and hubby
 who only lives 1 1/2 hrs. away from
 us, and will probably stay with us
some too.

Thankful for a Good Morning
worship service, and then a
nice late lunch with my Son
and Granddaughter at his house.

Thankful that his (our Son's)
 leg is better, since he torn 
a muscle yesterday, so can't 
be walking on it a lot. Hopefully
 it will be well in a few days.
Update: all better now!

Thankful for a long chat
with my Daughter. Hoping
she might get to come in
June sometime.

Thankful for a clean home.
It stays pretty clean but we
did some spring type cleaning
this week, and just knowing
it is cleaner makes it some
how look better too.  lol

Thankful that I was able to
order some nice short out-
fits for lil darling this week
from Children's place, all
at a great price.

Note: In case you have never
 heard of the Children's place.
I really like that store because
they always have free shipping
and their prices are good and
even better when they have
a sale.  Also, I get no payment
or benefits from saying this,
I just really like them and think
they are worthy of a shout 
out!  lol

#10 and #11
Thankful for another fun
 day with lil darling.  She loves
pumpkin pie but never eats
the crust, so we made a
crustless pumpkin pie and
she did most of it with a lil
help from me, did quite a bit
of drawing from a how to
animal drawing book I have, 
she did a great job, you could
definitely tell what they were.
Played some wii.....did quite a
lot of reading today.
Thankful that her reading skills 
are are so good, I hardly had 
to help her, as She sounds things
 out really well on her own.
Afterward all that reading, she
 was very tired so took a 2 hr.
nap in the afternoon, then woke
up feeling better and did some
 more drawing, when her Daddy
 came so she could show him
 her new talent.  lol

Thankful for our backyard,
Our trees have grown so 
much that they give us a nice
canopy of shade, so we have
been enjoying sitting out there
so much because it is peaceful,
pretty and a simple pleasure
for sure.

Well, that's it for 
Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for coming by.

Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs, and 
End of May Blessings,

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  1. #1. Praise the LORD this pandemic is coming to an end!
    #2. Praise the LORD for a/c!
    #3. Praise the LORD for hubby's knowledge!
    #4. I pray the LORD's comfort and encouragement to him.
    #5. I praise the LORD for on-line streaming of the service! I pray they will attend church with you!
    #6. Praise the LORD for His healing to his leg!
    #7. I pray she can visit you in June!
    #8. Mine too! Since Dolly's passing, there isn't her shed fur all over the place! However I still surely miss her!
    #9. It's always great to find businesses that are convenient for us!
    #10 & #11. Great memory maker!
    #12. The backyard overgrowth is coming back! I will have to get Steve to bush hog it!
    Love you, Susan

  2. THe picture between 6 and 7 is so pretty. Have a wonderful Memorial weekend. xoxo


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: