Friday, May 21, 2021

Thankful Thursday May 20, 2021, Spring decor from the past

 For God is the King of all the earth;

sing to him a psalm of praise, 

 God reigns over the nations:

God is seated on his holy throne.

Psalm 47:7-8 NIV


Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you doing well.
It's been a fairly good week here,
with some bumps in the road. 
I've been better, but then I have
been worse too.   lol

Pictures today are from Spring Decor from the past.  Since we have another month of Spring left, thought it would be good.

So on with my thankfuls...........


Thankful for a fun night out browsing

at JoAnn's craft, and having din din

at Longhorn Steakhouse.


Thankful for our Gov. Ron DeSantis

and that he has lifted all the covid

restrictions.  Got to shop and dine

without a mask on Sunday...........yayyy!


Thankful for some more backyard

work we did today (Sat.) tree limb

cutting,  looks so much better.


Thankful for meeting a very sweet

young lady last Sunday at church

and we asked her if she wanted

to sit with us this Sunday, since

she was alone, as her children

 were in Children's church. She

accepted and seemed very happy

we asked, so was glad I asked.

Thankful for a lovely worship
service, and then lunch out with
our friends to Cracker Barrel.
Lots of fun.....

Thankful for a blouse I found
at Cracker Barrel.  I have
been looking for a Navy blouse
for a long time in the right shade
 of Navy, and just happened on it
Just love those finds when you 
aren't looking for them.......
Blessings dropped from heaven......

Thankful for a sweet card from
same friend above.

Thankful for a new marriage book
 we are reading which is generating
 a lot of good conversations between
hubby and I, and that's always a 

Thankful for some truth that has
 needed to be revealed to someone 
we love and it has finally happened, 
sad but unfortunately necessary.

Thankful for what was an emotional
surprise phone call from the Sister of
 my dear friend who passed away back
 in February. Wed. was not a good
day for me, and I was missing/wishing
 I could call my friend and talk to her
 cause she was a prayer warrior and
 always very positive and had wise 
advise or comments. She and her Sister
 were so much alike, and they even
 sound alike, so when I heard her voice 
on our voice mail I just had a melt
down, but felt like it was such a gift
from God.  We talked for hours and
it was such a blessing.

Thankful for another fun day
with our lil Granddaughter.
We played chick-fil-a drive
through had breakfast on
the porch as it was nice and
breezy, then played grocery 
store, hide and seek with stuffed
animals, she and hubby put
a bird house kit together, and
 she started painting it, watched
 some planet earth animal videos, 
and then in the later afternoon
 her lil friend nextdoor was able
 to come over and they played
drive thru again, and Grampy
 took the for a wagon ride, then 
we played restaurant, and we
 were the customers. A full day
of fun.....we are tired but happy

Thankful that my Son-in-loves
new nephew arrived safely and
Mom and Baby or doing well.


Well, that's all she wrote, for
Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for hanging out 

Love, Hugs,
and Mid May Blessings,

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  1. You are so blessed and I can see how thankful you are. Life is good. Happy Saturday. xoxo Kris

  2. So much to respond to, and I doubt that I will remember everything you wrote.

    First, what a blessing that you reached out to that lady at church. Sadly, people reaching out isn't something I see much of in churches these days. Last November, we left our longtime church, as our pastor had shut church down due to Covid. We didn't want to worship online, so we looked for another church. Although we've been going there since November, we know virtually no one. People tend to stay in their comfort zone with those they already know and don't reach out to new folks. (I've seen this in multiple churches through the years.) So, I thank the Lord that you guys reached out!

    Your day with your little grand sounds lovely. What a blessing that she lives nearby and that you guys get to spend regular time with her.

    I'm really glad you got to talk to your late friend's sister. I'm sure you were as much a comfort to her as she was to you.

    And see, I forgot what else I wanted to say. I will go back to the other page, read again, and leave another comment.


  3. Masks...our state's mask mandate has been lifted. Yesterday I went into 2 different places and the clerks were not wearing masks. What a joy it was to see faces for a change!!

    I love the Cracker Barrel store. They have such cute things, and now that I know my little grandchild is a girl, I need to go there to get a darling little dress I saw when I was there in March.

    What is the new marriage book you are reading?

    Have a great day, sweet friend!


  4. #1. What a a great time you spend with one another on your outings!
    #2. I thought that was if you had the vaccine.
    #3. I need to get Steve to bush hog the overgrowth slowly creeping up in the back yard!
    #4. The LORD bless your kindness to her.
    #5. I've been watching services on-line.
    #6. The LORD blesses "those who wait" to find your wants as well as needs!
    #7. It's always a joy to get "surprises" in the mail!
    #8. The LORD's Love and blessing on you both to draw you even closer!
    #9. I pray it is who I think it may be. My prayers have been and are being lifted up daily!
    #10. I pray the LORD's comfort for you both!
    #11. What a joy in sharing! Memory making in the process!
    #12. Praise the LORD!
    Love you, Susan

  5. Hi Patti,
    Thanks for the encouragement. She is a delightful young lady, and we are getting to know her
    more each week, and it has really been a blessing to us.
    and yes, we feel very blessed to be a part of Brooklyns life weekly and sometimes more. I think it was definitely a mutual blessings for my friends sister and myself. We plan to keep in touch more.

    I know isn't it so wonderful to see peoples faces again. A lot of store clerks are still wearing masks, don't really know why, guess there employers are making them. Most places we have been not many customers are still wearing them. Think it is just folks who really haven't studied up on the masks and what they can and can't do.

    Cracker barrel is definitely one of my fav places to eat and to shop. They have so many
    cute things and I feel their prices are very reasonable as well, and they have the cutest
    kids clothes as well, so better get on up there and by

    Hold me tight? It is an author from Canada named Dr. Sue Johnson. Don't think it is a christian book tho, as I don't recognize any of those who endorse the book, but so far, we
    think it's pretty good, and haven't disagreed with much of it. So will tell you more when
    we finish Sometimes you have to chew up the meat and spit out the bones, if you know what I mean. It's about something called Emotionally focused couples therapy.

    Well, hope you are doing well hon, and how is Gabrielle feeling these days? Good I hope.
    Take care sweetie and thanks for coming to visit,
    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: