Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,
Here is the verses for today!
I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.
Good Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,
Here is the verses for today!
I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you well and having
a good week. Been a good one here.
So will let my post do the talking.
Pictures today are of a Coastal Table
from the Past
On with my Thankfuls..............
Thankful that I read where one of our favorite
TV series is coming out with Season 5
at the end of August. It is called "Chesapeake
Shores" and it is a great series, great characters,
great storyline, and a wonderful distraction
for this time we are living
Thankful for "Buttermilk Pie". Walmart
carries them, so picked one up on Thurs.
evening. If you have never had it....
it's quite versatile, you can have it as is,
or with fruit on it or with chocolate,
or any type of syrup like that, and it's
absolutely delish. We have had it with
strawberries, and then Bananas with
some caramel syrup. yummy both ways!
Thankful to hear that my Daughter
has been hired to decorate someone's
beach cottage this Fall. She is very
excited and I am excited for her, as
this is something she really loves to do
and would like to make into a business.
(If you would like to see some of her
style of decorating) Just click here.
Thankful for the sweet young man that
is only 10 yrs. old but played the piano
this morning at church. He played
"I will sing of the goodness of God"
and did an amazing job of it as well.
No mistakes at all. It is so neat to see
these young children ministering, he
is also the child of the young pastor
who is filling in until our Pastor comes
back from sabbatical. Also, we had
a great message by our children's
pastor about leaving a legacy for our
children and grandchildren.
Thankful to find a new bathing suit
bottom, and return another one that
didn't work out.
Thankful for lunch at Carrabbas just
the 2 of us. Delicious as always, and we
have leftovers, always love that.
Our sidekicks have been gone on a
cruise this week and last week.
Her Dad is visiting his other daughter
so that gives them a chance to have
some free time to do somethings they
want to do. So glad they were able
to that, and look forward to hearing
about it next week.
Thankful for Rotisserie chickens that
we get at Sam's....they are really good,
and always so nice to have on hand,
as I can make a lot of things with it.
Thankful for the ability to read
and comprehend most of what I read.
Thankful for the things I get to read,
like my Bible, books, and magazines.
It is so relaxing to me to be able to
kick my feet up and read any of the
Thankful for a good Drs. visit with my
hubbies cardiologist. Everything looks
good, so don't need to see him again
till next August.
Thankful that afterwards we were able
to go to a fun store we enjoy called
"Adjectives" (it is full of vintage things
crafts, flowers, clothing, furniture
and more.) Such a fun and interesting
place. Then onto "Cheesecake Factory"
for dinner to continue our celebration.
We only do this once a year , (as it is a
1 hr. drive in very heavy traffic) and he
has his annual Drs. visit, so that makes
it a real treat for us.
Thankful we made it home safe and
sound cause just as we were leaving
cheesecake factory we were hit by a
very bad thunderstorm. Very heavy
rain, lightning and thunder every
which way we turned. So needless
to say we were happy to reach
our humble abode. lol
Well, that's it for cozy place this week.
Thanks for visiting with me,
and have a great rest of the week.
Keep Your Light Shining Brightly!
Love, Hugs, and
end of August Blessings,
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Pam's Party and Practical Tips
Happy Sunday Morning
Sweet Friends,
Here are the verses for today.
Luke 12:27 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
How's yall? Doing well I hope.
It has been quite a week.....with all the crazy stuff going on in our world and community, heartbreaking stuff. If it weren't for God's word and prayers we would surely be in the pit of despair, but God, we definitely have to keep our eyes on Him for sure.
Pictures today are of flowers, they always cheer me up, so hope they will do the same for you. My Thanks to "Unsplash" for the free pictures.
So on with my Thankfuls............
Thankful for the scripture verses and the funny things that others put on face book that make me laugh. The scriptures are a comfort and laughter is good for the soul.
Thankful for a special guest musician that joined in with our music team this week, he played the Saxophone.. and Wow! Very enjoyable.
Thankful for a fun time with our Son and lil darling on Sunday afternoon/evening. Having din din and playing the game of Life and wii bowling.
Thankful that 3 folks that had covid(all young men in their 40's) are all better now. Definitely answers to prayers of many.
Thankful that the young couple I wrote about a few weeks ago that were going to Paris, France, made it there safe and sound, and also made it to another city in France to go to language school. It was a 9 hr. drive and driving can really be treacherous in some areas of France plus they just learned to drive a stick shift as well. So we are praising the Lord for their safe arrival.
Thankful for our sweet, loving, thoughtful and beautiful Daughter, who is joy to her parents. Tuesday was her 37th Birthday. So Happy Birthday again DeeAnna.
Thankful for Hardee Burgers and onion rings for lunch. We got a Hardee's fast food place a few years ago, but we didn't like the buns they used for their burgers because they were sweet, and we asked if they had another type and they said yes but it was an upcharge and we really weren't that crazy about it either, so we just haven't gone there. But a few months ago we decided to just try it again hoping maybe something had changed, and much to our delight it had. Others must have not liked it either, so they have new buns now and their burgers are so much better, and they have always had great onion rings, so it's a nice treat to get their food every so often.
Thankful for God's sweet peace with all the turmoil that is going on in the world, and in our country and even right around us with covid and other sickness, and teachers and students going back to school.
Thankful that our Pastor has made a video on face book as a call to prayer for our church to be praying about it all....So wise.
Thankful for a picture I saw on face book of a child with a teacher. I knew this child since she was 3 yrs. old and have been friends with her family all those years since. She posted it because the teacher she had in school was now a teacher to her daughter. We know her teacher as well, as she used to attend our church for years. So was thinking how cool that was, and was reminded of the same situation I had in my own life. When I was in the 5th grade I had a nice Christian man who made a big impact on me, his name was Hoyt Cook, and my Mom had this same teacher when she was in the 5th grade. He was a good man and a good teacher. He would have us do the pledge of allegiance, recite the Lord's prayer and sing songs every morning. We sang the battle hymn of the republic, and many old songs, 2 had my name in them Nellie Bly, and Aunt Dinah's quilting party, (which used to embarass me, but in a good way). lol He also gave me my first Bible, a small pocket new testament, that I still have to this day because he was a Gideon, he also attended the Methodist church where I attended with my neighbors. So this was a lovely gift of rememberance for me.
Thankful for dear long time friends, that can call us or we can call them anytime, but such a privilege to have each other as prayer partners when we need them. That's a great thing about speaker phones today too, as that even a group can pray together over the phone. Love it.
Thankful that lil darling had a good first week at school. They moved her school to a new location and the drop off and pick up are quite different from what she was used to, and of course, the school building is different and then you have the normal angst of the unknown most all kids have so she was a bit bummed about it all, but she is feeling a lil better now that she has experienced it, and really likes that they have a bigger playground. Fortunately, she knows her new teacher and does have a lot of kids from her class from last year as well so that helps. Think she is just reacting out of having way too many changes in her life in the last year.
this week.
Hope you enjoyed the flowers,
I sure did.........
Have a peaceful week.
Love, Hugs, and
mid August Blessings,
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Happy Sunday Morning to you,
Here is the verse for today!
Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.
Psalm 40:5 NIV
So true, too many to declare.
Cause He is always at work
even when we can't see it.
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Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”
Revelation 7:12 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope you and yours are doing well. I'm sure many of you are sending your children back to school, since it is that time of the year. Lil darling will be going back next week and is a 3rd grader this year. Can hardly believe that...........time sure goes quickly these days.
Pictures today are from a past Birthday Table for our Daughter.
Thankful to hear our Daughter and hubby will (lord willing) be coming to visit later in the month.
Thankful our Son and Lil darling had a good time vacationing together, and with other friends as well. Which gave her some kid playing time.
#3 and 4
Thankful once again for our fill in Pastor, he knocked it out of the park this morning.
Thankful for our worship team at church, they do an outstanding job, and we especially like they that less than a year ago they added a violin player. She adds so much to the music and she did a special this morning with some soft company from the key board and drums. She played "It is well with my soul" and it was just so lovely. She is a cute lil teenager as well. Super job!
Thankful for a nice lunch out with our friends today, and it was great seeing he seems totally back to normal since his heart procedure. We did not expect that so soon. Awesome!
Thankful that our Son made it to Indiana for a job trip, and our Daughter and hubby made it to N.C. and back for a lil getaway.
Thankful that we can wake up from bad dreams and all is well. lol Had one this morning, and was so happy to wake up and know it wasn't real.
#8 and 9
Thankful for facebook and how it can be used to rally prayers for those in need. One of our former Pastors Son-in-law has a very bad case of covid and has been in the hospital probably for close to 2 weeks now fighting for his life, and it has been awesome to receive updates at least once or twice a day, and to know how things are going and the specific things we need to pray for, and also see how many people are praying for him, all over the world, and best of all seeing God answer so many prayers. We are all praying for complete healing and we are looking forward to that happening soon. So beyond Thankful for the gift of prayer.
Thankful to be in touch with a young woman that used to attend our church as a young child years ago. We were talking awhile back, and hadn't heard much from her until the last few days. Was glad to know things were okay.
Thankful for a number of new cards I made or am in process of making this week.
Thankful for a nice evening out, just running to the grocery store and to dollar tree for some school supplies to donate, and then doing a test run to lil darlings new school location, same school they just moved, and school starts next Tuesday, so we are getting prepared, then having din din at Texas Roadhouse.
Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.
Thanks for dropping by.....
Have a great weekend, hope you are
not near the area where the Tropical
Storm Fred is going, but if so,
we will be praying for everyone in
those areas.
Love, Hugs, and
Back to school Blessings,
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Good Sunday Morning to you!
Here is the verses for today!
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved
Romans 10:9-10 NIV.
Jesus truly is Lord over all.
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Praise be to his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen.
Psalm 72:19
Greetings Sweet Friends,
How has your week been? It's been rainy
all week here. Sure glad our roof is fixed! Altho, the guy does have to come back to do something he forgot to do, but will come as soon as the weather permits. So hopefully, next week, weather permitting. They have been an excellent Co. to work with, they do business according to the golden rule, and that has been so refreshing!!
Pictures today are of a past Coastal look at our house from some years back.
So on with my Thankfuls.....
Thankful for a really nice/fun visit from myfriend who is the new grandmother. We
had a delightful breakfast and good time
catching up on each other lives, since it has
been awhile since we have gotten together.
So we made a day of it! lol
Thankful for a delightful cake she made
and brought over as well. It was called a
"Snickerdoodle" bundt cake and it was
delicious! We had never had it before.
Thankful for my handy hubby. Our ice
maker was acting up again, and he was
able to try a different fix, that we are
hoping will last long term. or at least longer.
than the last time! lol
Thankful that my dear friends Son
made it to Turkey and back home safely.
A work trip but Kind of a scary trip given
the things going on over there right now.
Thankful for a fun time with our Son
and lil darling on Sunday, eating pizza and
salad and playing wii and Sorry......
Thankful for a good time out going
to Sams Club, Home Goods, 5-below,
and then out to eat with hubby at
Cracker Barrel
Thankful to have finally found a container
for a specific purpose, I have bought
several but they all turned out to be
too big, so had to take them back.
This one is actually like a lazy Susan,
too., Tried it out and it works great!!
Thankful that our friend, Bob, came through his heart procedure well and they were able to put a stent in, to completely clear a clogged artery, (that would have been open heart surgery in the past). He should be coming home tomorrow (Wed.). Amazing, God is so good!
Note: He came home on Thursday and is doing well, tired of course, but doing well.
Thankful that our Son took some time
off this week to spend with lil darling
before she goes back to school.
We missed her today, but glad she had
this time with her Daddy.
Thankful that I finished a card for my
Daughter as her birthday is coming up
in about 12 days, but it takes about 5
days for her to get it thru the mail,
so that's why I started so early.
Thankful for a long long chat with my Daughter over the phone. We haven't had much time to connect lately, so it was the next best thing to being with her, and we made a day of it.
Thankful that Noreen over at "Nananors blog" wrote on her blog recently about a new channel called "Up, Faith and Family". It is very similar to the Hallmark channel that we have watched for years now, so replaced it with "up, Faith and family" and are really enjoying it. Lots of new movies and they also have "Heartland" Season 14, which we really enjoy watching.
Great Series!
Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week...........
Glad you came by............
Keep Your Light Shining Brightly!
Love, Hugs and
First of August Blessings,
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