Thursday, August 5, 2021

Thankful Thursday August 5, 2021, and Coastal Decor from the past


Praise be to his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen.

Psalm 72:19

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How has your week been?  It's been rainy

 all week here.  Sure glad our roof is fixed!  Altho, the guy does have to come back to do something he forgot to do,  but wilcome as soon as the weather permits. So hopefully, next week, weather permitting. They have been an excellent Co. to work with, they do business according to the golden rule, and that has been so refreshing!!

Pictures today are of a past Coastal look at our house from some years back.

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful for a really nice/fun visit from myfriend who is the new grandmother.  We

had a delightful breakfast and good time

catching up on each other lives, since it has

been awhile since we have gotten together.

So we made a day of it!  lol


Thankful for a delightful cake she made

and brought over as well.  It was called a

 "Snickerdoodle" bundt cake and it was 

delicious!  We had never had it before.


Thankful for my handy hubby.  Our ice

maker was acting up again,  and he was

able to try a different fix,  that we are

hoping will last long term. or at least longer.

than the last time!  lol


Thankful that my dear friends Son

made it to Turkey and back home safely.

 A work trip but Kind of a scary trip given

 the things going on over there right now.


Thankful for a fun time with our Son

and lil darling on Sunday, eating pizza and

salad and playing wii and Sorry......  


Thankful for a good time out going

to Sams Club, Home Goods, 5-below,

and then out to eat with hubby at

Cracker Barrel


Thankful to have finally found a container

for a specific purpose, I have bought

 several but they all turned out to be

 too big, so had to take them back. 

This one is actually like a lazy Susan,

too., Tried it out and it works great!!


Thankful that our friend, Bob, came through his heart procedure well and they were able to put a stent in, to completely clear a clogged artery, (that would have been open heart surgery in the past).  He should be coming home tomorrow (Wed.).  Amazing, God is so good!

Note: He came home on Thursday and is doing well, tired of course, but doing well.


Thankful that our Son took some time

off this week to spend with lil darling

before she goes back to school.

We missed her today, but glad she had

this time with her Daddy.


Thankful that I finished a card for my

Daughter as her birthday is coming up

in about 12 days, but it takes about 5

days for her to get it thru the mail,

so that's why I started so early.


Thankful for a long long chat with my Daughter over the phone.  We haven't had much time to connect lately,  so it was the next best thing to being with her, and we made a day of it.


Thankful that Noreen over at "Nananors blog" wrote on her blog recently about a new channel called "Up, Faith and Family".  It is very similar to the Hallmark channel that we have watched for years now,  so replaced it with "up, Faith and family" and are really enjoying it.  Lots of new movies and they also have "Heartland"  Season 14, which we really enjoy watching. 

 Great Series!

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week...........

Glad you came by............

Keep Your Light Shining Brightly!

Love, Hugs and

First of August Blessings,


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  1. You have lots of beautiful things to be thankful for and that bundt cake does sound delish. How nice was that to receive. Happy Weekend. xoxo Kris

  2. Hi Kris,
    Always nice to hear from you hon and thanks for your encouraging comments.
    Yes, it was very nice to receive, and well enjoyed I might add.
    Have a lovely weekend as well.

  3. #1. Praise the LORD for your time together!
    #2. I enjoy anything with "snickers" in it, ha!
    #3. Praise the LORD, for giving him the talent to fix things! I still am praising the LORD for his fixing of my outside faucet!
    #4. Praise the LORD for His protection over him!
    #5. Praise the LORD for your time together!
    #6. Praise the LORD for protecting you as you were out!
    #7. It's always great to find what is needed!
    #8. Yes, GOD is so goo. I pray the LORD continue working in his life.
    #9. Praise the LORD for their time together!
    #10. She will greatly enjoy your card!
    #11. I know you each enjoyed your time together!
    #12. I'm so glad for enjoyable series!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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