Sunday, September 12, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!

The LORD is gracious and compassionate, 

slow to anger and rich in love. 

 The LORD is good to all; 
he has compassion on all he has made.

 Psalms 145:8-9 NIV

Have a Lovely Sunday,

Hugs, Nellie

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  1. I love Psalm 145! Last year, I set a goal to memorize the entire psalm, and I did it. Now, all 21 verses are hidden in my heart.

    No baby yet...due date is October 1st, but we think she will go early. Maybe next week?


  2. Hi Hon,
    That's great you memorized all of Psalm 145. Awesome.

    So she has another few weeks then. Prayed for her this morning and was wondering cause I thought you said she was due in the Fall was thinking September. So we will keep praying,
    let us know when baby girl arrives....I bet Mom is ready....

    You are gonna love being a grandmother........and you are gonna be a super Grandm!!

    Love and Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: