Sunday, January 30, 2022

Scripture Sunday


Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

Do not be overcome by evil, 

but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:21 NIV

Have a Warm and Cozy Sunday

Hugs and Blessings,


Sharing with:

A stroll thru life

Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

Friday, January 28, 2022

Thankful Thursday January 27, 2022, Winter/Valentines decorating from the past

Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard;

Psalm 66:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you feeling and doing well.

I can honestly say that is us, in the last few days

Praise the Lord!!

I have just been getting the house back together,

  and looking forward to seeing lil darling

 today.......but my Son called a few hours ago and

 said, he was on the way to get her from school

 early cause she isn't feeling well and has a

 headache.  Which is how I started with this stuff, 

 so hoping and praying she doesn't have what we

 had. If she does, when are thankful to be able to

say she didn't get it from us. 

 So to say we are disappointed would be an

 understatement, cause we haven't been able

 to see her for over 3 weeks mostly cause we

 were sick. We were suppose to have her

 tomorrow so guess we will see what

 tomorrow brings.

Pictures are from Cozy Place Winter Decor

 from the past.

So on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful for another Sweet Friend, this time

 from church who called and asked if we needed

 some meals. Altho we didn't need to take her

 up on was still lovely and encouraging

 to us that she asked and called out of concern.


Thankful my cut is healing quite well.

Note:  Just about healed completely.


Thankful that today I felt pretty much like my

old self, and didn't wear out quite as much, so

hopefully coming to the end of this stuff.


Thankful to have a lil creativity today,  and got

 a lil done on putting the house back together,  and

 started a few Valentines cards.  So yippee for that!


Thankful that a number of people we have been

praying for that were sick, are now doing fine.

Always encouraging to hear.


Thankful we have survived a cold, flu or covid

 or  whatever it was, with Prayers, vitamins,

 hydration, rest and sleep, eating well and our

 oximeter, and staying home.  We had a few bad

 days, while we were running a fever,  but after

 that it was just being tired and coughing.  So we

 weren't feeling great but we weren't feeling

 horrible either, but very Thankful to be feeling

 good again, as it seems like an eternity since 

we have been feeling somewhat normal.


Thankful to wake up to 36 degrees and frosted

roofs and lawns.  Winter has officially arrived

in my mind, anyway, as we rarely go into the

low 30's, here in Florida, think we were maybe

 33-34 during the night.  It is a bright clear 

blue sky day too........gorgeous out!

Note:  Sat. night we are going to 27 degrees,

it has been many many years since that has

happened here.


Thankful to get out of the House.  We took

a ride to a nearby beach town my daughter

had told us about,  just to look at the houses

 and just see a different change of scenery. 

 It was lovely....then we went to our fav Mexican

 restaurant and to TJ Maxx, then came home

to watch a movie called "Candy Coated

Christmas".  We wanted to watch it cause 

Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond was an extra

in the movie.  It was cute, and she did a great

job,  her name was BEE, and she was truly

just herself.  Love that!  What you see is what

you get......


Thankful that I am finally getting our house

 back to normal, still have a bit more to go, 

but just about there. Finished the living

room today, it is decorated for Valentines

day, and just have a few things to finish

in the dining room and I will be done!



Thankful for a quote I heard that I think

 is so funny, but I also think is true.

 Laurie Crouch said it is what her hubby, 

Matt says about her magnifying mirror....

"He calls it the accuser of the brethren".

Think about it....isn't that so true,  we 

look in it and think oh my heavens, and

forget that is not what we really look

like or what others see. A big lie....Exactly

 what the accuser of the brethren

 (the enemy) tell us, so many times about

 ourselves or situations. 

Great description!


Thankful for a sweet and gregarious 

young man, probably in his mid twenties,

I would say,  who started a conversation

with us when we were in line at Wally

World. He was just such a wonderful

breathe of fresh air.  We loved it!

A very nice human being.........


Thankful to run a few errands we needed

to do, and for dinner out at Longhorn

Steak house.  Mostly dinner was great but

for some reason some things are just tasting

very salty to me at times, but fortunately

didn't ruin my dinner tho.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this

week.  This is the Winter Decorating

Edition.   lol   I will probably show

you some pics next week.

Thanks for dropping in.....


Have a lovely rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and last of 

January Blessings,


Sharing with:

A stroll thru life

Karins Kottage

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Scripture Sunday


Good Sunday Morning to you

Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him,

 on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,

Psalm 33:22  NIV

Have a Very Blessed Week!

Hugs, Nellie

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Thankful Thursday January 20, 2022, Valentine's decorating from the past

 For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for your name is good.

Psalm 52:9 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well.  We are still

on the mend over here, we are on day 11 and

this stuff seems to really like us, and doesn't

seem to be budging, altho we are not feeling

horrible, we are not feeling great either, but

we do have some good moments.

Pictures today are from Winter/Valentine's decorating

 from the past!  I needed the inspiration!!,,   lol  

So on with my Thankfuls....


Thankful that even tho it took us all day, cause we are still recooping and have to rest in between doing things, because we wear out fast... We managed to open all the windows to air out the house, wash and replace all our bedding, wash our throws as they are germy too, change our A/C filter and spray the house with lysol,  and sit outside for a lil bit............and hubby was able to take down the outdoor Christmas lights. We just were bummed we didn't get to watch lil darling cause we didn't want her to catch what we have......we think it was just the flu.  So hopefully we were able to chase away all the germs and maybe we can see her and our Son on Sunday.

Note: Unfortunately not, cause we were sitll not feeling great and didn't want them to catch it.  Also even with all that degerming it didn't seem to help us at all.


Thankful for our Sweet neighbors who knew we were sick so she made us a huge pot of veggie soup and it is always so delicious, and I was thinking about trying to make some but didn't have the ingredients and didn't have the energy anyway, She called this afternoon and told me she was making it and that her hubby would bring it over when he got home, and her soup is way better anyway.........So what a blessing!


Thankful that we got to talk on the phone with our Son and lil darling since we couldn't see them.  It actually made us both feel better............


Thankful for a nice long phone chat with our Daughter as well. That cheered me up too,  hubby was taking a nap, so he missed out. lol


Thankful for a comfy bed, and lots of sleep.


Thankful for take out from Tijuana flats on Tuesday night. 

 I got their Chicken Bowl and I can't even tell you how good

it was.........maybe cause I was so hungry or just cause my

 appetite was coming back, but it was pure heaven.....

not kidding!!


Thankful to have gotten 100% of our Christmas

decor down and 75% of it packed away, before

we were just too tired to do anymore!  lol

It will be waiting for us tomorrow (Wed.)

Note:  It is now all happily tucked away 

until next Year!   Yea!!!


Thankful for instacart, we have pressed it into

service twice this month.  Such a blessing when

you are feeling bad and also don't want to

give your sickness to anyone else.


Thankful for the inner direction of the spirit of God.

There is a Detective show we have watched a few times and

it seems like a clean nice show and even has a dog that is so

cute, but I woke up during the night thinking about stuff

that happened on there,  nothing graphic, just creepy

thoughts about a murder and how it was done and stuff,

that left me feeling unsettled, so decided it was an open

 door to get to my peace,  so a door best left shut.


Thankful to hear from another long time friend who is

a dear heart. and sent me some pics of she and her

family on facebook.  She even has 2 great grandchildren.

So lovely to see your family all grown up, and always

sweet to hear from old and dear friends.

  Thanks Barbara,

#11 and 12

Thankful that I didn't have to go to the emergency room 

last night, as I was in process of making waldorf salad

and chopping apples with a new knife I bought a few 

weeks back, and had just commented to hubby how

quick and easy it was chopping the apples with the

new sharp knife and started in on the celery but when

I went to wash the celery I  had the celery in one

hand and the knife in the other and don't really know

 how I did it, but I cut about an inch long but deep

 gash at the bottom of my thumb which was bleeding

a lot, but we finally got it stopped, so very thankful

for that, and the fact, I cut it on my thumb and not

on the fleshy part between my thumb and forefinger

as that probably would have needed stitches as it

would be a much harder area to heal.

Well, That's it for cozy place this week, 

 this is the Sickie

Thanks for coming by,

Have a Wonderful rest of the week.

Love, Hugs, and Healthy Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Most Viewed Blog Posts from July through December of 2021.

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and enjoying the New Year!

Can't say that is true for us yet!!  lol  We are still trying

to get over whatever this is.......still very tired and now

I have developed a loose cough, and hubbies dry cough 

has turned into a loose cough a few days ago and

he is coughing way less now, so hoping since I am 2

days behind him on when mine started, we are hoping

 this means we are on the way out of this virus

Trying to get the rest of our Christmas decorations down

today, I was gonna leave part of them up cause we were

 supposed to leave for my Daughters in SC yesterday, 

for a week, but the Lord was not willing!! lol  

but we know that Father knows best, and we also were 

encouraged to know that our Daughter is going to come 

in February to see one of her best friends for her 

birthday and of course, plans to spend a few days

 with us as well,  so that made us feel a lot better, and

 we can hopefully plan another trip in the next few months.

Well, Here is the 2nd half of the yearly 

Most Viewed Posts.  Hope you enjoy!

July 2021

Click Here.

 August 2021

Click Here

September 2021

Click Here

October 202l

Click Here

November 2021

Click Here

December 2021

Click Here

Well, there you have it.

Hope you have a delightful day!

Thanks for stopping by,

Love, Hugs,  and

Healthy Blessings to you all,


Sharing with:

A Stoll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

April J Harris

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Scripture Sunday


Happy Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10 NIV

Lets remember to ask God for

His strength and His courage.



Sharing with:

A Stoll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

April J Harris

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday January 13, 2022, and Winter Decor from the past........

He put a new song in my mouth, 
a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see
 and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.
 Psalms 40:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends

Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

I am gonna be short in my opening today

as you will see why on # 10..........

Pics to are of Winter Decor from the past.

Sorry some of these are so blurry but had

 a dickens of a time pulling them out

 of my google pic storage, and just

 didn't have the energy to find others.


Thankful for dinner out with hubby

to Outback Steak house,  we were fianlly

able to get in this week,  no wait.

Dinner was lovely.....


Thankful hubby found a Ree Drummond

Cookbook at Sams.  In case you don't know

who she is....She is " Pioneer Woman" and

I used to love watching her show,  but 

guess they took it off the air,  but she

was a judge on the Christmas cookie

Challenge show we watched, and she is

a very kind lady which made us want

to buy her book,  lots of family photos

were included, so can't wait to spend

some time looking at it.  We did look 

at the first chapter on breakfast, and

 it was good, made us decide to make

some sweet potato pancakes, my recipe,

but inspiring none the less. We loved

 all the pics she has of her family

 throughout the book,  charming!


Thankful for a really lovely day with

lil darling.  Got to hear about her

version of the camping trip, and also

about a field trip this week to Legoland.

Also, we had her fav breakfast, played

Sorry and a new game hubby found

at Marshalls called Tree-opoly.  It is like

Monopoly in some ways,  but she was

bored with it ( and was trying to put my

hair up with clips) in less than 20 mins.

 and honestly so was   She painted

some sun catchers for her parents so

we are gonna put them up as a gift

for Valentines Day,  then we watched

a couple of holiday dessert challenges,

took some wagon rides, while singing

Christmas songs, and then played

restaurant.  We are the customers

and she is gonna make one great

server when she grows up.  lol

Every time we play that she adds

some new thing she learned.  This

week it was "I will text you when 

your table is ready".. lol  She is

such a hoot, and it was so great

to see her as it had been almost 

two weeks.  


Thankful that I finally got the bug to start

taking my Christmas Decorations down.

I am not taking it all down just the stuff

that looks really Cristmasy, am leaving

anything that might look like Winter.


Thankful that my hubby now makes us

breakfast a few times a week.  Love it.

He makes scrambled eggs and bacon

when we have lil darling cause she loves

his scrambled eggs, and he makes break

fast sandwiches for us, on cheesy bagels,

It's all yummy and especially yummy

 since I don't have to do  


Thankful for the "Jesus Calling" devotional

book by Sarah Young.  I have read it a

number of times, and it always speaks to we decided to do it together for

the year!  


Thankful for Chicken Salad.....I made

some today and it has been since Summer

since I have made it, and was delish

as always, one of my favorite sandwiches.

I put it on toasted Ciabatti bread. Um Um!

Want to see the recipe  Click Here


Thankful I am feeling much better the

last few days. On Sunday hubby and I

both started to feel like we were getting

colds again.  He is still  feeling about

the same but not coughing as much, so

far today.

#9 and 10

Thankful that I am feeling way better

than the last few days since I wrote

#8,  I started running a fever on Tues.

and Wed. and had a bad headache and

body aches, but my fever finally broke

during the night, so am feeling way better 

today,  just still weak and tired but that

is way better than with the fever and all

that goes with it, So much for thinking

 I had escaped it.  On the Plus side

I lost 2  Hubby has lost

about 6pds, just hasn't had a lot of

appetite since he was sick, but he has

been feeling better since about Tuesday.

Thankful that we weren't both sick at

 the same time so we could take care

 of each other.........


Thankful for My Daughter, Neighbor

and young lady from church who

offered to help us if we needed any

thing. My Daughter text us and said

Mom if you need anything from Publix

cough drops, cough syrup or soup

or anything I will send it to you. She

lives in SC and has insta-cart and we 

do too,  but thought her offer was so

 sweet and thoughtful. She's a gem!


Thankful for all those who are praying

for us, and some who are checking on us 

daily thru texting to see how we are 

coming along. That means so much.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place today.....

Have a Wonderful rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and 

Healthy  Blessings to You!!


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Imparting Grace

A Stoll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...